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(Loki has logged on)
(Cecile has logged on)
(Nikki has logged on)
(Steve has logged on)
(Clint has logged on)
(Natasha has logged on)
(AJ has logged on)
(Bruce has logged on)

AJ: I'm betting you are wondering why I have gathered you all here today.

Loki: Not really. Cecile ran in today and said "LOKI AJ IS GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT SHIPPING AND WE NEED TO ESCAPE TO GUATEMALA RIGHT NOW OR ELSE WE'RE GOING TO BE INCLUDED IN IT!" Then began to furiously pack suitcases an build fake IDs.

Cecile: You should have listened to me! We could be living in a shack right now as "Briana and Taner Pursekey" not being at this meeting.

AJ: .......Anyway, I received an anonymous email from some sort of strange fanfiction Chatroom writer telling me that we needed to crack down on a few specific couples in our midst. She said "my readers voted on who would be having a special ship moment". Now, I don't know when any of us will have this moment, but it's coming soon. Separately of course, not together. That would be boring.

Bruce: What relationships will be having a special ship moment?

AJ: According to the list I was given, its every couple at this meeting. No others were voted on, but I guess the Pepperony wedding is still crazy, and Thor and Jane are still cute, and David and Jen are still confusing, because I'm not sure if Jen is my friend or foe, and Jen must be someone worthy of my best friend.

Bruce: Ok.

Clint: ok.

Natasha: Should we prepare to have this moment happen.

AJ: Nah. Just let it be natural. So yeah.

(Mysterious Fanfiction Writer has logged on)

Mysterious Fanfiction Writer: Here's the schedule.
Clintasha will be first because it received the most votes.
Bruce/AJ are second because they receive the second most votes.
Loki/Cecile are third because they received the third most votes.
Steve/Nikki will be final because they recieved one vote.
Also, we need ship names for all the couples around here. Somebody do something.
Now, all of the couples currently in the Chatroom will forget about this message and me and they will believe that AJ has called them here to discuss ship name.
*snaps fingers*

(Mysterious Fanfiction Writer no longer exists in this universe)

{A/N All they remember is that Loki and Cecile were moving to Guatemala to escape this. This is AJ's new reply to them saying this.}

AJ:......Guatemala? I would've chosen Tahiti, but whatever. Anyway, I have called you all here to discuss ship names.

Bruce: What do you mean by that?

Nikki: She means of the possible couples in the Avengers Tower.

Steve: Like Clintasha.

Clint: Clintasha, Clintasha, Clintasha. Why does nobody else have ship name?

Natasha: Pepper and Tony are Pepperony. But nobody seems to talk about that ship.

AJ: I talk about Pepperony!

Loki: AJ, you ship everything. Last week, you went up to a toaster and said, "OMGOSH! I totally ship that toaster with the microwave! They would be a totally cute couple."

AJ: They both seemed so lonely! They could fix each others broken hearts and mend the wires through true love! it's adorable.

Bruce: If I didn't like you so much, I would say that was crazy.

AJ: And that is why I like you.

Nikki: Now, back to ships?

AJ: Sure. Ok, let's start coming up with names. Lets start with the people who aren't here that need a ship name. David and Jen will be first. Shout out a ship name and I will write them all down.

Bruce: Den?

Steve: Javid?

Nikki: How about ScottishGreen? Cause he's Scottish and she the She Hulk.

Cecile: What about She-Ten? Cause he played the Tenth Doctor and his last name is TENnant, and she is the She-Hulk.

AJ: Ok.... That makes sense. That's probably enough. We'll vote on them later. Next, is people who are here. We will start with Nikki and Steve.

Steve: CaptainGamer. Cause I'm Captain America and her time lord name is The Gamer.

Nikki: Or Stikki? That's because I am stuck on him!

Steve: You are so cute!

Nikki: No you are!

Cecile: SHUT UP! also, you could call them Neve.

Natasha: How about American Tomboy? Cause he's Captain America, and she's a tomboy.

AJ: Those are good too. Next ship, Loki and Cecile.

Loki: Futurevillain. Caus she sees the future and I'm still technically a villain.

Cecile: KneelingProphecy. Cause Loki wants people to kneel, and I tell prophecies.

Clint: Lecile!

Steve: Coki.

AJ: Those are good names! Finally, me and Bruce. I was thinking BJ.

Bruce: AngryFangirl. Because well, she's a fangirl, and the hulk is angry.

Cecile: Ace?

Nikki: HackHulk. Cause he's hulk and she hacked into SHIELD.

AJ: Those are all great. Good job guys! I will post these names on my fandom blog and have fellow fangirls vote on them!

(Tony has logged on)

Tony: Guys, we have a problem. We are out of poptarts, and Thor is hungry.

AJ: Uh oh. Everybody hold him off. Me and Bruce will get poptarts.

(Everyone has logged off to calm Thor down and get more poptarts)

{A/N So, hope you liked this chapter! A few of you voted for Agents of SHIELD ships, so there will be a special chapter for Agents of SHIELD pretty soon.

Also, the ship names are now up for voting. Here's your choices.

For Jen and David:
Other that you comment

For Nikki and Steve:
Other that you comment

For Loki and Cecile:
Other that you comment

For Bruce and AJ:
Other that you comment

As I said above, if you come up with one, comment it. If I like it, I will add it to next chapter.

Please comment, I would really appreciate the feedback.

Thanks for reading!

The mysterious fanfiction writer,

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