Don't Worry, I Have A Great Strategy!

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Kankuro was not very happy with me the next morning. Unlike most people when they get ready for an event and relax, I danced around the house singing inappropriate songs. He got even more annoyed at me when I sang about him instead. One person made me shut up though, Temari. She was worst than me in the morning.

"Mika, if you don't shut the hell up right now you will never be able to harass my brothers ever again." Temari had said to me, and I was utterly terrified.

"Fo s-shizzle." I stuttered out, and awkwardly stepped off the counter a bit. My left foot was on the table while my right foot was on the ground.

"Tch." She replied, and stomped her way back to her room to get ready.

"Oh!" I yelled and grabbed my chest, which was mainly just air at the moment. "I like big-"

"MIKA!" Temari yelled from her room, I fell off of the counter and onto the floor.

"Ow! That really hurt my non-existent boobs." I whined and rolled around in pain.

I heard a sigh from beside me, and I looked up to see Kankuro. "You're not going to make it in the Exams."

"You're right." I said, and went back to my rolling around. Kankuro had confusion on his face from my response. "What? I already know I'm going to be a target no matter what. Who can't see this beautiful beast? I'm pretty hard to miss."

"Baka." Kankuro said once he face palmed himself.

"What? At least I'm honest about it!" I exclaimed as he walked back down the hallway to his room. Once I heard a door slam, I wrinkled my nose and got up. As I looked around the kitchen for food, something caught my eye. Peaches.

"PEACHES!" Those poor peaches didn't have a chance of living on with their peachy life after I saw them. They were delicious since they were just ripe.

It was a bit hectic to leave since Kankuro forgot a stripe on his make up. Temari yelled at him for it and told him to hurry up. While that was going on, I was busy trying to make my move on Gaara who just looked into my eyes. I didn't even speak a real word since I stumbled over what I said so much. All I heard coming from my mouth was "B-bo-bo-boot-b-", I stuttered more than Hinata.

By some miracle, Temari had managed to get us out on the streets and heading towards their Academy for exam registrations and the first exam. Kankuro kept glaring at me while we walked, I wiggled my eye brows at him and licked my lips sexually. Obviously, Kankuro meant something else from his glare because he face palmed at me.

"Kankuro, stop flirting with Mika and listen up." Temari snapped, and Kankuro got an anime vein. "As soon as we get there, Mika you have to go your own way so people don't connect us all together. We plan on becoming Chunin, and you are not going to get in the way of it for us."

"Understandable." Nonchalantly, I said and shrugged my shoulders. Temari's face had shock on it from my reply.

"You're okay with that?" She asked me and raised an eye brow at me.

"Of course, you want to seem mysterious and I'm just a really intimidating person. My sexiness intimidates people just miles away. So I don't want to ruin things for you guys." I replied and winked at Temari. She sweat dropped at my answer, but nodded.

As soon as we arrived, I ran inside and spotted Shikamaru. He was with Ino, Choji, Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. Mischievously, I grinned to myself and ran over. When I was close enough, I jumped onto his back and wrapped my legs around him.

"It's nice to see you're not dead." Shikamaru casually said and I poked his cheek.

"I see that you worried about me." Happily, I replied and grinned.

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