Seriously, I need some body guards, Kidnapped again -,-

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The winner is!!!... Jokes you gotta wait until the end of the chapter XP



I'm thinking I should make the intro Authors note really long... muhahahaha 

Nahhhh I'll let y'alls read
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ava's P.O.V~

My vision was blurry and I had a mad ass headache, and the bright light coming from the window wasn't helping. I tried to stand up and hide away from the brightness, but I was chained down. REALLY MORE FUCKING CHAINS!?!?!? 

I growl out "Who the fuck would want to kidnap me?!?!?! I'm nothing fucking special!!!! Can Somebody Please GET! RID! OF! THIS! FUCKING! LIGHT!!!!" I growled harshly and rattle around in the chains

I growl and rattle around more, I hear light snapping of the chains and I smirk. I rattle even more, and one hand is free. 

"Once I'm out of these chains, somebody is gunna pay!" I say harshly as I take off the chains to my other hand, lastly is the feet and stomach chain.

I am too focused to realize that some one has walked in and was chuckling slightly. I looked up, and growled at the kidnapper. 

"Woah, I don't know what Ace, your 'lover' did to you. But no need to go all animalistic." a curly headed guy said raising his hands in surrender.

"Who are you? Why do I feel like I know you?" I asked harshly

The curly headed guy took a step back in shock "Y-you don't remember me?..." He asked with pain dripping from every word

It pained me to know that I caused his pain. But I don't understand why, Ace is my mate... Right? "Of fucking course I don't remember you!" I growled out in confusion getting angrier by the second "Why the fuck don't I remember anything!?!?!? WHAT! THE! ACTUAL! FUCK! IS! GOING! ON!?!?!?!?" 

"Ava, babe, Calm down" The curly headed guy pleaded

"DON'T CALL ME BABE! AND DEFINITELY DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!!" I growled pulling against the chains even harder to the point where it hurt. 

"Ava, Please..." he begged with puppy dog eyes

I stopped tugging "W-what is your name?" I asked feeling a wave of calmness wash over me 

"My name is Harry, I am one of your five mates. We have already marked each other..." He said a little bit hurt at the end 

Harry walked towards me and poked a part of my neck "I marked you right there" He leaned down and kissed the mark, which unfortunately put me into a mini frenzy.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

 I couldn't stand to see my mate all chained down, and loco-bat-shit crazy. I slipped away, into the cellar, where we keep all of our alcohol, most of it has some affects on werewolves. But it'll have to do for now. I started to drink, quickly, I wanted to be drunk now. I looked over to the door and lazily smiled, they wontt come lookin' for me when Ava is bat-shit cra-z-y. Just as I finished that thought I heard foot steps downstairs and towards the door, I looked up and my smiled slowly kinda faded. Standing in the door way, I think was either Louissss, or Liamm... Meh, both their names start with a L... Close enough right??? I saw him shake his head as he walked in, but as he walked in, another one of him came in too... so much for drinkin' alone Zayn... Way to gooo

~Liam's P.O.V~

I heard someone go downstairs, but I would have to check on that later. Ava was having a frenzy... and I know Harry wont be able to handle it. So I took him out of the room to let Ava calm down. There, killing two birds with one stone, I slightly smiled at myself for using that expression, I am so clever. Now, to see who went downstairs... I attempted to sneak down the stairs, but Louis had different plans and followed me, stomping down the stairs. I turned and gave him a dissaproving look, and and he just smiled lightly.  I shook my head, and continued on with my quest. I came to the cellar door, and it was slightly open... we make sure to keep it shut. I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes.

~Louis's P.O.V~
When Liam opened the door, he stood there shocked, I moved around Liam and saw Zayn, totally drunk and sitting on the floor scowling at us in his drunken haze. 

"Zayn?" I asked 

"y-yeah buddayyy? What's up? Care to joinn the par-tayy?" He laughed 

"Bro, What are you doing? You promised not to drink until we all marked Ava" I said dissapointed

"Well, I b-r-o-k-e that promiseee" He said kinda sassily 

"Zayn, You know when you are drunk its harder to keep down your wolf" I scolded him

"RAWR Bytch! poof Imma wolf" He faked growled

"Zayn, You are not being funny" I surpressed a laugh 

"Bytch I'm fabulous, I don't need to be funnyyyy... Duhhhh" He laughed

I facepalmed "Gosh Zayn, What are we going to do with you?" 

"Havee aa parrrrtayyy, and get some food, and have our mate, and get some nice lighting going...." Zayn rambled on, taking sips of his drink 

I walked up to him and took the bottle from him and said "I hope you get a mad hangover bro" As I started to pick him up and guide him to his room, dodging around the half stunned Liam 

"Yoooo, Liammm! snap outta it broski" Zayn slurred while lightly patting Liams cheeks and laughed 

I shook my head and continued to lead him to his room. Once we got into his room I placed him in his bed and shut the blinds. I went to go walk out.

But then Zayn spoke up "cannn you t-tuckk me inn?" 

"Uggghh, Finee" I complained 

I walked over to his bed, and started to lightly tuck him in, when he pulled me into his bed and yelled "TICKLE FIGHT" as he started his assault. 

"No! ZAYN! Bad ZAYN!" I laughed "Zaynnnnn Stahppppp!!!" I squirmed around 

He just shook his head and continued on. 

"Zayn, If you don't stop imma tell Liam" I laughed even harder 

And suddenly the tickling stopped. I quickly got off of the bed, and scowled down at him.

"Again, have fun in the morning bro." I said as I shut off the lights, making sure no light was in the room before leaving

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~

So there you have it another chapter!!!

I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY for the long wait! I kinda forgot about it, please don't hate me


Anywhore, the winner is *Drum role please*...






You should definitely go follow her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and so, as promised niallsgurl1 , I shall follow you and vote for one of your books, and message you!!!

Sorry to the other contestants, I promise you I legit did a draw.

I will be doing a couple more of these to do not worry!!!

Peace~Nadia out!!! 030 

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