Senpai Notice Me!

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"Mika, I feel as though that this is a very inappropriate relationship between the two of you." Kakashi Sensei said to me and sighed. "The name that you call him makes it even worse."

Kakashi Sensei had been helping me train and get my skills better. He was quite impressed when Iruka Sensei told him about how I was doing better in the Academy. My pace had picked up dramatically from how I was doing before, to how I was doing at the moment. Actually, Iruka said that I would only need a few more months of the Academy and then I would no longer have to attend it if I continued at the pace I was going. Since Kakashi Sensei was so proud of me, he said that he would buy me some peaches and tea. Which was how we ended up sitting across from each other at a table in a shop.

"I'm sorry, but does something about Love Sensei bother you?" I asked Kakashi Sensei with a grin on my mischievous face.

"Yes," he said and continued onto talking. "especially the fact that you call him 'Love Sensei' makes it worse."

"He's giving me love advice though. Something which you won't do for me." I protested and took a bite of the peach in my right hand. "Besides, you haven't even met him."

"Which is why I'm skeptical for your relationship with him. Kami only knows what an odd person like you attracts." Kakashi said and rolled his visible eye.

"I was hoping to attract Gaara, but that hasn't been working so well. Which is why I'm getting love advice from Love Sensei!" I said and clapped my hands together. "BAM! I just won this argument with pure love power." in victory, I flipped my hair and then took a sip of my tea. "Okay, maybe a little bit of sexiness helped also."

Kakashi Sensei was not proud to hear that I had gotten a letter from a man he had never met. It seemed that the fellow I met near the boat in the Land of Tea was true to his word. Granted it had taken a while to get to me, but it was well worth it. Not to Kaka-Sensei though, it was really creepy to him. Which made me even more happy about the letter.

"Mika," he said in a frustrated tone. "Nobody in the village knows anything about this guy. He coul-"

"HA! That is where you're wrong." I yelled and pointed a finger at him. "Sakura knows him because she was on that mission! So suck a butt hole Kaka-Sensei, because I'm right."

"So if I asked Sakura if this man seemed creepy to her, she would respond no?" he asked me in an amused voice. I thought about it for a few seconds and then sweat dropped.

"Gosh darn it. Why do my type of people always have to seem creepy to other people?" I questioned myself and wrinkled my face.

"Okay, I'll go ask her then." Kakashi Sensei said and got up.

"No Sensei!" I squealed out as he began to walk towards the Hokage tower. Thankfully, we both had finished our tea and peaches. No peaches were put to waste. I was going to be able to sleep peacefully that night. "Senpai notice me! SENPAI NOTICE ME GOSH DARN IT!"

People in the streets of the village were beginning to stare at me. It had seemed that I was causing quite a scene. Of course Kakashi Sensei ignored it and kept casually walking to the Hokage tower. That was, until he smacked my head hard enough that I fell down from the force.

"Ow!" I yelled out in pain as I began to rub my head. "You know, I won't be able to learn anything if people keep hitting my head. I'm pretty sure that I'm losing brain cells from this." My eyes expanded when I noticed that he had somehow gotten quite a bit of distance between us. He was in front of the tower and was walking up the stairs. My determination face was put on after that.


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