What is this feeling?->37

798 47 17

(Nathan has logged on)

(Bree has logged on)

(AJ has logged on)

(Bruce has logged on)

AJ: I love music. It can display emotion so perfectly.

Bruce: Oh yeah!

Bree: Totally. I just bought the soundtrack from the musical Wicked, and I heard a song perfect for my relationship with Grant's idiot brother.

Nathan: Oh really, what's that?

Bree: What is this feeling?

Nathan: Oh, I know that song!

{A/N They start singing. So if it says Together, it means they are both singing}

Together: There's been some confusion over rooming here...

Bree: *spoken* AT THE TOWER.

Nathan: But of course, I'll murder Grant Ward.

Bree: But of course, I will rise above it.

Together: For I know that's how you'd want me to respond.

Together: *spoken* Yes, there's been some confusion. For you see, my neighbor is...

Bree: Unusually and exceedingly moronic and altogether to disgusting to describe.

Nathan: *scoffs* A Fangirl.

Bree: What is this feeling, so sudden and new?

Nathan: I felt the moment I laid eyes on you.

Bree: My pulse is rushing.

Nathan: My head is reeling.

Bree: My face is flushing.

Together: What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame, does it have a name?

Bree: Yes!

Nathan: Loathing!

Bree: Unadulterated loathing!

Nathan: For your face,

Bree: Your voice,

Nathan: Your fangirling!

Together: Let's just say... I loathe it all!

Bree: Every little trait, however small.

Nathan: Makes my very flesh begin to crawl!

Bree: With simple utter loathing!

Nathan: There's a strange exhilaration!

Bree: In such total detestation!

Nathan: It's so pure it's so stroooooooooong!

Bree: Though I do admit it came on fast!

Nathan: Still I do believe that it can last!

Bree: And I will be loathing

Nathan: Loathing youuuuuu!



{A/N Singing done}

Bruce: What the heck just happened?!

AJ: I think they just had a moment.

Bruce: I ship it.



AJ: Still ship it. Breethan?

Bruce: No, Nabree!

AJ: Oooh! Nabree! I like that!

Bree: UGH!

Nathan: UGH!

(Bree has logged off)

(Nathan has logged off)

AJ: Let's go watch a movie.

Bruce: Kk.

(This chatroom is empty)

{A/N I just had this dream where Nathan and Bree sang Loathing from Wicked, and I was like, oh yeah, this would be hilarious. And I could change the lyrics at the beginning a tad bit.

This was soooo fun to write, you don't even know. I started cracking up, imagining Nathan dancing and Bree dancing and them circling each other while scowling, and then almost having a moment and then turning around and walking away while they were singing about face is flushing, and ohmygosh it was so fun to write.

Again, One-shot book could be a reality. Tell me what you think in the comments. Also, if you have any one shot prompts, I would love to hear them. Private Messaging is accepted too.

Like, vote, comment, break into song, whatever.

The Loathing one,


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