The End?->52

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-Third Person POV-

Audrey woke up with a smile on her face. She had finished writing her first chatroom book, began a new saga about her favorite villains, and had My Little Avenger Chatroom be Fanfiction #817, which was even withstanding all the 1D fanfic. She was finally getting there.

Maybe she really could become a screenplay writer. Or an author?

She slipped on her favorite Marvel shirt, jeans, and some converse, and texted her best friend, DJ. He was her neighbor, so that made her life a whole heck of a lot easier.

The two met at the local comic store, as Aubrey searched for the new Ms. Marvel comic. You know, the cool ones, with the fangirl who becomes her favorite hero? Yeah, Audrey and DJ loved that one.

That was when a ship that looked exactly like the one she had imagined her chatroom characters travelled in flew above the store, towards a large factory.

She hit DJ's arm. "We need to follow that." DJ gave her a look. "You sure?" She nodded, and grabbed his wrist.

If this all followed by plan, a small mouse would exit the space ship. The two trailed behind the ship, and watched it land. Audrey jumped behind a bush, and pulled DJ down with her.

The mouse exited the ship, and Audrey's eyes widened. AG was in that building. So was Bruce, the fictional man she had loved for years. David, who was based off of DJ, was in there too.

"DJ, you've read my chatroom, right?" She asked. DJ nodded. "I'm your friend, so yes, I've gone through the torture that is your fanfiction." Audrey hit him on the arm. She then proceeded to explain that her entire chatroom was in there. She had to talk to the characters, just once.

DJ agreed, and wanted to meet the guy who was based off of him. Audrey waited for the explosion to happen, and then she waited for them all to board the ship. "DJ, we have to get on that ship." DJ nodded in agreement, and the two scurried into the ship.

Audrey watched as the Hulk entered the ship, placing AJ down along with the computers she was hooked up to. The Hulk calmed down, and Audrey wanted to run to Bruce. He was there, he was real, and she wanted to sob.

DJ saw her squirming, and glared at her. "Audrey Dickinson, don't you dare."

She bolted up and walked towards Bruce. "'re him. And she's me...." She murmured, staring at AG and Bruce. Bruce stood up, and stared at her.

"Who are you, and why are you on the ship?" He asked, in a demanding tone.

"If I told you, you would think I was crazy." Audrey stated, her eyes cast to the ground.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "My girlfriend became a computer, my best friend's wife had a gunman on her at all times, and Guy Pierce is dating my cousin, who stabbed me and my friends in the back. I can believe a lot."

Audrey laughed. "That's not even the half of it Bruce! Bree, Maya, Clint, Skye, and Jemma got locked up in this tower, you guys are from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you almost had the Hulk drained from you, the character based off my best friend lost his powers, Jane is having Thor's baby, and Cecile will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Also, you were able to realize that your girlfriend was your girlfriend, because she got excited because she is tumblr! Your life is crazy man."

Bruce stared at her, his mouth wide open in awe. " do you know so much about us?"

Audrey extended her hand. "Hi, I'm the girl writing the story of your life."

Bruce stared at her hand, and she withdrew it. "I write fanfiction about the Avengers, and you guys are products of my fanfiction. I'm technically your girlfriend of this universe. She's based off of me. My best friend DJ, who's hiding right now, is David, my friend Nolan is Triplett, and Jen is based off of this evil girl named Emily. Ugh. Hate that girl. You.... you're based off of you, and Nick."

Audrey looked at the ground. "Except, Nick doesn't particularly care about me. But you care a lot about AJ."

Bruce gave Audrey a pitiful look. "I'm sorry." He said, quietly.

"Don't worry, Bruce. Everything turns out okay. AJ will recover. She will be somewhat of a cyborg, and she'll have crazy powers, but she'll still be AJ. I promise."

Bruce nodded. "Thank you....." He said trying for a name.

"Audrey." She said.

In came the rest of the Avengers, who all stared at her. Clint even pulled out his bow. Bruce got in front of them, and explained who Audrey was and why she was here. She looked back at DJ, and beckoned him to come out.

He crawled out and stood next to her. She then pointed at David and said, "That's you."

DJ nodded. "You made me handsome." He whispered. Audrey burst out laughing, and the Avengers stared at them.

Audrey straightened out, and waved at her characters. David returned the wave, causing her to smile.

AJ suddenly buzzed to life.

She stared at me, recognition etched on her face. "You're me." She whispered. Audrey nodded.

"Except for the fact that you're the me I can never be." Audrey said. AJ shook her head. "No, you're the me I once was. I'm the you that you can become."

Her voice echoed through Audrey's head, and she fell back slowly, and went back to sleep.

"Well, DJ and I better be going. Its been great meeting you guys." Audrey said. Her eyes fell down to the ground, and DJ followed her as she sulked out of the ship.

Audrey stood at the edge of the ship, sadness filling her. She didn't get to be AJ. For some reason, she thought that talking to them might make her AJ, and that Bruce would love her. But she was still Audrey. Not AJ.

A voice called out from behind her. "Audrey, wait!"

Audrey turned, to see Bruce approaching her. He had the same eyes as Nick. Her emotionless Nick.

Bruce looked down at her. "Please, don't kill anyone off." He pleaded. Audrey laughed. "Of course not!"

Bruce smiled, relieved. "And, hey, who knows, I might not be based off of Nick. Maybe I'm based off of...." He trailed off, trying to think of something.

Audrey had a thousand boys pop into her head, but Bruce smiled as she thought of one.

"Maybe I'm based off of Bruce Banner."

He walked backwards, and smiled at her. "Your Hulk will save you, I promise." He called out to her.

Audrey smiled, and tears fell from her eyes. Someday, she would be AJ.

Maybe that day could even be today.

{A/N Wow, I cried writing this. This was, amazing to me.

Thank you all for supporting my book, it means the world to me. But, I am excited for this new chapter for AJ and her friends.

Like, vote, comment, meet your characters out of a fluke incident, whatever.

The girl who could be AJ,

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