Quality Time With Kankuro

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"Good morning!" Cheerfully, I said out loud as I skipped down the hall way and jumped onto the counter. I sat criss-cross-apple-sauce and made myself comfortable.  There was a bowl full of fruit next to me, and I grabbed a peach from it. The peaches in Suna were definitely not as good as the ones in Konoha, but they were still peaches.

"I told you, do not sit on the counter. That's where I eat." Grumpily, Kankuro spat at me and held his plate in his hands.

"That sounds like a you problem, peasant." Sassily, I said and stroke a fabulous pose.

"Mika, we made a deal that you would not violate any of our possessions if we gave you peaches. Sitting on them is a way of violating them." Temari said to me, and I pouted as I got off. Kankuro smirked in victory as he sat down on the chair and set his food on the counter.

"Elbow rub." Quickly, I said and rubbed one of Kankuro's elbows. He did not appreciate me doing that. He showed it be elbowing me in the ribs. "Omph!" I said as I fell to the ground and curled into a ball. Temari said as she set her food down on the counter and began to eat too.

"Is this how it is going to be the whole month you are here?" She asked Kankuro and I. It was obvious I wasn't going to answer since I was busy rolling around on the ground. So that left Kankuro to answer for us.

"Only if she continues to be stupid." Kankuro said, and took a bite out of his food.

"So that means yes." I wheezed out, and stayed curled up in a ball. Temari sighed, and went back to her food.

"I guess I'll just have to beat one of you up in the future if it gets too out of hand." She said, and I wrinkled my nose at that idea. All of us knew that Temari was most likely one of the toughest girls in existence. She could have beaten any other rookie. There was no doubt that this time in the exams, she would make it to Chunnin rank.

"I vote him." I said and continued to remain on the ground.

"This is not chosen by voting, it just happens to whoever is in my way at a bad time." Temari said and took a bite of her food.

"I still vote him." In a soft voice, I whispered and jumped up. "Well, it's time to sexy myself up for the day." Since my jacket was on the couch, I grabbed it and tied it around my waist. "How you do guys feel about this outfit? I'm trying to go for a look that says, 'Hey baby, you and I will make sweet, sweet love until you can't even move your pinky?'"

"Nope, you just make me want to punch you." Kankuro said to me, and I just snapped my fingers sassily.

"I told you yesterday that I'm not taking repeated answers. You said that yesterday too, so it does not count. Besides, you are not even looking at me!" I pointed out, and snapped my fingers.

"It is how I feel though. It is how I will feel for the next month you are here." Kankuro spat out at me, and I just wrinkled my nose.

"You are now banned from answering." I said, and I could just feel that Kankuro rolled his eyes. "You did not just roll your eyes at me!"

"How did you know I even did it?!" Kankuro exclaimed at me, and Temari giggled.

"You two will most definitely keep me entertained for the next month." Happily, she said as she grabbed her dish and began to walk to the sink with it.

"Are you happy now? We are her entertainment whores. Not even paid ones! Do you know how low this is?" I asked him and waved my arms around. Sadly, Kankuro was still determined to not even look in my direction and was still facing his food.

"The same low you have always been on?" Kankuro asked me, and an anime vein formed on my forehead. "That is nothing new for you." With that, he got up and walked away.

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