Truth or Dare Part 2->5

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(The Avengers have logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

(Pepper has logged on)

AJ: Hey guys! Ready for truth or dare and pizza?

Pepper: Yep!

Bruce: Absolutely.

Loki: Whatever.

Thor: Indeed!

Steve: *sniffles* Whatever.

Natasha: Yeah. *gives Steve an awkward hug*

Clint: Yes. *leans to Steve and also awkwardly hugs him*

Steve: Guys, I'm fine.

AJ: Ok guys, lets begin. Who wants to start?

Natasha: I do! Pepper, truth or dare?

Pepper: Dare.

Natasha: Wear Tony's Ironman suit for an hour.

Pepper: Ok!

-5 minutes later-

Pepper: How do I look?

Tony: Did you turn my suit..... *gulps* Pink?

Pepper: Oh yes!

Tony: *facepalms*

AJ: Ok! Pepper, it's your turn!

Pepper: ok.... Hmmm.... Thor!

Thor: Yes Lady Spice Kettle?

Pepper: Spice Kettle?

Thor: Isn't that your name? Spice Kettle?

Pepper: ohhhh Pepper Potts!
Pepper is a spice and kettle is sort of a pot. Well, whatever. Truth or Dare?

Thor: Truth.

Pepper: Why do you like poptarts?

Thor: Why not like the deliciously glazed items?

Pepper: You know what, nevermind. Your turn

Thor: Ok! Clint, Truth or Dare?

Clint: Dare.

Thor: Eat a bowl of birdseed.

Clint: What?!

Thor: Do it Eye of Hawk.

Clint: Fine. *eats a bowl of birdseed*

Tony: *posts a video of it on Youtube* IT'S ALREADY GOT 5000 views!

Clint: Darn it. Ok, next.... Steve! Truth or Dare?

Steve: Dare. *sniffles and blows nose* *eats more chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream*

Clint: Let AJ introduce you to one of her friends.

AJ: I like this one! Nikki would love you!

Steve: Nikki?

AJ: Yeah! One moment while I write "Gamer" on the lawn. It take a lot to summon a spaceship.

Steve: Oh no.

(Nikki has logged on)

Nikki: STOP SUMMONING ME! The Raxicorricofallapatorions were trying to invade New New York.

AJ: Nikki, meet Steve Rogers.

Nikki: Steve?

Steve: Gamer.... You're still alive?

Nikki: Of course!

Steve: I've missed you.

Nikki: I've missed you! No companion could ever replace you!

Steve: Lets go catch up.

Nikki: Ok!

(Nikki has logged off)

(Steve has logged off)

Clint: I'm not even going to ask. We'll just move to Tony. Truth or Dare?

Tony: Truth.

Clint: Is Pepper your long term girlfriend?

Tony: Absolutely. I will never ever give her up.

Pepper: Awwwwwwww

Tony: *smiles* Next. AJ, truth or dare.

AJ: Truth.

Tony: Would you rather date Loki or Bruce?

AJ: *blushes*

Bruce: *glares at Loki*

Loki: *glares at Bruce*

AJ: uhhhhhhhhhhh.....

(AJ has logged off)

(David Tennant has logged on)

David Tennant: It's Bruce.

Loki: *heart shatters* NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Bruce: Excuse me?

David Tennant: She talks about you all the time.

Bruce: Wow. You really are her best friend.

David Tennant: We are cousins.

Bruce: Excuse me?

David Tennant: I was told I was related to someone important by a specific Doctor, and I figured out it was AJ.

Bruce: AJ likes me?

Loki: DIE!!!!

(Darcy has logged on)

Darcy: Hey Tony, I got the files you wanted.

Loki: Darcy?

Darcy: Hey Loki. *walks out*

Loki: *heart mends* Darcy! Wait up!

(Loki has logged off)

(Darcy has logged off)

Bruce: Im gonna go buy her something!

(Bruce has logged off)

David: Well, this session seems to be over. See you all later!

(Tony has disabled the Chatroom)

{A/N Also, like Moffat, I bring some happiness in this chapter. Hope you are liking my Chatroom. I might post a Doctor Who one too.
The Part Moffat/Part Awesome Person,

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