Just A Sexy Chick Saving The Day.

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I was so nervous about what I saw, that I couldn't sleep that night. It was a sad night for me since I dearly loved my sleep. In the morning we began to pack up, and Kanaye said he would go ahead without us, so they would be able to check in right away. Though, I knew it was so he could set up the bombs.

"Kakashi, Mika, you two will not need to guide us anymore since we're to a part where the bandits will be no trouble." Rei said to us with a smile when we were back on the trail again.

Sassy me: Smooth way of trying to get rid of us. HA! I will not allow it to work that easily!

"What about on your way back?" Kakashi Sensei asked her with a raised eye brow.

"That won't be for quite a long time since we plan on staying there for a couple months. We might request you again if needed." Sweetly, Rei said to us. "So feel free to just start going back to the village now. We're past the rough parts of the mountains, and within a few hours we should arrive at Sora."

"I insist we go with you to make things run smoothly." Sweetly, I replied back to her with a closed eye smile while we walked.

"That will not be needed." Firmly, Rei said. When I opened my eyes, I could see annoyance on her face.

"Mika, it might be best that we go. Especially if you act like this to them." Kakashi Sensei said to me with a raised eye brow.

"But we need to watch them!" I exclaimed in protest. For a second I was lost at words for a reason, then I thought of one. "What if somebody goes after them once they see us gone?"

"That won't happy sweet heart." Rei said to me with a sweet smile, but a highly annoyed voice. "The bandits usually focus on the inner part of the mountains."

"Mika, we completed our mission for now." Kakashi said to me, then  obviously winked at me since his motions were over exaggerated. That wink could have meant one of two things. One, he knew about the bombs, or two, he was coming onto me.

It was definitely option two.

"Okay," Calmly, I said with a sweet smile forced onto my face. "Let me just hug them a goodbye. It's been great getting to know them."

"Okay, just be quick about it. We will want to get back to Konoha as soon as possible." Kaka-Sensei said to me with a closed eyed smile, and I walked over to Rei who finally looked calm. She and Taku has stopped the horses, and she had open arms. On my way there, I quickly untied the tarp and then lifted it up.


Within a second, I was on the ground and my cheek hurt a lot.

"You can't ruin this for us. For Kanaye. I actually liked having you around because it was as if you were a daughter to Kanaye and I, but that just can't happen." Rei said above me. "You just had to be nosey."

A second later, Rei was done on the ground too. Kakashi was next to me, and then helped me up.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't hurt my students." He said, and we looked at Rei who slowly got up.

"Taku, go ahead without me. I'll hold these guys back." Seriously, Rei said. Taku nodded, whipped the horses with the rein, and soon they were off. "Don't think that you can get past me. There is no way I'm going to let you ruin my love's plan for revenge."

"You don't have to let us do anything." Sweetly, I said to her. "We'll just knock down the obstacles ourselves, and that means you."

"Mika, I will take care of her. Here are a few kunais." Kakashi Sensei said to me, and put five kunais in my left hand. "It seems that your ninja pouch is gone."

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