James looked down at his clenched fist and then grabbed my hand. I pull it away from him slightly but he opens my fist and places my necklace in the palm of my hand before clasping my fingers around it.

I stare at my hand as the look of guilt in James' eyes burn through me but I can't forgive him. "James I love you and I'm sure in time I'll forgive you but right now I have to go..." I stand on my tip toes and kiss him gently on the cheek. "Goodbye..." He dropped his head and a tear fell from his cheek to the floor. I turned to the platform and covered my mouth to stop the sob escaping my mouth.

As I stood waiting for the train a tear would fall from my cheek every now and then as I reflected on what had just happened. I listened to the gentle drumming of the rain on the roof and flashbacks popped up in my head. The one that got to me the most was the night he gave me this necklace, we danced through the night in each other's arms...oh how perfect that night was...

James' P.O.V

I've been cooped up in my room for five days wandering what to say to her, how to get her to stay with a prick like me? Now I'm stood in a freezing cold train station waiting for the love of my life to walk through so I can try and persuade her to at least give me a chance. I look like a mess I've got bags under my eyes and my hairs dripping with rain that runs down my dry, puffy skin. It's been five days and I'm a complete wreck!

I've been stood in this one spot outside the Starbucks near the ticket booth for about two hours and there she is. I can't breath as I stare at her once perfect complexion as she too appears to have suffered from the event. I'm frozen to the spot as she takes her ticket and starts to walk to her platform.

"Delilah!" I found myself shout after her. My voice was croaky and was barely loud enough for her to hear it but she stopped dead in her tracks.

She didn't turn around as I ran towards her when I was behind her I reached for her hand...

"Don't..." She said to me her voice quiet and I stopped my hand before she continued "Just don't..." She stood there and her head dropped.

"Delilah, please I'm sorry...I didn't do anything, I swear...it was all..." I managed to say before she rapidly turned around, shocked, mascara running down her red cheeks. Her face was implying rage but I saw straight through it as her now dull eyes showed the hurt she felt inside.

"How dare you!" She said firmly. "How dare you come here and think you can apologise after five days...FIVE DAYS JAMES!" She now starts shouting and honestly I can't blame her. "Not a knock at the door, not a message passed on by the boys, not even a lousy text message. James there was NOTHING!" Delilah can barely even look at me as her tears fall to the paved floor.

"I know and I feel like an absolute dick...but..."

"And so you should! But James that doesn't make me feel any better..." She looks up at me before turning to leave but after two steps she turns back to face me dead on. "I hope you're happy with her James, I honestly do but just know this. I trusted you and I was going to open up to you but you broke that trust and our love...or at least the love I felt for you...because...because...I don't know if you even loved me!" When she said that through her tears I felt like someone had stabbed me in the back. I looked at her straight in the eye both of us crying as passers-by gawp at us. I can't believe she thinks that I'd be happy with Naomi and that I never loved her!

"Delilah, you know that's not true!" My tone is assertive as I step closer to her. "I always loved you, from the moment I laid my eyes on you! Delilah, believe me when I tell you this, I love you, and I always will! Now if you get on that train today, I'll never forgive myself, but I'll do everything in my power to earn your forgiveness..."

I look down at my hand which is gripping onto Delilah's necklace which I found on the pavement outside of Milly's after the party that night. The hook is broken so I assume she ripped it off...taking her hand I feel her pull back slightly but she stops as I peel back her fingers. I place the necklace in the palm of her hand and wrap her fingers around the necklace and she stares at her hand for a while.

Delilah then looks up at me and says "James I love you and I'm sure in time I'll forgive you but right now I have to go..." There's that stabbing sensation in my back again only it's in my chest as well this time. She steps closer to me, a tear sliding down her cheek, and then closes her eyes as she stands on her toes and places a delicate kiss on my right cheek. "Goodbye..."

My head drops as a tear escapes and falls to the cold floor of the station. Delilah turns away from me and walks to her platform...I stare at her ebony hair until she is lost in the sea of people. I try to hold my tears back but end up sobbing loudly as I make my way to the gents toilets. I stand over the sink feeling physically sick...I've lost her...my eyes are blood shot and they sting like hell. Suddenly I feel light headed and collapse against the wall before sliding to the floor and holding my head in my hands...the tears fall on my scruffy, dark grey joggers as I sit there lost.

I don't know how long I've been sat here but I hear the door swing open and a sharp intake of breath but don't look up until the figure squats in front of me and pulls me into a hug. I can tell who it is by his scent, short arms and shaggy hair.

"James, come on let's get you home." Con says to me sympathetically.

"I fucked it up Con, she'll never forgive me." I say to him as he stands up.

"She will it'll just take time." He holds out his hand and I take it before we leave the toilets. Everyone's here; Tris, Brad, Con, even Milly and Tilly are here. I try not to start crying again but I look at Tilly and Milly and they've been crying too, so I hug them and we cry together before the lads join in the hug.

'I love you Delilah...and I will be with you again...'


I know my updates take a while but they will always be up eventually! I've got great plans for the next couple of chapters so they should get done quicker, fingers crossed. I don't like Delilah and James falling out but ya' know something dramatic's got to happen!

Anyway last chapter I said I'd give a shoutout to anyone who added my story to their reading list so here you guys are a shoutout!

A huge thanks to:

- Beccainman13

- jamesmcveyforever

- LawsonFoursome

- CaitlinHawes

- tristaann

Thanks again Fin! 😘

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