➡Wanna One

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"Jihoon-hyung....What are you doing?" Jinyoung said as he sat beside me.

It's the last day of reheasals before the final debut evaluation. It can be anybody's game. We'll never know what will happen.

My ranking had been constant. If it continues, I may be able to debut.

I want to debut.

But I know I can't. Seeing all these wonderful people that I had been with for the last 90 days, I cant help but feel guilty by the fact that I may steal someone else's dream vecause of my lie.

I guess my decision was for the best.

"Oh. Nothing." I said as I folded the stationary in my hand.

"Love letter?" Jinyoung chuckled.

"I guess it's full of love." I chuckled. I would give this to them before--------. It's the least I can do.

I hugged Jinyoung. "Gomawo." I said.

"Why?" He said.

"You're the first friend I have in this competition." Not to mention, the most normal person i met in the competition.

".... I feel safe when I'm with you."

Jinyoung blushed as I gave him a side hug.

I lidtwd my head and saw Guanlin and Woojin looking at us.

"What are we then?" Woojin asked.

"Don't I make you feel safe too?" Guanlin said.

"Of course you do!" I jumped at them and hugged them both.

"Group hug!!!" Ong Seongwoo, aka the most dangerous person in the competition, dashed towards us.

He hit the ground as we dodged him.

"No one loves me~" Seongwoo said as he pouted.

"Ofcourse I love you!" Daniel said as he help him up.

"Daniel-sshi~~~~" Seongwoo said.

"What's that?" Guanlin said as he looked at the letter in the bench.

"Nothing." I said as I kept it on my pocket.

"Trainees.... Assemble!!!" The staff shouted.

Little did we know what's about to happen.

"Do you remember how you were before the competition?" The staff asked as we sat in the auditorium.

"I have pink hair." Daniel said.

"My face was still chubby." Guanlin said.

"Handsome as always." Jaehwan said.

Everybody fell silent.

The screen started playing our auditions videos.

The screen started playing our auditions videos

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