Dramatically Painful->29

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-Loki's Point of View-

My father stood over Cecile, binding her wrists and ankles to a wall in front of me. Laufey had put me in a glass room overlooking him and Cecile.

I watched him prepare his torture devices carefully, and my heart began to falter. Cecile's eyes, which were normally so beautiful and excited, were blank and tired. She looked as if she was half dead, which scared me.

If I lost her today, I would never recover. I had finally found someone. I wasn't completely unwanted anymore. She cared about me, and I cared about her. I wished I could save her, wished I could switch places.

Laufey picked up a small remote with a large red button in the middle, and waved it in front of my glass. "As soon as Darcy arrives, this button will destroy your happiness. You know why?" He taunted me as he stood in front of me. I only glared at him.

"I will take that absent stare as a no. This button starts the torture device your precious oracle is strapped into. And you will be forced to watch her scream in agony as a thousand forms of pain are unleashed on her fragile mortal body. And there is nothing you can do about it!" He spat.

I crashed my fist against the glass and scowled at him. "I swear, if you touch her-" A calm, light voice interrupted me. "Oh, no one is touching her. The machine will do all the work for us!" Darcy walked in front of my glass cage and smiled. "Hello Loki." She smirked wickedly as she gave a thumbs up to Laufey.

She opened my cage door and walked in. "Oh, we have the best seats in the house, don't we?" She giggled as Laufey backed away from the device, still clutching the remote.

I wanted to strangle her. I wanted to throw her across the room. I hated her so much, but I knew that if I went anywhere near her, Cecile would be punished.

As I looked at Cecile, I could see the fear in her eyes. She watched me carefully, and I felt as though I was being ripped apart.

Then Laufey laughed cruelly and pressed the button.

All I could hear was screaming. Cecile screamed out as she was put in heat, and cut with deadly knives, stretched, and so much more. Every scream was like a bullet piercing through my skin. "STOP! LET HER GO!" I yelled. "TAKE ME INSTEAD! PLEASE!" I began to slam my fist against the glass.

Her light brown (almost blonde, but this is definitely not the time to think about her hair's magnificent color) hair fell in front of her face as the machine's torture died down. Laufey unhinged the cuffs holding her to the machine, and she fell against the ground. Small cuts covered her arms and legs, along with burns from fire and acid, and she looked as if she had swam with sharks.

The glass cage door opened, and I ran to her side. I pulled her into my arms and began to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." She placed her head against my chest and began to sob. I nuzzled my face in her hair as we cried, and it felt as if I let go of her, she would die.

Darcy's clapped slowly, breaking us out of our spell. Once again, she smirked. "Good job Cecile! You survived! I'm so happy for you!" She exclaimed sarcastically. She snapped her fingers, and three hench men appeared from the shadows. "Take them to the dungeons. You can give them a two person cell, so that they don't have to let go of each other." She scoffed, annoyed with our display of emotion.

The first henchman ordered us to stand up, so I stood up, wrapping my arm around Cecile's waist to help her walk. We limped down to the dungeons, where we were pushed into a small cell and locked in.

Cecile suddenly went pale, and fainted. I quickly caught her and laid her down on the ground. I sat down next to her and moved a strand of hair out of her face.

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