Part 5

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I turned to look at the voice that had stopped Sam's attack on me, it belonged to that Troy kid- I don't even know his last name. Troy seems to be one of those strong but silent types, he keeps to himself but when he needs to step in he takes control of the situation. I could probably count on one hand how many times him and I have talked to each other, and I'm pretty sure none of those conversations lasted more than a minute. He's came to my rescue a lot though now that I think about it, small things here and there. I remember the first time I saw him, I had just come from the Library and had an armful of books. Since my eye site was blocked from the books I was carrying I didn't see the open door to one of the classrooms and ran right into dropping all of my books. I was beat red from embarrassment since people were pointing and laughing, the humans were the one's doing that the wolves in our school knew better than to openly point and laugh at the Alpha's daughter. As I scrambled to pick up all of my books I suddenly saw another pair of hands helping me, I looked up and saw a kid I had never seen before. We didn't say anything to each other as we finished picking the books up, he handed me the stack that he had picked up and when I said thank you he had just given me a small smile. He had done little stuff like that for me, it seemed whenever I needed help he would always magically appear. He never said much to me or anyone for that matter, once I got a 'You're welcome' when I had said thank you but that was it. I thought it was a little odd but the more that I saw him around school I found that was normal for him. So for him to speak up to Sam right now, this was a big deal.

"I'm sorry, did you say something hippy boy?!" Sam has now turned his attention to Troy whose locker was a few down from mine. His nick name of 'hippy boy' comes from his shoulder length dirty blonde hair that he usually wears down, hiding his face.

"I don't have a stutter, so I know you heard what I said. But considering your IQ isn't at its peak I shall repeat myself. The lady said to leave her alone." Troy replied calmly, I think it was the most I had heard him say outside of answering a question in class.

"Why you little-" Sam turned and started towards Troy.

"Sam! You can't start anything here, Alp- uh you can't get into a fight again remember? William would be disappointed in you." I said as I grabbed Sam's arm. That got Sam's attention. There was no way he would disappoint my dad. He would rather chop off his own leg than to ever have my dad look down on him. He also couldn't get into a fight. If Sam got too angry his wolf could surface, and considering we did not go to an all wolf school.... Well explaining the sudden appearance of a growling wolf in the halls would be difficult to explain to the humans. So yeah, Sam needed to keep a lid on his temper.

"He needs to learn some respect." Sam sneered at Troy.

"Respect from your peers is earned." Troy said with a smile making Sam once again start towards Troy. I've got to admit Troy has some guts, most people back away from Sam when he's angry but Troy hasn't moved one inch from his spot.

"Okay!" I said grabbing Sam once again trying to pull him back from Troy, the last thing I needed was Sam ripping into a human. "How about we all just calm down and get to class? I don't know about you two but I don't need a tardy slip."

"I'm completely calm but I agree with Annie, we should all calm our tempers and get to class. Some of us can't afford to miss class since they're already behind mentally." Troy said. I looked over and glared at him, he just gave me a lopsided grin.

"You better watch yourself hippy boy, this isn't over!" Sam growled out to Troy and then turned to look at me, "I'll be at your house to escort you tomorrow, make sure you look sexy." With a wink to me and a scowl to Troy Sam stalks off towards his home room. Apparently he hasn't gotten the memo yet that he will not be escorting me tomorrow. I'm so focused on getting my own anger under control that I don't notice Troy is now standing next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah I'm alright." I said shrugging the incident off. "Uh, thanks for all of that. Sam can be..."

"An arrogant prick?" Troy offered.

"Exactly." I agreed laughing. "He thinks he's the godde- I mean gods gift to woman and everyone else. He does no wrong in his eyes."

"I know his type, we have a few guys like him back home." He said. Troy had transferred to West Grove a little over a year ago, I think anyways. He's so quiet and stays out of the spotlight that I'm honestly not sure how long he has been here. We also have a huge school so having a new face in the crowd isn't out of the norm. In the time that he's been here though I can honestly say I have never seen him hang out with anyone, he's always alone. You would think that after all this time he would have made at least one friend. I was as anti-social as they come but I had Renee, Jeremy, and the rest of the girls. Troy had no one that I knew of. 

"Yeah.... well." I said awkwardly. "Thanks again for stepping in. I really appreciate it." I reached up and squeezed his arm, and holy muscle. Troy wasn't by any means small but he had more of a swimmers build, I was not expecting to get a handful of muscle. By his small intake of breath I could tell that my touch had surprised him. I kicked myself mentally, he was probably one of those people that hate being touched and here I am just manhandling his muscles. Which now that I think of it is odd for me, I don't even know why I touched him. I dropped my hand quickly, put my head down to hide the red in my cheeks and took off towards my homeroom. Why was I always embarrassing myself?

"It's no problem at all for my little fish, I'll always help you and have your back."

I stop in my tracks and turned back to Troy, "Little fish?"

I don't think Troy meant to let that slip out because he is now a nice shade of red that I'm sure matched mine. "Uh yeah, it's just a nick name I've given you....." He stuttered. "But I give them to everyone so it's not weird or anything.... yeah I'll just see you around.... In English. Yeah I'll see you in English." With that he basically sprints down the hall towards his homeroom.

What is going on with this day?? First breast feeding lessons from my mom, and then my dad's great news that Sam was going to be my escort tomorrow. Then finding out that Jeremy has apparently become a cheerleader for team Sam. I wonder if he and my dad could get matching pom-poms and outfits. And of course I can't forget what just went down, Sam going all he-man, then Troy standing up to Sam. Which would have been weird enough as is, but to add to it the guy who has no friends has a nick name for me. 'My little fish' he had said, I won't lie and say that it didn't give me a little smile that he had given me a nick name. Unless of course little fish is code for something else not so pleasant then I'm not flattered. Could this day get any weirder? I could feel myself frowning as I walked thru the doorway of my homeroom when I looked up and saw Renee waving at me from our seats like a crazy person. I shook my head and smiled, I could always count on her to put a smile on my face.

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