What the Heck?!->34

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(David has logged on)

(Jen has logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Bruce has logged on)

(Bree has logged on)

(Nikki has logged on)

(Nathan has logged on)

(Skye has logged on)

David: Tell me again why we are protecting Grant Ward's brother?

Bree: We are NOT protecting him. He's being held hostage here.

Nathan: Annoying girl is right.

AJ: Dude, shut up. You are way more annoying then she is.

Nathan: No, I am not!

AJ: Defensive too. That's helpful.

Skye: And the only emotion he shows is anger.



Nikki: YES.

Jen: What is wrong with you people? He's obviously human.

Skye: Jen, stop being a stick in the mud.

Nathan: So who's the pretty brunette girl?

Jen: That would be me.

Nathan: No, the one my imbecile brother managed to snag.

Skye: Me?

Bruce: Nick, don't flirt with your brother's girlfriend. That's not ok.


(Loki has logged on)

Loki: *slaps Nathan* No. I do what I want. You listen to these people. Loki does what he wants. Nathan surrenders to the Avengers. When Nathan becomes the god of mischief and lies, he can do what he wants. But Nathan is not a god of mischief. So no doing what he wants.

(Loki has logged off)

Nathan: What. The. Wheatley. Just. Happened.

Bree: You got served!

Nikki: Loki showed you the door!

AJ: Apply cool water to the burn.

David: Would you like me to get you some ice?

Bruce: Do I have to make some weird burn joke here.

Jen: Just walk away from your computer slowly.

(Bruce has walked away slowly then ran away)

(Jen has walked away slowly then ran away)

Nathan: They were smart to get out while they still can.

Bree: What are you going to do to us? You are in a cell.

Nathan: Am I?

AJ: Oh no. His cell's empty. Skye, go get Ward-

(AJ has been kicked off)

(Skye has been kicked off)

(Nikki has been kicked off)

Nathan: Why can't I kick off Bree? Or David?

Bree: Because we are the only two that don't log on through the chips in our brains. You prevented the chips from logging on-

David: -But me and Bree are safe from that.

Nathan: Ugh I will just have to kill you.

Bree: Oh no you don't!

David: Bree makes the first move, giving Nathan a roundhouse kick to the face. Nathan then attempts to return the favor with a punch, but Bree ducks, and he hits the central lights, making the tower go dark. Bree then head butts him in the stomach, and he just flew threw the window. That's going to hurt in the morning.

Bree: Alls well that ends well.

Nathan: Where did you learn how to do that?

Bree: The Academy.

Nathan: What academy? You are a fangirl!

Bree: The academy for the Brain of Agents Academy. BOA agents are smart people who are taught how to defend themselves. It's a very select group of people.

David: BOA is a myth! How are you apart of it?

Bree: I'm from another universe David. A lot of things are different whee I came from. Aren't you originally from the Gallifreyan Universe?


Bree: Oh, it's a secret. Got it. I won't tell anybody who you are.

Nathan: You think I won't tell?

Bree: Doyou want to get thrown out another window? This time I aimed for you to land in the tower pool. Next time you might not be as lucky.


Bree: That's what I though.

(Bree has disconnected the chatroom and deleted all messages)

(You have received a message from Bree)

Bree: I know you saw that. If you tell anyone that I'm a BOA agent or that David has a secret, you are going through the window too. I promise I'm a good guy, but this needs to stay between us. Ok?

{A/N That was a pretty cool chapter. I liked it. What do you think about Bree and David? What's up with them?

Anyway, I had an idea. Since quite a few of you liked the story form stuff, I was wondering if you guys wanted me to make another book. This book would hold a bunch of one shots from the chatroom, a bunch of cute little stories. Comment what you think. Should I make a one-shot book?

The one who is thinking of adding a one-shot book for fun,


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