Bushy Brow Is Dangerous

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"So many teammates are having to face each other." I said to Ryuu as we watched TenTen and Neji walk into the arena. "First Shino and Hinata, then TenTen and Neji have to face each other."

"When I beat Kiba, I will then most likely end up facing one of my teammates also." Seriously, Lee said as he butted into our conversation. Kiba then choked on air.

"Who said you're going to win?!" In a defensive tone, Kiba responded and then tried to restore his normal breathing pattern.

"Who said you're going to lose?" I asked Kiba, and his mouth quickly opened but then closed. He thought for a second before he answered me.

"Lee just did." Kiba pointed out and I grinned. I made a mental note to use that tactic to confuse people further down the path of life. It was amusing to me to confuse others.

"Sorry Kiba, that was unyouthful of me to say." Lee apologize and bowed. "There is a high probability of me beating you though. I have spent most of my time training."

"He has a point there." I said and then put an arm around Lee. "He's also trained himself to do other things." Flirtatiously, I said and wiggled my eye brows. Lee uncomfortably stepped aside and moved my arm off of him.

"I TOLD YOU THAT I AM THE TRAMP IN OUR RELATIONSHIP!" Angrily, Ryuu yelled as he pointed at me. "That's it, this fellow and I are going to make some more Mistakes." He then grabbed the Rock Ninja and walked to a different corner.

"W-What?!" In horror, the Rock Ninja yelled protest. "Don't bring me into your stupid fights!" He tried to escape but Ryuu held him tightly.

"You two definitely know how to make a scene." Kiba said and shook his head from side to side. "Now a poor innocent guy is dragged into it."

"I show no remorse." Coldly, I said and crossed my arms over my chest. Kiba was taken back by my sudden change of mood and sweat dropped awkwardly.

"GO TENTEN! GO NEJI! GO TENTEN! GO NEJI! AH! I MUST BE A YOUTHFUL TEAMMATE AND CHEER FOR BOTH!" Lee yelled loudly as he leaned over the rail and watched his teammates battle.

"While Ryuu is attempting to add to the population, I'll help you Lee." Cheerfully, I said and turned my attention to the arena. "Ryuu will have to learn the hard way that men cannot repopulate. Kaka-Sensei has explained it all to me." I said in serious tone and shuddered when I remembered "The Talk" he had given me.

"Arigato Mika." Lee said with a smile. "Just make sure not to say anything inappropriate." He said and sheepishly grinned.

"I can make no promises." I said and watched as Neji was trying to get TenTen in his sixty-four palm range. "Already picked who I'm cheering for."

TenTen was using her scrolls and trying to hit Neji with them. Neji used his byakugan to reflect all of them and to protect himself. I began to realize that since TenTen and Neji had trained so much together in the past, they both knew each other's jutsu quite well. The thing was, Neji had almost always won their sparring matches.

"Neji! You smell like feet! Not the good smelling feet or the feet that smell like nothing, the feet that smell bad. The feet that are so bad nobody wants to be around!" I yelled to Neji in my attempt to insult him. "You are very bad smelling feet. Also, your elbow looks very funny today!"

"GO TENTE-Mika, it's not youthful to insult somebody." Lee said to me, and I began to dramatically tear up a bit.

"Even if it's a bad insult?" I asked him, and he nodded. "I don't know. If it's a really bad insult, is it even an insult to the person it's directed to? But rather, an insult to the person who said it?"

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