It's Always The Quiet Ones Into The Weird Stuff.

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"Come on Kaka-Sensei! It'll be fun! Just for a few minutes! It's just snow!" I pleaded to Kaka-Sensei as he leaned against a tree and read his book. The other three said that what they were transporting over is a type of new tea or new food, and that we shouldn't see so it could be a surprise when it went on the market.

"A snow fight is ridiculous." He said to me, and kept reading his book. I wrinkled my nose at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Kill joy." Childishly, I said and crossed my arms over my chest to pout. A poof of frost formed near my mouth after I spoke. Once I noticed that, I kept breathing out through my mouth to make a big poof.

"Hey, look!" Eagerly, I exclaimed to Kakashi Sensei. He glanced over, to see me pointing near my mouth and let a breathe out to have frost form around it. His attention went back to his book.

"Oh I see how it is! Porn goes before everything!" Dramatically, I said and flipped my hair dramatically. "You never spend any more time with me any more!"

"Aw Kakashi, you can't let the poor girl down." Kanaye said, as he walked up to us with a grin on his face. "She is your lover student after all."

"She isn't my lover. Just a student." Kakashi said with an anime vein on his forehead.

"It's okay, I already told you I won't judge." Kanaye said and shrugged his shoulders.

"We aren't lovers. It's just a student and teacher relationship, nothing else." Frustratedly, Kakashi said through clenched teeth.

"You never let us be out in the open!" I wailed and began to anime cry a river.

"You hurt the poor girl! Mika come here, I promise you'll be safe with me." Kanaye said with open arms, and I ran to his arms for a hug. I could hear Kakashi let out a huff of breathe, and then calm down.

"Are you done packing up yet?" Calmly, he asked Kanaye.

"We just finished." A calm, and happy voice said. Right away, I knew it was Rei since it would be freaky if any guy had a girl-ish voice like that.

"I was just about to tell Kakashi that, but he insisted on telling me about his relationship with Mika." Kanaye said and I could feel him shrug his shoulders. "I don't know what to do with the guy."

"Let's just get going." Kakashi said with a sigh, not even bothering to correct Kanaye. I let go of Kanaye, and followed him and Rei to where the carts of supplies were.

"I hope you guys don't mind guarding the sides. Those would be the most dangerous places, and we aren't ninjas so it's best for you guys to go there." Kanaye said and pointed to the sides of the two carts that were in line. Two horses in front of each to steer. "We packed extra supplies. So no need to worry about food or a tent."

"We're ninja, we always need to pack that to be ready for whatever may happen." Kakashi said and eyed the horses. "What is going to happen to the horses if we get caught in a storm?"

"Oh that's easy. They're going to join us in the tent. We find a place big enough off the trail to put the two carts near each other, and just put tent material on the sides. Easy as that." Kanaye said with a grin and leaned against one of the carts. "We know the signs of when a storm will hit, so we should be good with timing, but I bet you guys know that too."

"It would be unofficial of us not to know the signs of a snow storm." Kakashi said in an official voice.

"Ha, that's cute. That means I would of had to of read my Academy work." I said and grinned, Kakashi Sensei just smacked my head. Within seconds, a bump formed on my head. "Meanie!"

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