Part 32

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I was shocked that Jeremy agreed to help us, I looked over at Troy who also had a surprised look on his face. "Let's go inside so we can talk privately." I motioned towards the house and we all headed in doors. I doubted anyone would sneak up on us and listen but I didn't want to take any chances. We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Would anyone like anything to drink?" I asked filling the awkward silence.

"No, I would like you two to say what you have to say so I can leave." Jeremy snapped at me, I won't lie and say it didn't sting a little. I may not have the romantic feelings for Jeremy anymore but I still consider him one of my good friends.

"First of all, please do not speak to Annie in that tone. I know you are upset at the situation and if I was in your shoes I would be hurt also." Troy gave Jeremy a pointed look. "Secondly, you will need to keep it a secret that Annie has found her mate."

"What? Why? The whole pack has been waiting for this! They will want to know who their new Alpha will be." Jeremy exclaimed. He was right, the day the oldest child of an Alpha turns eighteen is a huge deal not only to the kid but the whole pack because they found out who their new Alpha or Luna would be.

"Well.... That's the other part of it. We don't know how or if Troy will be able to be Alpha." I trailed off looking at Troy, I wasn't sure how much he wanted to tell Jeremy.

Jeremy gave me a confused look, "What do you mean you don't know how? Mark him and he turns to a wolf, ta-da." He said sarcastically as if I was an idiot for not knowing he would turn into a wolf when I marked him. I wish it were that simple.

"I'm not human, well not fully. Remember after Annie tried to rip your head off and she came back outside? You said I smelled different. That's because I'm like you guys in a way, except instead of a werewolf I'm a merman." Troy said. Jeremy just stared at us both for a minute before he burst out laughing.

"You guys have got to be kidding me? A mermaid?! Him? Mermaids don't even exist." Jeremy couldn't get any more out because he was laughing so hard. Once he could contain himself he stood up from the table. "I don't know what you are trying to pull here, but saying you're a mermaid? Come on. When you want to tell me the truth let me know and then maybe I will help you. A mermaid." He shook his head laughing as he walked out the back door.

I looked at Troy and nodded my head towards Jeremy's retreating figure with a smirk on my face. Troy smiled as he got what I was saying. We both stood up and rushed to the door, Jeremy was still laughing as he crossed the back yard. His laugh was quickly cut off as he got swept off his feet and drenched with a spout of water coming from the ground. Now it was Troy and I's turn to laugh.

"What in the world? What was that? Did you guys see that?" Jeremy sputtered as he spit water out of his mouth.

"Believe us now?" I asked crossing my arms.

Jeremy looked up at us from the ground, "That was him?"

Troy raised his hand smirking, "I could show you again if you would like."

"No." Jeremy said quickly as he stood up. "Let's just say I believe you, that you're a mermaid."

"Merman." I interrupted him.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "I still don't know what all this has to do with me."

"Let's go back inside and get you dried off, we will explain everything to you." I said and headed toward the house.

After we got Jeremy dried off we all sat at the kitchen table again and Troy and I explained out situation to Jeremy. When we finished Jeremy let out a low whistle, "Wow... you guys sure do have a tough road ahead of you. I still don't understand what I have to do with this?"

"Honestly, had you not caught us you wouldn't have anything to do with this." I said gesturing to Troy and I. "But, since you did we are hoping you can help us get information. Your parents work with the research team right?" Jeremy nodded in response. "We are hoping there is some sort of information of something like this happening before. We need to know what will happen if I mark him, will he turn into a wolf or stay the same? Or worse, would it kill him? If it's the last then I can't do it, I can't mark him." I could feel the tears in my eyes. "And if he doesn't turn into a wolf how can he be Alpha? Then there's the whole mer King thing on top of it. And then ther-"

"Whoa wait, stop." Jeremy interrupted. "What do you mean you won't mark him? Annie you know what will happen if you don't mark him!" Jeremy was clearly upset and I looked at him wide eyed hoping he would stop talking; I hadn't wanted Troy to know this part since we had enough to worry about.

"What do you mean what will happen if she doesn't mark me?" Troy questioned Jeremy then looked at me. "Annie what is he talking about?"

"Oh this is just great. She didn't tell you did she?" Jeremy questioned Troy.

"Jeremy don't." I pleaded.

"She will die! That's what will happen if she doesn't mark you!" Jeremy yelled.

"What?" Troy whispered, he looked at me like he had just been punched in the gut.

"That's how it works for werewolves' fish boy. The moment our eyes lock with our mate the bond is created and starts growing and if we don't mark or reject them within a year we die." Jeremy said glaring at Troy. "So, if Annie doesn't mark you she will die, and if she dies there won't be anyone holding me back from ripping your throat out. Although, she could reject you and then I could still be with her." I wanted to slap the smug sick smile off his face.

"Enough." I growled out slamming my fist on the counter.

"Annie..... why didn't you tell me?" Troy asked. I could see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes.

"Why? Because instead of worrying about the pack or what it would do to her family and friends if we lost her, she's worried about you and your feelings. How it would hurt you if she rejected you, too worried about her little mate to think about herself." Jeremy spat.

"You need to leave." I growled at Jeremy. "Now."

Jeremy stood up from the counter, "I won't tell anyone your little secret, I respect Annie to much as future Luna to not abide by her wishes. But I will not help you." He walked to the back door and opened it. "I will however be the first in line to destroy you if Annie dies." Jeremy slammed the door as he walked out.

Troy stood up, "I think I'm going to go to."

"What? No, please stay." I begged him.

"Annie, how could you not tell me that you could die? Do you know what that would do to me? Losing you would be the worst thing in the world, but to know you died because of me?" He walked towards the door. "Annie that would destroy me."

"We have a whole year before we even have to worry about that! I didn't want to add to everything." I argued.

"We have less than a year already! The countdown started when our eyes met. What were you going to do when the year was up and we didn't have any answers?" He whipped around at me. I could see he was getting angry and I couldn't say that I blamed him.

"I-I don't know." I hung my head. "I was hoping we would find an answer before then so we wouldn't have to worry about it."

"Wouldn't have to worry? You possibly dying isn't a worry to you?" He dragged his hand over his face and closed his eyes. Dying wasn't a worry to me if it meant my mate wouldn't be in pain from a reject or dead from my mark.

"I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say, having my mate angry with me was new territory.

"I just don't know what to say to you right now. I'm hurt and upset that you wouldn't tell me about this. I just need time." He walked out the back door leaving me alone in the kitchen..

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