The Final Battle->51

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Part 1: Nikki's POV

After the speech I gave, and watching AG unplug herself, those of us left suited up. Loki used some weird telepathic thing he had with Cecile to figure out that everyone was in the realistic universe, where Bree had originated.

So, we travelled there. The trip was boring, so I will skip to the good part.

As the plane landed, Pepper was sent out in her Rescue suit, to scout out the perimeter. When she returned, she said that only a few IronMan Super Soldiers had been made, and that she could probably take out the gunman on her and get Tony back.

We then sat down and finalized our plan. Katrina would be the first to go in. Katrina would turn into a mouse, and scurry her way into the area where they were holding Thor and David, and unplug the machines. Nathan, Natasha, Grant, and Triplett would go all assassin on the guards for Bree, Clint, Skye, and Maya, and then the rest of them would go fight against the IronMan Super Soldiers preparing to destroy the world. They would be led by Pepper, who should be already done locking up the gunman, or throwing him in another universe, or something.

When the IronMan Super Soldiers and the 'Villains' were occupied, Loki would transport to Cecile. After that, the two of them would find Bruce, and they would tell Bruce to find AJ. I only had one mission after Katrina went into the building.

Finding, and saving my fiancé.

Katrina walked off leaving the group behind. I boarded my TARDIS and set the coordinates to Steve. I pressed a few buttons, spun a few dials, and listened as the TARDIS dematerialized. I grabbed a tranquilizer gun, and walked outside.

Steve lay, looking almost sickly, on a lab table. I checked the computer, and 20% of the serum had been extracted. I searched for something to send it back, and but I couldn't find it. I attempted to reprogram it, and it took me almost ten minutes, but it began to send the serum back into him.

He cried out in pain, and I held his hand. "Come on, come on.." I whispered.

The computer announced that the transaction was complete, and Steve breathed evenly. "Nikki?" He whispered. I nodded, smiled, and hugged him.

He was safe, and everything was good.

Part 2: David's POV

Katrina didn't mind me like this. Katrina liked me like this. She liked me like this! I glanced at the screen next to me, announcing that my powers had been successfully extracted. It pained me, but I was okay with being myself, for once in my life.

A mouse scurried past my feet, and I smiled at it. Then it transformed into Katrina. She unplugged my machine and Thor's. Thor hadn't had much drained, so he was okay.

Katrina embraced me as I stood up. "Hey!" I said, excitedly. Her arms squeezed me tighter. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "But they took your shapeshifting abilities!" She exclaimed.

I shrugged. "You like me this way, right?" Katrina nodded. "Then it's fine by me."

Katrina smiled, and sent a signal to the team that she was in. In a few moments, Jane burst through the door and ran into Thor's arms. The two of them cried and hugged, and the world was sweet.

I had fallen head over heels for Katrina. And it made me so happy.

Part 3: Nathan's POV

After Katrina gave the heads up, I rounded up my team. Triplett, Natasha, Grant and I didnt really like this, 'steal your loved ones' thing.

This was why it was a weakness. Grant and I were at the head of your group. "They touch Skye, I murder them." Grant muttered angrily. "They touch Bree, I murder them." I replied. Grant smiled a little bit, and nodded. I smiled a bit back. Look at that, two girls have brought me and my brother to the point where we can tolerate one another. Good job Bree. Good job Skye.

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