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BoA sunbae-nim announced the next challenge for the competition.

What aired in the television .

What happened off cam.

Sungwoon: Okay! The other group looks more manly than ours. Dongho will devour us. We have to show some skin.Who's in charge of abs?

Euiwoong: (*raises hand)Me! Me!

Sungwoon: Aren't you to young to show abs?

Euiwoong: *shows abs

Everyone claps....

Sungwoon: Okay.... That will work just fine. I was thinking of going topless too... But that's just too redundant.I'll just go for the "I'm pissed but I'm hot look"

Samuel: I'll just lick my teeth!

Sungwoon: *Thumbs up. Haknyeon, just smile. Make sure the light hits your face well.

Me: How about me?

Sungwoon: Do the "I'm messing my hair but I'm messing with you too" look
:Now... For the bromance....

Dae hwi smiled at me then looked at Jinyoung...

Me: *Raises hands

Sungwoon: Alright! You and Jinyoung do it!

Me: No! No! Dae hwi and Jinyoung should do it since they're both vocals....

Sungwoon: But your promotional video was a hit. There's definitely a chemistry there.

Me: But I'm not a singer...

Dae hwi: (with enthusiasm) *raise his hands... Yeah! Yeah! And I can hit high notes!

Sungwoon: But you'll strain your voice...

Come on Sungwoon... Get a clue...

Sungwoon looks at Dae hwi... Then Jinyoung... Then Dae hwi.... Then Jinyoung.....

Sungwoon: No. #DeepWinkforever

Dae hwi sulks

Jinyoung:( *puts his arm around me) Yey! Me and hyung....

Dae hwi pouts.

Behold Avengers



Hi! Are you guys a Reply 1988 fan? If you are... I just wanna tell you that i am too... 😉😉😉

I love how the drama is so stylistic and how the writer was like... "Like that? Biiiiitch No!"

This is will be the first and last hint about the Easter eggs all over in this novel...

I hope you like it! 🕵

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