Gathel blew on a golden horn to silence everyone. With his massive frame staring down at the two contenders, he read out the laws of the Arena to every listening ear, stating out the consequences of any wrongdoing by anyone. And with that said, Gathel blew on the horn a second time for the battle to commence.

Without warning , Humrak ran towards Ethjab, his head down, horns pointed towards the old prince, ..ready to gore him in the torso.

Ethjab smiled to himself, he knew his opponent would make this move,  ..'the old goat', Ethjab thought to himself , waiting patiently for his brother to get close enough.

As Humrak threw all his weight forward, horns almost reaching their mark , he suddenly looked up, and for a split second, he thought he saw the old prince smiling wickedly at him.
Before he could react, Ethjab had swung his massive sword like a whip,upwards.

Humrak tried to swing his head out of the way, but it was too late. Ethjab had anticipated his move .
Many in the crowd screamed and screeched, as Humrak crashed to the rocky ground, his two massive horns, falling off his forehead. It was a silent but swift blow from Ethjab's goliath of a sword.

Celeb noticed with surprise at the lightning speed at which the blow was dealt. 'Their quarry had surely acquired new powers,'..celeb pondered to himself as he silently pushed forward, moving closer to the ring to get a closer look.
He was now eager to see the outcome of the battle and report his observations back to Jerub immediately .
Things were not as they had expected, ..Ethjab was definitely stronger.

Humrak was outraged. He felt humiliated seeing his beautiful bronze horns on the ground before him. He was too stunned to move or stand.

The crowd went quiet.

Soon,many of the spirits and some of Humrak's supporters began to chant the old Prince's name.
The angels were not surprised at this, demons and evil spirits were never loyal subjects to anyone.

Humrak suddenly snapped, the crowd's cry for Ethjab only made him angrier. He stood up,grunting loudly like a hog and faced his adversary. He reached back with his huge hands and withdrew two huge golden daggers.

Ethjab glared back at Humrak, without hesitation or remorse. He was ready . For him, the betrayal had caused the biggest scar, he was set on vanquishing his brother to the pits of hell itself . He would not share his throne with no one.

For the next ten minutes, iron clashed against iron, Ethjab having the upper hand, but his opponent, not giving up,and trying to match him.

Finally, the former Prince dealt the ultimate blow.

Catching his opponent unaware, Ethjab swung round and dug his mighty sword, deep inside his adversary's back. It protruded out from Humrak's chest,causing him to fall to his knees, ..screaming in pain as he went down.
Wickedly, Ethjab twisted the blade handle ,purposely causing more internal damage and finally pushing the sword upwards.
Ethjab ignored the chilling screams of the other, slowly slicing through demonic tendons and bones, until the sword erupted through Humrak's left shoulder.

Humrak fell face down, green blood oozed from the deep gash from his chest . Pieces of bones and green blood, splashed unto the spectators as the blade exited his body.

Ethjab's fangs clenched in a tight grin , enjoying every bit of the pain he had inflicted. He grabbed Humrak by his leg and pulled him towards Gathel Beinion.

By the laws of the Oritha, only the Umpire had the right to vanquish  the loser to any destination the Victor wished, if he, the Umpire found it just.

"So where do I banish Humrak to, Prince Ethjab" Gathel asked, slowly turning his right hand in a circular motion in a bid to open a portal between the worlds.

" I want him in the pits of hell itself" replied the new Prince.
Humrak howled out, he couldn't believe Ethjab would send him to the worst place ever. But he knew begging was out of it, pride would never let him stoop so low .

Gathel looked at Ethjab and blankly said.. " you would send your kind to the very place you will end up?, ..what an irony".
And without waiting for a reply, the Solar Angel picked a screaming Humrak up by his hair and tossed him into the portal like a piece of rag , ..straight down to hells' pitfires.

The demons and evil spirits in the crowd were already hailing the new Prince. The fight had lasted less than thirty minutes by earthly calculations. There was no other explanation for it, ...Ethjab was back.

However, there was one spectator in the crowd  that had concern written all over his angelic face. Celeb motioned to the other sentinels with him and they all withdrew from the Abyss. They made their way downwards at great speed, towards Dirinwa, one of the three towns they guarded. Jerub had to be informed immediately of the new development .

To be continued, pls vote if you liked it.

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