Remember Me ->30

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-Nikki's Point of View-

Sharon Carter. The niece of one of the founders of SHIELD, a brave SHIELD agent, and a woman who could take over the world if she put her mind to it.

So basically, I'm dead.

Sharon must have had this revenge planned out for ages, because it was all planned perfectly. Steve had been injected with a serum that made him love her. He called me alien scum.

And now I sat in a small room, watching as Sharon speaks to Steve, and he is robbed of his free will over and over again.

"Nikki, I'm really sorry this all ha to happen. Actually, I'm not. Steve is finally mine, well he was always mine, but you got in the way for a few moments. That's your fault." Sharon then leaned to Steve and whispered something in his ear.

Steve nodded, and walked up to me. His fist connected with my face, and he grabbed my wrist and yanked off the engagement ring on my finger. I stumbled to the ground, completely confused and completely heartbroken.

Steve spun around and placed the ring on Sharon's finger. Sharon giggled girlishly and threw her head back. "Oh Steve, I thought you'd never ask."

After this sudden and annoying decision, Sharon turned on a small television across from me. "So, Darcy and the Rosses are torturing your besties, so I thought you might want to see what was happening to them. I only got a little security footage from AJ and Bruce's, because their room was destroyed after the torture begun. So, enjoy." She said every word in such a sweet tone, that it seemed too sweet. I decided then and there that she was evil, and that I would probably die here.

The security footage began to play, and I saw Betty Ross and her father standing over an unconscious Bruce and a talkative AJ. I almost laughed, because AJ was questioning everything, even when she knew that something bad was happening. It was so her to talk everybody's ears off even in moments of fear.

After a few minutes of talking between the Rosses and AJ, General Ross injected Bruce with a serum that reminded me of Steve's injection. This serum was a different color though. The Rosses left, and Bruce quickly woke up. AJ looked relieved for a few moments, but Bruce's face began to tint green, and the relief vanished from her face, Bruce began to yell at her, call her evil, say that he hated her, and AJ pleaded with him. The Hulk was released and the last thing I saw was the Hulk throw AJ across the room, and then the footage went black.

Sharon smirked cruelly as I watched this footage, and as soon as it stopped, she shot me a look. "We believe that it was a success after that, because when the Rosses returned, there was a hole in the wall and blood on the floor. Brainwashing Bruce into hating AJ was easy, since he has such anger in him already. Now, I can show you Cecile and Loki's torture."

The television screen changed, and I saw a glass cage in front of a wall with cuffs attached to it. Loki's birth father walked in, and he was strangling Cecile. He placed her on the wall and cuffed her hands and feet.

He faced the glass cage, and I noticed that Loki was trapped inside. Darcy walked into the cage with him and stood behind him. Loki didn't touch her, and I understood why. Loki knew that if he touched Darcy, Cecile would most likely die. Laufey then pressed a button on a remote and I watched as Cecile was exposed to hundreds of torture devices. The only sound that came from that tv was the combination of Cecile's screams and Loki's pleadings. Loki looked as though he was dying inside every time Cecile screamed. The television turned off once more, leaving me completely speechless.

Sharon and Darcy had possibly made Bruce kill his AJ, and I had never met two people more in love than those two. On top of that, they had forced Loki to watch as they put the one girl that actually made him want to be good under thousands of torture devices. Loki had liked AJ and Darcy before Cecile, but AJ and Darcy never in any way swayed him to be good. Loki would continue to be evil even if he had dated either of them. Cecile changed Loki's life, and it's impossible to imagine how it must have felt to watch her in so much pain.

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