The Plan->21

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(AJ has logged on)

(Bruce has logged on)

(Steve has logged on)

(Nikki has logged on)

(Sam has logged on)

(Natasha has logged on)

(Clint has logged on)

(Jen has logged on)

(Skye has logged on)

(Fitz has logged on)

(May has logged on)

AJ: Ok let's check to see if the private Avengers Chatroom communicators are working. Everybody say test in their earpiece. Except Bruce and I, because I'm saying this all from a hospital bed and Bruce refuses to go with you because I was shot.

Bruce: My girlfriend almost died, I have a right to stay with her after she wakes up from her coma!

AJ: Yes, yes, we know. Now, let's test your microphones.

Steve: Test.

Nikki: Test.

Sam: Test.

Natasha: Test

Clint: Test.

Jen: Test.

Skye: Test.

Fitz: Test.

May: Test.

AJ: Good. You all are ok. So, me and Bruce will monitor you from here and tell you if your task has been compromised, and direct you to where you each go.

Bruce: Steve, you're up, let's go.

Steve: On it.

Nikki: He has jumped off the plane in the first HYDRA building.

Steve: All clear.

AJ: Now, Skye and Nikki, head down there and help Cap get to the center of the building, then Skye will place and activate the bomb Fitz invented.

Skye: Roger that.

Nikki: Heading down.

AJ: Now, May, how fast can you get the plane to the final two buildings and back?

May: 5 minutes.

AJ: Ok. When you arrive at the first building, Jen will jump out first and destroy all possible defensive agents. When she calls the all clear, Clint and Natasha will head down and accompany them to the center where they will also place a bomb.

Jen: Gotcha!

Clint: My bow is loaded.

Natasha: I've got my tight black suit on. Its time to kick butt.

AJ: Now Sam and May, the last building has a helicopter landing part in the middle of the offices. All you have to do is attach the bomb to the drill flyer, Fitz latest invention that will allow the bomb to plummet to the middle of the building then explode. You will need to deploy from a fairly high altitude to get out in time. When you've dropped the bomb, then run back and grab Steve, Skye, and Nikki. Then get Natasha, Clint, and Jen.

Bruce: Is everyone ready?

Everyone: Yes.

Jen: I'm in.

Natasha: Suit up Clint.

Clint: Geronimo.

May: Confirmed, the three have been released.

Sam: Attaching the bomb to the drill flyer now.

May: We are at the third HYDRA building.

Sam: Deploying bomb.

May: Flying to Steve, Nikki, and Skye.

Skye: Bomb has been placed.

Nikki: We have arrived at the helicopter and are now proceeding to Jen, Natasha, and Clint.

Jen: Natasha was shot in the leg.

Clint: Bomb placed. Heading towards the airplane now.

Natasha: We have arrive safely. AJ, can you call in Jemma? Bruce, can you set up a hospital bed? The bullet appears to have shattered my bone.

May: We are landing back at Avengers mansion.

AJ: Good job everyone. In about 20 seconds, all three bombs will detonate at the same time. Are you ready?

Steve: We are all here, and Natasha is currently being taken to the hospital wing of the mansion.

Nikki: There it goes. The explosions are all over the news. We did it.

AJ: Yes!

Bruce: AJ has some rest to catch up on since her bullet wound is healing, so now celebration until tomorrow.

AJ: I wish my boyfriend wasn't a doctor.

Bruce: I wish my girlfriend hadn't gotten shot.

AJ: Fine.

Bruce: That's my girl.

Steve: I'm gonna order a pizza. Who wants some?

Everyone: I do!

(This Chatroom has gone inactive)

{A/N So, this was a shorter chapter to fill you in on AJ and HYDRA and stuff. I hope you liked it!

I put two up at the same time because the last chapter was crazy, and this tie up all the loose ends. I hate cliffhangers, and I have way too many of them.

Also, keep commenting your favorite ship. I haven't gotten too many, so tell me who you ship in the comments, or send me a private message.

The crazy writer,


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