The Sexy Alliance!

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Mizui led us to a place that was just a fence with only sand to be seen. It was quite a change from the Forest Of Death. Ryuu was quiet when he saw the gates and then I felt him move a bit to look around. The rest of competition was really intimidating, unlike us.

"Mika, is this your first time through the exams?" Ryuu whispered into my ear.

"Nope, is it yours?" I whispered back to him with a raised eye brow.

"No, where are your teammates?"

"I don't have any at the moment. One's with a pedophile, another is with a bigger pedophile, and the last one is with a lady who has big boobs." I replied to him, and smiled at how well of choices my teammates and I had made. "Where are yours?"

"I don't have any either. I was told that I was 'too good' for a team." Quietly, he whispered into my ear. "I don't know why people put quotation marks around it though."

"He's treated worst then me. I actually get told the brutally honest truth." I thought to myself and sweat dropped. 

"I don't think either of us will make it on our own. Us sexy beats need to team up." Ryuu whispered into my ear, and I grinned.

"Fo shizzle my home dog." I replied to him, and stuck my thumb out. "Our sexy youthfulness shall protect us!"

"Okay, listen up every one!" Gleefully, Mizui yelled and only got a few people's attention. An adorable anime vein formed on her forehead, and she crossed her arms over her chest as she pouted. It was the whole back of the group who wasn't listening to her. "Bakas."

She did hand signs, and then breathed out a fire dragon. The dragon went near the back group, and barely went above their heads. Once the dragon was gone, Mizui smiled cutely, and looked at every one.

"Now I have all of your attention! I told you I don't react well to disrespect." She said and wagged her finger cutely. "You all need to sign a paper that will not hold us accountable for your death in there, or else we will not let you compete! Once you have agreed to sign the paper, go to that tent over there to sign it and receive a scroll." She pointed to her left and there was a tent with a curtain in front of it. "You will either receive a Heaven or an Earth scroll. The point is to fight another team and steal their scroll. When you have both a Heaven and Earth scroll, you will go the middle tower and wait for further instructions. Just saying though, don't open the scrolls before you go to the power. Something bad will happen if you do. Good luck." 

Quickly, all of us received papers and teams began to discuss what to do. 

"Are you going to go forward?" Ryuu whispered into my ear. He was still on my back for some reason.

"Yes, what about you?" I asked him, and then pushed him off of my back.

"Ow!" He yelled from the ground and rolled around. "Why did you have to do that to a fellow sexy beast?"

"My back was getting tired." I whined to him, and he began to cry a river.

"You could have just told me to get off!"

"That wouldn't have been as fun though." Bluntly, I replied, and then he sweat dropped. Ryuu stood up, and gave me a serious look.

"Competition looks a bit tough. I have a feeling a lot of people will be looking for us because of the scene we made in the class room. We looked like easy people to beat." Ryuu said to me, and I raised an eye brow.

"I thought we were easy to beat?" I said in the form of a question, and saw Ryuu lose a bit of confidence from that since he shrank a little.

"Possibly!" He replied, and straightened up with his index finger pointed at me. "If we work together though, I bet we could be tougher competition. Think about it, I know what teams not to fight with from the Rock Village and you probably know some teams from the Leaf Village not to fight against."

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