Onwards To Home!

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While Shikamaru's team and I headed back to Konoha, I remembered the great times I had had at Suna. Even though it wouldn't be as close to me as Konoha was, I knew it was going to a place close to me. The people there were different than the people of Konoha, but that was what made it more interesting. Even with not as many trees, it had still grown on me.

"Mika, why are you quiet again?" Choji asked me in a mixture of both a curious and worried tone.

"I prefer her being quiet. It saves my ear drums." Shikamaru said and I could imagine that he wrinkled his nose.

"Aw come on Shikamaru, all this time of you carrying me has got to mean something to you." happily, I said as pinched his cheeks. "This is quality bonding time for us to spend together."

It had turned out that my condition was a bit more serious than I had anticipated. I was able to walk on my own, but I just did a sort of limp/wobble with my attempt. After a while of me walking with the others to head back to Konoha, Asuma pitched the idea of somebody carrying me. I was able to wear down Shikamaru's will and have him carry me. I felt accomplished.

"Bonding time my ass." Shikamaru muttered and I did not even have to imagine that he rolled his eyes. I knew he did. "Troublesome woman."

"You want troublesome? Because I feel a challenge." I said and Shikamaru just groaned at my response. "My ovaries are sensing a challenge. You want to know what my ovaries say? Challenge accepted."

"Mika, I don't it's necessary for you to talk about ovaries." Asuma Sensei said, but I just sent a grave look towards him.

"You're right, I should be talking more about my uterus." seriously, I said with a determined look in my eyes. "Thank you sensei! How could I have been so stupid?!"

"How about you shut up and not talk about female anatomy." Shikamaru grunted out and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"How about you go suck my butthole." sassily, I said to him and put my hands on my hips. In an instant, I lost my balance and was beginning to fall. Thankfully Shikamaru had me, he used one arm to hold my legs in place and the other to pull me up.

"Troublesome woman." He said and I looked in a different direction than him.

"Thanks Shikamaru." I muttered in a defeated tone.

"I wonder how Ryuu is doing." I thought to myself in my head. "It's only been a day since we left, but who knows how he and Mistake are doing."

That was correct. Ryuu and I had decided that he would be the one to take care of our lovely Mistake. We decided that we would swap off every time we met each other. Then Mistake would have two caring homes and many different tales to tell its future friends.

I had remembered my last encounter with Ryuu quite well. I did all that I could to permanently etch the scene into my mind. That way, I wouldn't be able to forget one of my best friends.

"Hey Ryuu, pull my appendix out. Oh wait, it already is." jokingly, I said to Ryuu with a grin on my face as I limped over to him to give him a hug. Temari had really done a number on me.

"I'm going to miss you!" Ryuu wailed dramatically and held me close. "Also, I'm sorry that the wrong Sand Sibling is the reason you're limping."

"It's okay home girl." I said to him and lightly squeezed him back. "Just make sure to take great care of Mistake for me."

"Mika, hurry up." Shikamaru groaned and I heard a sigh escape from him.

"Fine, but you just keep your ovaries in control." in a weary tone, I said and sighed my own sigh as I walked towards him.

"Do you think Lee is in the same condition as I am?" I asked Shikamaru's team out loud.

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