Glasses Sno- I mean Isamu's Story

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"MIKA!" a voice yelled at me and I fell out of my seat. "You need to pay attention more!" Iruka Sensei said to me and I defensively crossed my arms over my chest.

"I was paying attention, you just didn't notice because you weren't paying attention to me." sassily I said to him and rolled my eyes. "I'm an independent woman and I don't need this.

"You are supposed to be paying attention to me." Iruka Sensei said to me and slammed his hands down on my desk angrily. "You need to get off of the ground and back into your seat so you can pay attention."

"You indirectly put me here if you really think about it. So I see no need to play these mind games by getting back up." I explained and leaned against the bottom of my seat. "I'm not going to fit into society's rules."

"Mika, you are setting a bad example for the other students. You are older than them and they might look up to you." sternly, he said to me and I wrinkled my face. "So it would be best that you get up and pay attention."

"They're not good with picking role models. You and I both know they could do better." I said nonchalantly as I wrinkled my face and waved my hand.

"They wouldn't have to do better if you did better." Iruka Sensei said in a frustrated tone and then groaned. "Come on, Asuma told me that you pulled a brilliant trick on a sand ninja during the Chunin exams. This should not be that difficult compared to what you had to do in Suna."

"It's hard to believe that this idiot could pull off something called brilliant." Glasses Snob said and wrinkled his nose.

"Believe it or not, it happened." I said to him and stuck my tongue out.

"Lying is a standard technique that ninjas should be able to master. If you keep saying lies that big, nobody will be able to believe you." Glasses Snob said and then snickered.

"Your mom says it's big." childishly, I said to him and grinned.

"Don't talk about my mom that way! How would you like it if I talked about your mom that way?" he yelled at me and I just closed my eyes as I smiled.

"That would mean I had a mom or knew of her existence if she was alive." calmly, I said to him and the classroom as quiet for a second. "Maybe your mom knows her."

The class room erupted with laughter and Iruka Sensei slammed his palms on my desk again to quiet everybody down. "THAT'S IT!" he yelled and the room hushed. "Mika and Isamu, you can both go out into the hallway while I finish up the lesson. I expect both of you to be there when I return."

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you suspected I would leave." jokingly, I said to Iruka as I got up and crawled over my desk. When Iruka let me out, I saw the death glare on his face and I sweat dropped. "Okay, okay, I'll be there. I promise on a pile of peaches that I'll be there."

I heard Isamu follow behind me as we walked into the hallway. Once we heard the door slam, I sat down and leaned against the wall. Isamu sat across from me. My eyes were closed and I peacefully hummed away. Once I heard a sniffle, my eyes opened and I saw Isamu crying a bit.

"Woah homie, what's wrong?" I asked him and leaned towards him.

"You." he spat out, and I sweat dropped a bit. "I'm a good student who is the best with knowledge and you always disrupt class. You take away time for me showing the only thing I'm good at."

"Oh." uncomfortably, I said and scratched my head. "Sorry about that."

"A simple sorry won't make up for all the time you took away for me to shine! You're a selfish brat and it's no wonder they sent you back to the Academy to learn. How they let you in the Chunin exams is beyond me." Isamu whispered out frustratedly.

You Guys Should Be Used To Me By NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora