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Private Chatroom #2
Bruce and AJ

(Bruce has logged on)
(AJ has logged on)

AJ: Guess what?

Bruce: What?

AJ: I found the two Hulk movies sitting in my closet, and now I can watch them again!


AJ: You want to watch them with me?


AJ: *grabs hand* Let's go!

-10 minutes later-

Bruce: Which one are we watching first?

AJ: The Incredible Hulk. The one with a bad plot but good special effects.

Bruce: Oh, ok.

-the movie has reached the scene where Bruce and Betty are together again-

AJ: *tear falls down cheek*

Bruce: AJ, why are you crying?

AJ: *sniffs* No reason. It's fine, just watch the movie. I am going to get some more popcorn. *stands up abruptly and walks out of the room*

Bruce: *waits*

Bruce: *checks watch* It's been 10 minutes. She should be back by now. *gets up*

{This next part is in story form because I could not figure out how to put it in Chatroom form. This is in Bruce's point of view}

I walked out of the living room and turned off the movie. I hated the current Hulk movies, they were incredibly inaccurate.

As I came to the kitchen, I didn't hear or see AJ anywhere. Suddenly worried, I proceeded to go to her room. I walked down the hallway at the Avengers apartments and soon heard soft sobs and sniffles coming from her room. I knocked on the door. "AJ?" The soft sobs continued, and I tried to open her door. Luckily she had not locked it, and I walked right in.

When I walked in, I saw AJ sitting on the balcony, staring at the streets of New York, crying softly. I walked up to her and sat down on the chair near hers.

{A/N Back to Chatroom}

AJ: Bruce, why aren't you watching the movie?

Bruce: You didn't come back. I got worried.

AJ: You should have stayed. I don't need to watch it.

Bruce: I don't need to watch an inaccurate movie. I was only watching it because you wanted to, and I got to be with you a little more than usual.

AJ: I don't want to intrude anymore. You should go find her.

Bruce: What do you mean?

AJ: I mean, for the past 4 years of my life, I've been in love with you. I only learned you were a real person a year ago, and suddenly, I felt like I could finally find you. You were the character that took away all my fear since I was a child. When I learned that you were a real person, I tried to learn more about you. I was 20 years old then, and I soon learned you were an asset of SHIELD's, and the you were 24. There was a 4 year difference, but I didn't care. The guy of my dreams existed! So I used my hacking skills to hack into SHIELD, hoping that maybe SHIELD would consider me a threat and take me in. They did, and they sent me to live with the Avengers to use my hacking for good. I met you, and suddenly everything I had ever wanted was right in front of me. Then I went back and re-read and re-watched the Hulk because I wanted to see how much of it was accurate. Reading the comics made me realize that Betty was everywhere in your comics and movies. I asked Tony about it, and he said that you had been searching for her, and that you had not found her yet. When I realized you may have feelings for me, I was overjoyed. I was blinded by my happiness and my feelings for you, an I didn't even think about Betty. A few days ago, I realized that Betty was who you were supposed to be with, and I was the only thing preventing you from finding her. *begins to cry once more* It's really hard to say this, but I think that you should go find her. I love you too much to know that I'm preventing you from possible happiness.

Bruce: Oh AJ, don't you dare do this to yourself. Yes, I was searching for my Betty, but not in the way you were thinking. I was searching for my dream girl. I asked Stan Lee a few years ago if Betty was real, because I was so lonely. He said that she was real, but she wasn't named Betty. He told me my dream girl would come, but I had to be patient. He told me I would know her when I met her. And what you need to understand is that I met her. I got to know her. I fell in love with her And she is sitting next to me, crying because she thinks that she is preventing me from finding Betty.

AJ: *looks up* You couldn't mean-

Bruce: I mean that you are Betty. Betty is AJ. You are my dream girl. Every time you see her in the comics, know that the author is talking about you. *wipes away a tear from your eye* Don't let go. Please. Don't ever leave me. I don't think I could live with myself if I lost you.

AJ: *cries a little more* I won't give you up, I promise. I won't ever let you go.

Bruce: *stands up and pulls AJ up with him*

{This is the final part, but this is also written in story form, because I could not figure out how to make this Chatroom style. This is AJ's point of view.}

Bruce and I walked to the edge of the balcony, our hands intertwined. I rested my head on his shoulder. "You know, I really don't deserve you." I whispered. Bruce kissed the top of my head. "I really don't deserve you." I turned towards him, blushing, but surprisingly not embarrassed about it.

"I guess it's just meant to be." I said. Then, I put my arms around his neck and hugged him. We stayed standing there, hugging each other, for quite a while. We let go a small bit and looked into each other's eyes. I felt as if I was in a predictable romance movie, and he was my Prince Charming. He leaned down and kissed me, cutting off all of my thoughts. I kissed back, as my heart pounded in my chest. I could've sworn that time had stopped, and we were the only two people in the world.

He let go, our foreheads pressed together as he murmured. "I will never, ever, let you go."

And I knew, with all my heart, that he was telling the truth.

{Ok, so this one is a lot longer then Clintasha, but tthat's only because I couldn't figure out how to make it fully Chatroom like I did with Clintasha. Clintasha's was just so perfect and simple, that the small chapter was all it needed. This chapter makes me happy every time I read it, just like Clintasha's, so I think I've succeeded. Hopefully.

The hopefully successful writer,

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