The Tomboy Battle->18

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(AJ has logged on)
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Nikki: Tony, why didn't I get to go to Comic Con with you guys?

Tony: We didn't know you would be into that.

AJ: She's my best friend. Why wouldn't she be into that?

Nikki: We are tomboys to the max!

AJ: Do our matching Wheatley Laboratories t-shirts that we spray painted by ourselves and our streaks based off of our favorite stuff not matter?

Bruce: AJ has a TARDIS blue streak and Nikki has a red streak? What does Nikki's mean?

Nikki: The blood of my victims in COD, Halo, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and Mortal Combat.

AJ: Secret handshake!

Nikki: *intricate high fives, fist bumps and hand slaps*

AJ: *in unison with Nikki* Hashtag Coulson Lives!

Nikki: *in unison with AJ* Hashtag Coulson Lives!

David: I'm confused.

Loki: Me too...

Tony: I dont know what I'm watching.

Jen: You girls are not tomboys! You guys are gamer girls. There is a huge difference! I'm a tomboy.

AJ: Says the girl wearing heels, a pink dress and three pounds of makeup.

Clint: *sings* BURN BABY BURN!

Natasha: Shut up honey.

Clint: Shutting up.

Steve: We should settle this the old fashioned way. A TOMBOY BATTLE!

Nikki: That's a fantastic idea! AJ, you're on my team.

AJ: Cool! Now Jen needs to find a partner or forfeit.

Jen: Explain this tomboy battle.

Steve: The tomboy teams go through four challenges: Video Games, Sports, Style, and Cleanliness! The partnership with the most points accumulated over the four challenges is considered the top tomboys. The other two are then proven that they are just normal tomboys.

AJ: It will prove that Nikki and I are bigger tomboys then you.

Jen: Hey Natasha, you wanna kick some poser tomboy butt?

Natasha: Oh yeah.

David: Oooh! and the guys can bet ten dollars on their girl!

Tony: It's on!

Loki: I'm on Jen and Natasha's side. Mostly because they both scare me.

Clint: I'm with Loki. But that's because Nat is my partner.

Bruce: AJ and Nikki are going to dominate!

Tony: AJ and Nikki for sure.

Steve: Sorry Jen and Natasha, but you guys are going to die.

David: AJ and Nikki will burn Jen and Natasha into clouded hell!

Jen: Feeling the love over here.

David: Sorry, it's true.

Jen: *sticks tongue out*

Tony: Ok, I will be commentating. Now, the girls will start by playing co-op Portal, where the Atlas and P-body to finish the level first wins. Then we will stick them in a Halo world and the first girls to kill the other girls win. And finally, they will play Mortal Combat.

-20 minutes later-

Tony: It's remarkable! Nikki and AJ dominated the Portal in two minutes, and Jen and Natasha were nowhere near the end! And AJ and Nikki killed the Nat and Jen in Halo within a 5 minutes! And for the next 13 minutes, AJ and Nikki kept beating Nat and Jen but they kept calling for rematches!

AJ: 3-0 boo yah! *high fives Nikki*

Nikki: *high fives AJ*

Jen: Next competition.

Tony: You will be shooting a basketball from farther and farther distances into a basketball hoop. Each shot that makes it in the hoop gets one point. Got it?

AJ: Yep.

Natasha: Yep.

-2 hours later-

Tony: AJ and Nikki now have 93 points and Natasha and Jen have 30.

Jen: *growls*

Tony: You guys can forfeit now if you want.


Tony: Ok. Now you have to describe why you're wearing in detail.

Jen: I am wearing teal 3 inch heels, super skinny jeans with tiny rips for style, and a female UCLA jersey.

Natasha: I am wearing a red tank top, black jeans, leather boots with 6 buckles, and a charm bracelet Clint got me.

Clint: Love ya honey!

Natasha: Love you too!

AJ: I'm wearing a Hulk t-shirt I bought from the male sections and jeans.

Nikki: I'm wearing a Supernatural t-shirt from Hot Topic and jeans.

Tony: Now you're makeup.

Natasha: Some simple stuff from Clinique.

Jen: Some simple foundation, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick, lipliner, bronzer, blush, eyebrow pencil, concealer, and primer.

AJ: *laughs hysterically* Make..... Up? *cracks up* Nikki, he expects us to wear make up!

Nikki: *doubles over with laughter*

Tony: AJ and Nikki receive 20 points for their tomboy style.

AJ: 113-50!

Jen: *growls again* HOLD ME BACK NATASHA!

Tony: 10 point were deducted for asking to be held back.

Natasha: Next competition please.

Tony: Now, answer this question. Last time you showered?

AJ: Two days ago. I have to shower today. I try to shower minimally, but I still don't want everyone to think I smell like a dirty dog. Most guys do the same thing I do, it's fine.

Nikki: Same as AJ.

Jen: This morning. My afternoon shower is in ten minutes though.

Natasha: Last night.

Tony: AJ receives 30 points for her cleanliness and so does Nikki. Natasha receives 15 and Jen receives none.

AJ: We win!!!!!!

Nikki: Oh yeah!

Tony: Jen, you aren't even a tomboy.

David: Pay up!

Jen: UGH!

(Jen has shut down Chatroom out of annoyance.)

{A/N Ok, so you guys commented a lot of Clintasha. That's already canon, so you don't have to ask. Here's some examples of ships you can ask to become canon.

-Cecile and Loki
-Jen and David
-Nikki and Steve
-Loki and Jen
-David and Cecile
-David and AJ (I like Bruce and AJ but this could be cute too)

Do you ship any of those? I don't know, just comment. The most popular ship will be chosen to be canon. I'm leaving this open for a while, so keep commenting!

The Ultimate Tomboy,

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