Merp... Can't breath!!!!

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~Authors note~

So hello! 

Today has been fun filled with laughter for me, So I decided;


So here,

Enjoy (Insert a creepy face here)

Im joking about the creepy face...... maybe.... 


Still to lazy to do a recap though....


~Avas P.O.V~ 

Me and Niall were about to go home, so I was packing my stuff. I was jamming out to my music, when when someone hugged me, I tensed up. Only to realize that it was Niall... Of course. I smiled and wiggled out of his hold and went grabbed my stuff, winking at him in the process, and skipped down the stairs. I hid in a little door I found, and didn't make a sound. I heard him walk down the stairs and I knew he now knew where I was.... Darn I forgot about the mark thingy!!! I ninja rolled out of the place and ran outside and laughed like a maniac. 

"Ava, what are you doi-" Niall started 

"Quiet PEASANT!" I laughed and cut him off

"Ohhh hells nahhh" He sassed and tackled me 

"Merrr....... Can't. Breath. Peasant." I gasped

"Muhahahahha, I am not a peasant, say it!!!" He said

"Never! I'd rather DIE!!!!" I protested

"Fine" He smirked and didn't budge 

So I pretended to get knocked out, Partially so then I wouldn't have to walk all the way to the jet...

"Ahahaha-Oh SHIT AVA??!!" He panicked and carried me to the jet and sat me in a chair, staring at me worriedly 

"Ahahahah, Peasant" I smirked 

"Ava! Don't you Ever Do That!!!" Niall scolded me and pulled me into a really tight hug 

"Okayy, Muscles, take it easy..." I said actually running out of air

"Oh... Sorry..." He said blushing slightly 

I smiled tiredly at him and slowly started to fall asleep

"Night princess" He said softly 

"Night Peasant" I smirked as I fell asleep"

~Harry's P.O.V~ 

My wolf was on edge, I knew rogues were near, probably right in the nearest bush.... My ears and eyes were scanning for ANY danger. I heard another twig break and I looked over towards the sound. I growled loudly, Letting the rogues that I am not putting up with this and letting them live. I looked over at Louis, and he had a blank expression. I kinda shrugged that off, and focused back on the situation. 

We were about to start walking when a single Rogue popped out of the bushed and fiercely growled and snapped at me, I growled and took him down easily, he struggled to get free, but I just bit down harder into his neck, Tasting the metallic blood taste flood into my mouth. Its body became limp and I knew it was dead, I looked back up and saw Louis just finishing off one too. He growled and I nodded, we took the deep and thick forest way back, easily losing any of the rogues if they were following us, Once we saw our house, we ran faster and walked inside, quickly shifting and changing back into clothes. 

I was tired, so I went up to my room and passed out from exhaustion. 

~Liam's P.O.V~

Ava was coming home today! Me and my wolf were waiting impatiently. Sitting at the front of the house by the stairs waiting for the limo to come down our well-hidden driveway. I had heard that Louis and Harry had come home safely, which took a little bit of my stress off my shoulders...

I started to hum a random tune, and Lightly swayed to it...

I hadn't noticed Zayn had come and sat beside me, Joining in with my humming. I stopped and looked over at him, I opened my mouth to say something, but I stopped and stayed silent.

"What is it, Liam?" Zayn asked politely 

"No, don't worry its nothing" I said waving it away with my hand

"Okayy.."Zayn said obviously not believing me

I sighed and looked up at the skies "Don't you ever wonder what actually happened to Ava's parents?"

"Yeah, Kinda I guess, But thats for her to know, and if she knew and wanted to tell us she would....." Zayn said slowly as if choosing his words carefully 

"True....." I agreed with him

I started to hum again but this time it was a song ( King and lionheart by Monsters of men) To me that song was kinda relaxing........ 

I heard Zayn join in, and I slightly smiled to myself......

I couldn't wait for Ava to get home.....



So I would really like all of you peoples to look up Buttered_Pretzels   !!!! You can basically thank her for the update!!! Because she really motivated me to write another chapter... So you should probably go check out her books and follow her (Not in real life!!! THAT IS CREEPY) And vote  for her books!!! She is an amazing person and a very creative person! So there you go Shelby!! This chapter goes out to you!!!! Thanks!!! What are you doing!?!?!? GO FOLLOW HER!!! 


Comment? Vote? Message me?!?!?!? I love talking to people, especially if you want to talk to someone about anything, I am here, so yeah....

Peace~Nadia out!!! 030

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