43. A Team of Winners

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has read this far

  "Sakura, have I ever told you that you are such a deer?" I asked her as I ate my peach gleefully. There was a loud crunch heard as I bit into it. 

"Only about five times since I gave you that peach." She said to me in annoyance and sighed. I then turned towards her with a serious look on my face. 

"You do not understand Sakura, you are literally a deer. It saddens me that you do not understand the majestic powers of your deer self. You are the deer of life that gives everybody their life water. You are life." 

Instead of being a talkative person, she flicked my forehead. I flinched and then wrinkled my face together. Sakura just rolled her eyes at me and I saw the small smile on her face. 

The two of us had grown close together recently. We were partners together for the recent Chunin exams and had both become Chunin. Since we went through it together, we figured that we would celebrate together. Celebration required peaches. 

"So when do you think Kakashi Sensei is going to be here?" She asked me as she looked up at the sky. We were sitting on a bench on a resting area next to a stair way that led to the Hokage faces. 

"Judging by the level of our hope, probably never, I bet he shows up later and later each time we try to meet him just so he can destroy our spirit." I explained and took another bite of the delicious peach. I then proceeded to make sexual noises as I ate the peach. "Oh yeah," 

"Stop being a pervert." She commanded and flicked my forehead rougher than before. 

"You can't stop the funk." I said and held a hand on the spot where she flicked me. To prove my point, I stroke a gangster pose. She then flicked me again. Despite what Sakura thought, her flicks could really hurt. "Ow, do not hurt the funk. The funk will funk you up." 

She sighed and rolled her eyes again with the small smile on her face. "It is amazing how much you have change this year but have not changed one bit. To think about how you were depressed and nobody could get you to talk is a bit sad. You were the person who seemed to always be smiling and laughing, so it was scary. Now you are a Chunin, graduated from the Academy, and laughing more than ever. To be honest, I prefer the type of humor you have now than what you had before." 

I raised an eye brow in confusion as I took another bite of my peach. "What wasch my hemor like den?" A piece of peace flew out of my mouth and onto the ground. Slowly, my hand went towards it to grab it. Sakura grabbed my arm with a serious look on her face. 

"You do not eat food off the floor." Her tone was a bit scary if I was being honest at that moment. I knew that I had lost the small piece of the delicious fruit. Reluctantly, I pulled my hand back to my side in defeat. 

She then went back to calm and happy self as she began to talk again. "Well, when you joke around with people you are less rude. I remember in the beginning you were mean to some people with your jokes. You are much calmer with your jokes. You are not always running around and yelling. Besides, now you know a good time when to stop with the jokes." 

"You know Sakura, I am starting to get the idea that you did not think I was as awesome as I really was. I am a bit hurt. I think you just broke my heart Sakura." Dramatically, I clutched my chest and fell to the ground. "You just killed me by breaking my heart. I hope you are happy Sakura, because I am not happy. I am dying. Do you know how much this sucks? I am pretty sure that I am not going to end up in a good place." 

"As I recall, I was not the heart breaker at the Chunin exams." I could see the small smirk on her face as she grabbed a peach from the bag and took a bite of it. 

"Listen, I know that I am pretty sexy and age should not matter when it comes to that. However, that little kid had no clue what he was asking for when he asked me out." I said to her as I sat back on the bench. "It creeped me out that he was actually into me. Do you know how many people are into me in a romantic way, Sakura? Nobody, if anybody is, they give off this very creepy vibe that unsettles me even in my sleep." 

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