Setting Sun, Dark Feathers

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As you and Asia walked around you showed her a few small stores here and there cracked a few jokes and even managed to sneak a few smooth lines in here and there, one would almost call it luck.

It was a good and slow day relaxing and chill, skipping school might bring you some trouble but it would be well worth it all in all.

It is kinda cute how excited she gets at the smallest things if she didn't know about them...Wait what am i thinking i just met this girl, flirted once or twice and now I'm thinking she is cute. What is wrong with me right now, I am usually in control of how I feel! During this little thought process Asia had been calling you but you were to lost in thought to realize till now.

"Hey (Y/N), look at this" she had pointed at something in a vendor window. From what you could see it was a small, pure white dress that had seemed to catch her eye. In a sense it was nice, the frilly bottom that would go to the knees just about on Asia with short sleeves and a few small spots where it had been "bedazzled" in a way.

"Yeah I guess it's pretty nice and all." you said smiling while thinking of Asia wearing it seeing as how it would fit her personality, the pure white for her innocence, the frilly ends to show a fun loving soul, and the sparkles for the fun of it. When you looked over Asia seemed a bit down while staring at it until she broke the silence.

"We should get moving I guess... I mean you probably have things you need to get done and all.." she looked away shyly not wanting to see if you would be angry or saddened by what was said. In fact she got quite the opposite response in a way.

"Hmmm.. Naaaah, I got nothing on my plate but spending the day with a cute new friend" you said with a light chuckle but with every ounce of sincerity you had. It had taken her quite off guard, she had a small blush gathering on her face, while shyly smiling towards you.

"Well if that's the case then lets have some fun while we make our way to the church!" she sounded confident and happy this time. Just the response you were hoping for seeing as it made her smile from ear to ear.

"Alright follow me! I know a really nice little place with a few small stores on the way to it" you gestured for her to follow you, so she did wondering what she might see.

Time skip

After a little bit of a walk and peeking in to a few stores to grab a snack and a drink for you and Asia you and her had found yourselves at the top of a hill with a small shrine and a tiny pond. You smiled a bit while looking at it as Asia looked at it all.

"Its so pretty, and peaceful too" Asia smiled and looked around as she said this. It seemed to catch her eye quite a bit, she smiled while Looking into the small pond seeing little fish in it and lily pads as well.

"Yeah this place means a good deal to me for a few reasons and such, some of which I might tell you when the time is right Asia" you had walked over to the small shrine and bowed a bit saying a small prayer. Soon Asia had joined you as well for this small prayer saying one of her own. Please allow me to live a good life, and to be happy, whatever or whoever is out there please let me lead a long life as i wish.

"Amen" was the only small part of her prayer you had heard when she looked up, she seemed happy but sad as well while seeing the sun slowly going down.

"I take it I'm gonna have to show you to that church now seeing how late it is?" you asked while looking at the sunset. It was calming in a weird way, you almost felt as if you were raising to heaven. Tch yeah right... As if that would happen with what I am, and anyways god is dead so why should it even matter.

"Yeah, sadly this fun day will have to come to an end soon truthfully, I wish it could last a bit longer because today was fun (Y/N), truly it was." she stood up and so did you as you both began to leave the small shrine area. It seemed as if Asia was a in thought about something the entire walk to the church.

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