Another One Of Those Rare Things

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"I can't believe that it's such bad weather outside today." In shock, I said and looked at the window. A sudden sand storm had taken over the village. It was so bad that you could see nothing outside of the window.

"Indeed." Gaara said and continued to read from his book. It was one similar to what Sai would use in the future to understand human feelings.

It was just us two in the house at the moment. Temari and Kankuro had tried to get us some food for our lunches from the store before the storm arrived. Sadly, the storm had started and it was just Gaara and I in the house. Temari and Kankuro were either stuck at the store or in someone's house. That had just left Gaara and I alone. It most definitely not a good combination.

"So u-uh want to you know... do s-something?" Shyly, I had stuttered out and my face was more red than a pepper.

"Do what?" He asked me, and I continued to turn more red by the second.

"Play a g-game." Forcibly, I had stuttered out of my mouth. It took all the inner strength I had to not say, "Do butthole stuff."

"What game?" Gaara had asked me, and I could tell in his voice that he was a bit curious.

"We could play hide and seek." Even though it was a short and generic sentence, it was the first one I had said without stuttering.

Sassy Me: Don't worry, I'll the get award for you.

"What is that?" He asked, and I turned out to see that he had his eye brows furrowed together. My eyes widened for a quick second in realization that nobody here had probably heard of the game. I knew it was my job to explain it well, and hope that it would catch on to others. Hide and seek was one of the easiest and most fun games to play.

 "Basically, somebody counts to a certain number while the other people hide somewhere nearby. Once the counter is done counting, they yell that they are coming and go find the other people. Then the first person found or the person who wants to be the counter, will be the counter for the next round." I had explained, and without a single stutter! I had wanted to dance around in victory, but that would have gave Gaara too odd of an impression of me. So I just danced a little bit to celebrate my victory.

"It sounds like an interesting game. Do you want to be the counter?" In a kind tone, Gaara asked me and I smiled.

"Fo shizzle my home dawgie!" Confidently, I said and stroke an oh-so-fabulous pose. Confusion spread across Gaara's face, and I sweat dropped. "I mean yes."

"I forgot that he has not been around me enough to know what I'm saying half the time." I thought to myself, and began to blush a bit in embarrassment.

"I'll count to thirty. Okay?" Sweetly, I asked with a closed eyed smile. When I opened my eyes, I saw him nod in agreement. I covered my eyes and began to count. "One....two... three... four.... five..." Once I had reached thirty, I deviously grinned and uncovered my eyes. "THIRTY! I AM GOING TO TAKE YOUR VIRGINITY!" I yelled, and just assumed Gaara knew what I meant.

I had jumped onto the counter and pointed at the ground. "Found yo-Oh hello there floor. I am doing quite well, thank you for asking. You're right, we should hook up sometime. I'm down for some fancy crumbs." With that, I began to walk around the house to find Gaara.

"I'll find him. People think I'm not learning stuff from the Academy, but I have learned exactly where people want to hide." Proudly, I said to myself and put my hands on my hips. "Then again, I played with kids becoming ninjas, and Gaara is on his way to become a Chunin. Aardvark nipples. I should have thought this through."

After a while of walking through the house and talking to myself, I had decided it was time to get on task and search for Gaara again. I had checked my room, Temari's, and the bathroom. There was no way I was going to see what unearthly things were in the boy's rooms though. When I went back to the living room, I sighed and looked up. My eyes widened in shock at the big mound of sand in the air.

"Found you." In shock, I said and saw the sand lower with Gaara on it.

"Did I hide well?" He asked me, and my eyes were still big from shock of his simple creativity.

"Yeah, very well." I said and then regained my composure. "Your turn to count now. Remember, you count to thirty then yell that you are going to find me." He nodded, covered his eyes, and began to count.

In a hurry, I began to frantically tip toe around to find a good hiding spot. Sadly, I was not completely aware of my surroundings and fell down the stairs. The stairs were fairly old, and I had ended up falling through the stairs into the floor. When I looked up, I saw the hole of where I fell through.

"I might as well make this my hiding spot." Grumpily, I whispered to myself and rubbed my booty. It had took quite a hard fall from the stairs to the ground. It was dark and on the narrow side of width.

Sassy Me: There are only what, fifteen stairs? Then you break a few by falling through them. That takes quite a bit of skill.

Sassily, I rolled my eyes at my sassy self and leaned against the wall in wait of Gaara to find me. When I heard a muffled word, I knew that was him saying he was coming to find me. I knew it was not going to take too long to find me since a loud cracking noise was made when I fell through the stairs. Just a minute after announcing to find me, he had come to the stairs and looked down on me.

"Found you." He said in his normal tone, but I still almost melted. When I became a true teenager, I knew things were going to get much worse for me being around him.

"C-Can you help me up? I kind of broke your stairs." I stuttered out in embarrassment, but then sand had picked me up and lifted me to the side of the hole. I was across from Gaara. "Arigato." I said, and he nodded.

Just as I was about to walk away to get something to fix the stairs, Gaara grabbed my hand and pulled me back. When I looked at his eyes, a blush had spread across my face.

"G-Gaara.." I stuttered out in shock as we both began to lean in. Just as we were about to kiss, I heard a loud crash and woke up.

"MIKA! FOR THE LAST TIME, GET OUT OF BED SO I CAN TAKE YOU TO YOUR TRAINING SPOT! DON'T LIE AND SAY YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS, BECAUSE I KNOW YOU DON'T!" Kankuro yelled at me as I was on the floor in a daze. "Good, you're up. What were you dreaming about?"

My eyes widened in embarrassment and a blush spread across my face. "J-Just stop getting pregnant, nobody likes a tramp!" I yelled at him, and confusion spread all over his face.

"Stupid brat." He insulted, and walked away. "Be ready in five minutes." When his footsteps faded away, I sighed and sat up.

"I hate it when my dreams do this to me." I said to myself and wrinkled my nose. "Just at the good part, and I wake up."


Me: So I gave you guys some MikaxGaara time. :3 Did you enjoy it?

Mika: So cruel! Just at the good part, and you wake me up! Not even a brush of lips. -childishly pouts-

Me: Stormy, professional cock-blocker. I work on week days five to nine. cx Anyways, I hope you guys did like it. (:

Tsunade: I feel like you and I have done that to quite a few people. You wouldn't believe how many girls Jiraiya hit on.

Me: Such fun. ^.^

Have a wonderful day, and happy Thanksgiving! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read and comment. It's just mind boggling that people want to read something I've written. o.O

FAREWELL! P.s. Continue to tell me what you want to see in the story, because I still want you guys to see as much as you want to see. (:

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