Reaching The Village

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"You're a Leaf ninja?" a young child asked me in amazement and big eyes of awe. She pointed at my headband and I nodded a yes in reply. "That's so cool!"

We had reached the village within just a few hours of walking. I was anxious to think about the possibility of seeing Orochimaru again. Tsunade gave us quite a big mission since Orochimaru could have been the cause of it. I had hoped that Tsunade made the right call in the end of the day by sending us to protect the villagers. It was reassuring to know that Guy Sensei's youthful team would  be with us to help cover the village. I had to put the people's safety above getting information about Sasuke, my beautiful fat cat.

When we began to walk through the village, a girl ran up to us with big eyes. Her grin was contagious and spread to my face as well. I stopped following the others and turned my attention to the little girl. We were supposed to be heading to the main office of the town to report that we had made it there, but the girl was just too kick booty to ignore.

"Well, you can say that if you insists. I think you should continue to insist that." I said with a grin on my face as the young girl looked at me. "I am pretty strong." in an attempt to show off my strength I flexed my arm muscles.

"Says the one who is still a Genin." Neji said to me as he crossed his arms over his chest. As soon as he realized I had stopped following the group he had stopped following the group also, and was just a few feet ahead of me.

"You know what Neji, I am going to cut off your nipples in the middle of the night. Everybody is going to be creeped out that you have no nipples anymore and not want to talk to you. So you should just shut your butthole." I said and defensively put my hands on my hips. "Just because you made it to Chunin does not mean that you are better than me."

"By ranking it does. You have not finished the Academy yet." he pointed out and I stuck my tongue out at him in a childish manner.

"So if you guys are here, nobody else will be kidnapped?" the young girl asked us with a smile, accompanied by hopeful eyes. "You will be able to protect us all? Even me and my family?"

"I will do everything I can to protect the people of this village, I, Tanaka Mika, promise you." I said and held out my hand. Her small hand wrapped around mine.

"I, Michi Momoko, accept that promise." Momoko replied with a grin on her face. "I believe in you guys."

Neji cleared his throat to gather my attention. He sent me a look that hinted annoyance. I had to give the guy some credit, he was gaining more patience and was able to handle me much better than before. "We need to catch up to the others."

Sassy Me: Sass him out. You know you want to. Sass at him. You have it in you.

There was an inner battle inside of me as I tried to answer him. After talking to Isamu, I tried to be a bit nicer to people. I had no idea what others were going through, so it would be good of me to at least attempt to be nicer to others. Also that way if we were on a mission and I was close to dying, they would not have too much of a reason to leave me behind.

"Fine, you majestic horse." I said and snapped my right hand. My gaze went back to the little girl and I smiled at her. "I will see you around later. I will make sure to show you some cool ninja moves."

"Really?" Momoko asked me and I nodded my head. "That's so awesome! I'll be looking for you." she squealed and ran off.

"What 'cool ninja moves' do you plan on teaching her?" Neji asked me with a curious look as we began to walk towards the direction of the others and emphasized the phrase "cool ninja moves".

"Oh, just some self defense. That way she will be able to use it if ever necessary." I said and waved my hand. "Or how to destroy the world within the snap of her fingers. Or how to cut off nipples properly. Or how to destroy buttholes with a ham sandwich. Just some everyday ninja moves."

He gave me a look of disbelief but quickly focused on catching up with the others. With an iron grip, he pulled me along with him so we could catch up. As soon as we reached the others, he let go. I rubbed my arm and winced a bit from the pain.

"Thanks Neji you oh so majestic horse for using your hooves for evil purposes." I said and continued to rub my arms. "Kakashi Senpai! Neji-OW!"

Kakashi Senpai had bonked me on the head quite roughly. His visible part of his face showed agitation. It also showed a vein that had formed on his forehead. Those few things began to give me the idea that Kakashi Senpai was annoyed with me.

"Do not call me Senpai." he said to me and I wrinkled my face. "That makes our relationship sound inappropriate. You have 'Love Sensei' associated with you. Mika, you will end up with a bad reputation."

"Good for the other people. They will have something to be able to know me by." I said and stuck out my tongue. "I don't care what other people think of me. I like who I am and who I am friends with. A reputation will do nothing to me. Besides, I do not think that my reputation can get any worse than what it is. Seriously Kakashi Senpai, I am known as a Genin who says inappropriate things around children and is still in the Academy. I think I can only go up from here."

"Mika-" Kakashi Senpai began to say but got cut off.

"I think it is very youthful of Mika-chan to be as strong as she is." Lee said to me with a grin on his face. "If everybody thought that way, they would be able to focus on bettering themselves and being as youthful as possible."

"OH LEE!" Guy Sensei screamed and looked at his student with tears in his eyes. "You have grown up so youthfully. You too Mika!"

"Group hug!" I yelled and tackled Guy Sensei into a hug right in the middle of the street. Lee followed in pursuit. Soon, the three of us were in a very intense hug and tears streaming down our faces. Tenten, Neji, and Kakashi Senpai were watching us with sweat drops of disbelief at the scene we were making.

"Just when I thought that they could not embarrass me anymore." Tenten said and buried her face in her hands in an attempt to hide her shame.

"Guy, we have yet to report that we are here." Kakashi Senpai said to his friend in an attempt to get back on task. "As much as it is good that you and Lee get along with Mika so well, now is not the time to show it."

Guy Sensei jolted up right away. Lee and I flew off of him and onto the ground. "You are right Kakashi. We need to get there right away!" he yelled and began to run towards the office building. "I will race all of you there!"

"Sensei, I feel honored to be able to race you!" Lee screamed and ran off after him. "I will not let you down. If I lose, I will do five hundred laps around this village." It was then that I took that as my chance to show off some of my new endurance that I had received from training.

"I did not mean that-" Kakashi Senpai began to say, but I cut him off.

"KONOHA'S PURPLE SEXY BEAST IS A FORCE TO BE RECKONING WITH!" I shrieked and followed them. "Neji, Tenten, and Kakashi Senpai can choke on our youthful dust with their unyouthful attitudes!"

It was a close tie between Lee and I. In the end, I had accepted that I was third. If Guy Sensei did not take a head start, I felt as though it would have been more of a fair race between all of us. When the others caught up to us, they had quite a good scene to reach us at. Lee was doing as many push ups as he could possibly do with each passing second.

"Senpai, I have let you down." dramatically, I said and leaned against the building of the wall. "I am so sorry Senpai, I did not mean to disappoint you!" I began to cry and buried my face in my hands.

Kakashi Sensei was about to say something before a man opened the screen door and walked out with a serious expression on his face.

"You must be the Leaf Ninja. Come inside quickly, we think we might have discovered their pattern and have found out when they will attack next. We need to discuss battle strategy." he said in a serious voice kept the door open for us. "Come in quickly."


What do you guys think of this arc so far from what you have read? Did the chapter come out well?  I know what I want to do in mind for it and I'm excited to write it and read your reactions. c: Thank you all so much for commenting. You guys are my fuel.

HOW ARE YOU GUYS? Sorry, I just want to know how my home dawgies are doing. c:

Have a wonderful day and smile! (: Farewell home dawgies.

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