•|POV 4|•

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This can't be right

I'm a man!

I'm a tough....


Straight young man!

Straight young man!

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"I'm straiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhtttt!!!"
I shouted as I splashed my face with water.

"Okay! Okay! I believe you!Geezz
Seongwoo!" Jaehwan chuckled as he went out from one of the cubicles in the bathroom.

"Nae maeum so gae... Jeojang!" Jaehwan smiled as he did a weird aegyo.

I felt the hair in my whole body stood up.

That must've been the cringiest thing I've ever seen in my life.

"What the hell's that?" I asked him.

"My secret weapon for the next evaluation." He said as he looked around. "Don't copy it... Okay?"

"You look ridiculous." I said.

" and you look like you have an identity crisis." Jaehwan grinned.

Several trainees entered the bathroom.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" I asked Jaehwan.

"Sure" he said.

We went to one of the secluded hallways in the studio and sat on the floor.

"There are lots of good-looking people in the competition isn't it?" I said as I nervously breath out.

"Like me?" Jaehwan said as he points to himself.

Slightly hesistant, i nodded.

"Hey... You think it's normal to admire others... Even if we're all.... You know..... guys?" I asked him.

"Yeah... You can admire me if you want to. I don't mind." Jaehwan said. "What's the problem in that?"

He smirked. "Don't tell me... You like someone.... In a romantic way..."

"... I'm mean.... I'm open minded but I'm not interested in gay relation----"

"Who told you I'm gay!" I shouted as as i hit the floor. " I dated a ton of girls before i came here!" I added.

"Geeez! So defensive! So.... Who is it that you admire" Jaehwan asked.

"Well... If you look closely... He has this.... Kind and innocent expression on his face."

" There was a time when he wore a wig, and he kinda' looked like a girl! He's very charming and full of aegyo. My heart flutters when i see him." I said

"Is that normal?" I asked Jaehwan.

"Well.... It's normal to admire someone else's looks... You know Minhyun? He said he likes your face. He even voted you as one of the good looking contestants."

".... What's not normal... Is if you see him in a completely different way... If you know what i mean... You said he makes your heart flutter? That's bad."

"It is?" I asked.

He nodded. "So...who is it?" He asked.

"Promise me you won't tell." Seongwoo said.

Jaehwan nodded.

"Myabe it's just an admiration.... " i added.

"okay..." He nodded.



"Park... Ji-hoon..." Even saying his name made my heart pound.

"You like Jihoon!?" Jaehwan shouted.

I quickly covered his mouth. "Ssssshhhh! You're too loud! It's supposed to be a secret!"

I felt small steps coming towards my way.

I slowly turned around, only to see him.. Standing right in front of me.

Park Jihoon...

-Ong Seong woo

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