•|My number one|•

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The Group evaluation is just the beginning of the prolonged agony before the first elimination.

Everyday, the staff posts the updates on the recent rankings among the three categories ( 19 below, 20's, 30's and above). My hands were shaking as I felt overwhelmed by the support of the people. I've been constantly voted in top threr among the different categories.

Weeks ago, nobody even knows I exist.But now everyone knows me.

Sometimes, I do wonder if it's me , or it my brother... Park Jihoon.

It's still too early to be confident about the results though....

Park Woojin dropped from rank 38- 64.... And he's seemed upset about it.

"Yo! Woojin-nie!" Ong seong woo greeted him as he put his arm around him.

Jinyoung, Dae hwi, Woojin and I, are currently sweeping the floors in the garden as a 'community service' for violating rules

aka illegal smuggling of fried chicken.

Woojin hit Seongwoo in the stomach.

"Ah!" Seongwoo cried. Ong locked woojin in his arms. Woojin brushed him off and continued sweeping the floor.

"Come on! Cheer up!" Seongwoo said.

"It's like K-star all over again." He said.

Just like Jihoon, woojin also entered showbusiness at a young age. I did remember him appearing in an audition program as a child.

He must be feeling the same struggle that my brother had.

"What." He asked as he looked at me.

"Nothing." I said as i looked away.

"I'm craving fried chicken." I said without thinking.

The three of them stopped looked at me with amazement.

"Park Jihoon!!!" Woojin chased me with his broom.

The Producer called us for a meeting.

"We know that the tension is getting to everyone. So to loosen you up, we set up a therapeutic exercise for all of you."One of them said.

Therapeutic exercise?

"Inside the room, is a mirror. We want you to talk to yourself and freely express how to feel right now." One of the staff added.

"PR opportunity!" One of the trainees whispered.

We were all asked to line up in a separate room as we were called one by one for our turns.

Most of them were already lracticing their dialogues. And were all aiming for that touchy feeling.

In a corner, I saw Ong seongwoo practising his lines in a pocket mirror. He was unexpectedly... Good and believable.

He looked at me, winked, and gave me a thumbs up. "All set right?"

Little did they know... Of what's about to come....

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