Cecile Jackson->8

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(Bruce has logged on)

(David has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

(Nikki has logged on)

(Cecile has logged on)

Cecile: Look, David, I was playing Halo. Could you have not called me now?

David: My friend, AJ, is missing. Can you find her?

Cecile: Sure. *breathes in* Skai Boh dahs Skai ram dahns!

David: The map says she's in an underground office at SHIELD.

Bruce: Fury built her a hacking room. She can jump there anytime she thinks it.

David: When did she tell you this?

Bruce: We are both brilliant. We discuss smart things sometimes.

Loki: Thats cool. So, Miss Cecile Jackson, are you going to come with us?

Cecile: Sure Loki Laufeyson/Odinson.

Loki: How do you know about my lineage.

Cecile: I see all. People call me The Oracle. At least SHIELD does.

Loki: Interesting. Can you see the future?

Cecile: Only glimpses.

Loki: Wow.


Loki: ok.

David: Bruce, you can go by yourself if you want.

Bruce: Ok. I can do this.

{Next parts in writing form}

*AJ's POV*

I sat in the computer office, wiping away tears as I stared at the computer in front of me. "YOU ARE WORTHLESS" echoed in my ears. I stood up and decided that I would be leaving as fast as possible.

Swiftly, I packed up my most important items and zipped up my suitcase. But when I turned around, I was face to face with Bruce Banner.

"AJ...." he whispered. There was pain in his voice as he saw the suitcase. He wiped a tear from my eyes and hugged me. "Darcy left. Everyone got mad at her."

Alarmed I looked up. "I thought Loki was in love with her!"

Bruce smiled. "He cared more about his friend, the family he never had, then the girl who couldn't take a hint."

I smiled softly. "That's sweet, but I've made up my mind. You might as well bring her back."

Bruce seemed to tense. "Don't leave AJ."

I scoffed. "Why shouldn't I? Darcy's right about one thing. Im worthless to this team."

Bruce smiled. "Oh AJ, I know how much you love Doctor Who, so to spell out why you shouldn't leave, I will do a little something for you."

Bruce straightened and began speaking with a fake British accent. "I might have to burn up the sun to say goodbye."

Bruce held my hand and I understood. "I love you!" I fake cried as I choke out these three words. They were true.

Bruce smiled as real tears fell down his cheeks. "Quite right too. And I guess, if it's the last time to say it, Addison Jennifer Pane, I love you."

I began to cry for real as he said this. "You got to finish." I stated.

Bruce smiled. "Indeed I did."

Then he kissed me. A short and simple kiss, but meaningful. I wasn't leaving.


{Back to Chatroom}

(David has logged on)

(Cecile has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

(Tony has logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Bruce has logged on)

(Nikki has logged on)

(Steve has logged on)

David: AJ!!!!! You're ok!!! *hugs AJ*

AJ: can't........breathe........

David: oh sorry.

AJ: Ahhhh. Thats better.

Nikki: AJ! I'm so glad you're ok!

AJ: Thanks!

Tony: Sorry about Darcy.

Steve: Yeah, she's gone now, don't worry.

AJ: She didn't have to leave.

Cecile: Oh, she did darling. It is her destiny to hate you.

Loki: What's my destiny?

Steve: What's mine?

Nikki: I want to know mine!

Cecile: I shall tell you all vague pieces of your destinies.

David: Cool!

Cecile: Would you like to get the rest if your team?

Tony: Sure.

-5 minutes later-

(Thor has logged on)

(Clint has logged on)

(Natasha has logged on)

(Jane has logged on)

(Pepper has logged on)

Cecile: I shall start with Pepper. Pepper, you will lose a battle and become a new version of yourself.

Pepper: Interesting.

Cecile: Jane, you will train a child to become an Asgardian king.

Jane: :)

Cecile: David, you will figure out that you are meant to be here in a strange way.

David: That doesn't sound good.

Cecile: Nikki, you will have to choose between the man you love and your own life, which will reveal your soul.

Nikki: I really don't want my soul revealed.

Cecile: Steve, you will prove to the world once more that you are a hero.

Steve: I was born to be a hero.

Cecile: Thor, you will be a loving father to an unexpected child.


Cecile: ummmmm..... ok then.

AJ: I apologize.

Cecile: *shrugs* Anyway, Clint, one arrow will miss and your feelings for a woman will grow.

Clint: I NEVER miss.

Cecile: Natasha, your ledger will be cleaned.

Natasha: Perf.

Cecile: Loki, you will fall in love, an your evil ways will be destroyed.

Loki: I can't fall in love.... can I?

Cecile: Bruce, you will be surprised with a decision you never wanted to make.

Bruce: Oh gosh.

Cecile: And last but not least, AJ. You will find a family, and become someone strong.

AJ: Cool!

David: Im tired....

Tony: Me..... too.....

AJ: *yawn*

(Everyone has collapsed)

{A/N Thanks for reading! And two updates in one day! I'm proud of myself there. Btw they all collapsed out of exhaustion. They are not dead.
The one who allows the characters to live,

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