Arriving At Suna! Time To Harass New People!

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"I'm going to make some babies. I'm going to make some babies." Happily, I chanted and clapped my hands. Asuma sweat dropped at my chanting while Shikamaru just face palmed.

"I didn't think she would be like this." Ino muttered and kept walking on the path. "Time was supposed to mature a person."

"It's Mika, what can you expect?" Shikamaru asked her, and I put an arm around him.

"See, Shikamaru just knows me so well." Cheerfully, I said and poked his cheek.

Kakashi Sensei did not trust me going to the Chunin Exams by myself, so he wanted me to go with another team. I would enter the exams by myself though. In the end, Asuma was stupid enough to say that he would take me. Guy Sensei volunteered and actually begged to have me go with him, but Kaka-Sensei decided against it because apparently I would have came back only talking about youth and he couldn't deal with knowing three people like that.

"Personally, I don't mind Mika's company. She makes things really interesting." Choji said with a smile on his face.

"Aw Choji, you're so swe-" I began, but got cut off.

"You can't forget how much she talks about anything sexual though." Ino pointed out, I opened my mouth to speak but Shikamaru beat me to it.

"That's just her personality though. You always talk about women stuff." Shikamaru said, and I began to sweat drop.

"What's wrong with that?" Ino asked with an anime vein on her forehead.

"I never said there was anything wrong with it, I just said that you talk about woman stuff and Mika talks about different stuff." In a calm tone, Shikamaru explained.

"Ino, you know that Shikamaru means no harm." Kindly, Choji said to Ino and she sent a glare towards him.

"I know he means something though." She said, and glared at Shikamaru. In order from left to right, it was Asuma, me, Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino.

"Your team is almost better then my soap operas." I whispered to Asuma as we all walked together. We were in the sand, but much closer to Suna then a few hours ago. Some teams wanted to go at different times. Most teams went early, but Guy Sensei has said that he wanted to wait till the last minute so his team could get the "youthful rush" of trying to get there on time.

"That's nice." Asuma said with a sweat drop on his forehead.

"There isn't enough cleavage showing though." In thought, I said and point my pointer finger on my chin. "Have you realized that dogs are always naked?"

"How does he deal with you." Asuma said and put his face into his hands.

"Think about it, we could start a sexy revolution. Where everybody just walks around naked. Or just Gaara. I really like that idea." I said, and Asuma groaned while Ino rambled on about how lazy Shikamaru was. "I think we're here."

Asuma pulled his hands away, and looked at the long crack in front of us. Ino noticed it and went quiet. Just then, two Sand Ninjas came forward and glared at us.

"State your business." The one on the left said. He had long brown hair that went to his shoulders, and a mask that covered his face until right below the eyes.

"We are here for the Chunin Exams." Never before had I seen Asuma look so business like. It was actually very amusing. "Sarutobi Asuma, I am the Sensei. There is Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, and Tanaka Mika. Mika is not my student, but I am just escorting her to the village."

Lefty look at a clipboard and then gently smiled. Righty, he looked as if he had to poop bricks.

"You may pass through." Lefty said, and Asuma bowed. Then, Asuma walked down the open space and we followed. Once we reached the village, all of us were in awe. Except Asuma and Shikamaru, they didn't get excited very easily.

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