Part 35

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By the end of the day Friday Troy had still not shown up to school and I hadn't heard from him. I had cornered Joy at school today to ask if his parents had heard anything and she had said no. Granted she could have been lying to me, part of me hoped she was and that Troy would be home soon. I was getting restless and worried, so was Nan. When a wolf is apart from their mate too long they start to go stir crazy. When I got home from school I was happy to see that no one was home yet, perfect time to go for a run. I dropped my bag by the door and walked to the woods, I could feel Nan getting excited. I walked behind a tree making sure I was hidden before I stripped down and let Nan take over. I stretched my legs and shook my fur out, it felt good to be in my wolf form.

"It should, it's been forever since you shifted." Nan said.

"Oh it has not, we just shifted for our mate earlier this week remember? And let's not forget when I shifted defending our mate just a few days ago." I responded and she knew I was right. I think she just enjoyed giving me crap and keeping me on my toes.

"Why haven't we heard from him?" She whimpered. I could really feel her sadness and worry now that I was in my wolf form, she wasn't the only one with those feelings.

"I don't know..... I wish I did. If he's been in the ocean this whole time he may not be able to get ahold of us." I didn't know how communication worked in the ocean, ink would fade away and there obviously aren't phones down there. I wonder how they do communicate with each other, I'll have to ask Troy if I see him again.

"When we see him again, he has to come back for us." Nan corrected me not liking my thoughts of Troy possibly not coming back.

"I know. I'm just worried about him is all."

"I know, I am too. Want to run to the Ocean? We may not be able to hear him but we could be close to him in a way." Nan suggested. "Maybe if we splash in the Ocean loud enough he will hear us."

I laughed at her and took off running thru the woods.

I loved running with Nan, we were fast and strong. The trees and wildlife just zoomed by when we ran. We would have to go slower someday so we could actually look at the scenery. We reached the ocean in record time, I think we were both hoping once we got here Troy would magically be on the beach. I know it's a long shot but a girl and wolf can dream can't they? I stepped into the waves hoping I would feel some kind of connection to Troy but I all I felt were the waves pushing and pulling me in the sand. I wonder what it would feel like to swim in the ocean. I mean I've swam in the ocean obviously, but I mean out way in the deep away from land. Where there is no one else, it's just you and the waves. It had to be peaceful, it was probably as relaxing for mers as it was for me to run with Nan. There was no way I could actually go out there far, I would drown. If I couldn't go out there, couldn't swim in the deep, how could I make a great queen? Part of the mer population lives out there in the deep and I couldn't even go to them. Do I even want to be queen? I've been bred my whole life to be a Luna, not a queen.

"Isn't a queen just like a Luna?" Nan asked me.

"What do you mean? Luna is a wolf thing, you can't be a Luna if you aren't a wolf."

"I understand that, but I'm saying they are the same as in the way you lead a people. If you think about it, aside from the wolf part, being a Luna is exactly like being a Queen. You will rule the people, be kind and fair, and will always have your people and their needs in your mind and heart. The same can be said of a great Queen." She was right and I hadn't thought of it that way, a Luna is the same as a Queen. I could do it, I could be queen and lead by Troy's side. I wanted to lead by Troy's side.

"That's great except for one thing, how are you both going to lead an ocean if neither of you will be able to swim. If our mark will turn him human, he won't be able to lead them either. Not to mention you can't lead a pack, without a wolf Alpha.

"Nan you really are a buzz kill sometimes you know that?" She just smirked at me in her head.

"Annie! Where are you?" I jumped as I heard my mom shout at me thru the mind link.

"By the ocean, is something wrong?" I asked.

"Well I just caught a boy trying to sneaking into your window, and if my scent is correct you have a lot of explaining to do. I suggest you get home now before your father does." Mom shut off the link. I gulped, she did not sound happy one bit.

"Okay Nan, let's see how fast we can go." And we took off.

We made it back to the house very quickly and I shifted back quickly throwing my clothes back on. I burst into the back door and there sitting at the kitchen island was the most handsome thing I had ever seen.

"Hey little fish." My mate was home.

I rushed into Troy's arms and gave him a huge kiss. He seemed surprised by my kiss but soon recovered and pulled me in closer wrapping me in his arms.

"Well I guess that answers my question as to why he was sneaking into your window." I jumped back a little from Troy at the sound of my mother's voice. I was so happy to see Troy that I hadn't even noticed my mother sitting on the other side of the island.

"Umm." I looked between my mom and Troy. Mom didn't know I had found my mate, she probably thought I was fooling around with some boy from school.

"It's okay Annie, I know. Troy told me he was your mate, he was very honest about your relationship unlike someone." She looked at me and I could tell she was hurt that I hadn't told her about Troy.

"I figured I had better tell her before she ripped my throat out. I know better than to mess with a Luna, people think Alpha's are the scary ones? Heck no! Mess with a Luna, that will get you real messed up." Troy said with wide eyes and I tried not to laugh.

"That's right and don't you forget it." Mom looked at me and winked. We both knew Alpha's were the strongest in a pack but we were going to just let Troy think it was us Luna's that were the scary ones. I sat in Troy's lap happy to be close to him again.

"You have about an hour before your father gets home, I suggest you spend it wisely and away from the house in case he comes home early." My mom said as she stood up from the island. "Annie, you and I will be speaking later. Troy said there was more to your guy's story but he wanted me to hear it from you. I will not say anything to your father until you and I have spoken."

"Yes ma'am, thank you." I was grateful she had not been hard on us.

"I'm happy you two have found each other, being with one's mate is a wonderful thing. Now, go before your father gets home." She stopped and turned to Troy who was currently shoving another one of my mom's Cheerio Balls in his mouth. "And Troy, treat my girl properly. I will rip your throat out if you hurt her." Smiling she walked out of the kitchen.

"Your mom scares the coral out of me." His paling. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck inhaling his scent.

"I missed you. You were gone so long."

He hung his head, "I know, I'm sorry little fish. I missed you too." I could tell he was sorry and I knew that I couldn't stay mad at him. I leaned in giving him another kiss.

"Come on, I want to show you something." I grabbed the last Cheerio Ball out of his hand and tugged him out the back door.

"You aren't taking me to the woods to punish me for leaving are you?" He looked at me wearily.

"Maybe. Guess you'll have to wait and find out." I winked at him and led him into the woods.

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