Part 12

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Nan and I ran hard the rest of the way home, pushing to see how fast we could go. When we walked into the back yard I found a robe someone had laid out for me, whoever it was knew I would have been too excited to take my clothes off before I shifted.

"At least someone was thinking ahead for you, would be embarrassing to have to walk in naked." Nan teased me as I picked the robe up in my mouth and walked behind a tree for privacy. I let the shift take over and before I knew it was back in my human form and pulling on the robe.

"Thank you for this morning." I said to Nan. "I love you."

"I love you too Annie." Nan replied and I couldn't help the smile on my face. The moon goddess had blessed me with an amazing wolf that was my perfect match. It is believed in some packs that your wolf shares your soul, they feel, think, and talk like you would if not hindered by society. In other words they have no filter whatsoever.

"Well where's the fun in having a filter?" Nan asked.

"The fun is not getting beat up or in trouble with mom and dad." I explained to her as I walked towards my house, as soon as I walked in the back door I was bombarded. My mom, Renee, her mom Aunt Dawn, and my Oma were all in the kitchen talking a mile a minute and didn't even notice that I had walked in the door.

"Maybe if we are really quiet we could sneak by them." Nan said and I could tell she was a little overwhelmed seeing all these woman talking loudly and with big hand gestures.

"Annie Jean Rodgers it's about time you got back, do you know what time it is? Get your rear end up to your room, we have lots of work to do and there you are off gallivanting in the woods!" My Oma said as she whirled around to face me, sticking one of her fingers in my face. "Honestly, Annie Jean. You need a shower right away, be sure to scrub every spot on your body. What have you been doing, rolling around in the dirt?" She tsked at me and turned back around to finish her conversation with my mother and Aunt. I looked over at Renee who was trying hard not to laugh and I gave her a glare and stuck my tongue out.

"Annie Jean why are you still in this kitchen?" Oma demanded with her back still to me.

"Yes why are we still here? This woman scares me." Nan whimpered at me.

"I'm sorry Oma, I'm going." I gave her a sheepish look even though she couldn't see me and high tailed it upstairs to the shower. Oma is my dad's mom and is a spit fire! She has no problem telling you what to, when to do it, and why you need to do it her way. She is a force to be reckoned with for sure but everyone loved her and respected her.

I made sure to scrub every inch of my body in case Oma decided to check, don't think for a minute she wouldn't. I dried off from my shower and slipped into a pair of shorts and a tank top when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I shouted and I smiled at my Oma as she walked into my room.

"Annie Jean, sit down. I want to have a talk with you, woman to woman." Oma commanded not returning my smile. Uh oh, when Oma wants to sit down with you it is never good.

"Now I know I'm known as a feisty old wolf and that I speak my mind, but I do have a little bit of a soft side also." Oma started while looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

"She does? Have you actually seen this? It feels like a trap..." I tried not to smile at Nan's comment in my head.

"With that being said," continued Oma, "I want to talk to you about tonight. I understand the pressure that is on you to find your mate, and not only that, to have a mate worthy of being an Alpha. You may not be an only child, but with your brothers disability you are an only child when it comes to taking over the pack." Oma knew the pressure that was on me because she had gone thru the same thing when she was my age. She was the only child of an Alpha, which is strange but does happen. She was put under a lot of stress and pressure to be a great Luna and leader. Thankfully for Oma, my grandpa was an amazing warrior and leader in their pack and was worthy of being the packs Alpha.

Oma put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me, "Annie, I know the pressure is great on you but whoever your mate is will be your perfect match and will love you till the day you die. I want you to focus on that, you aren't looking for the next alpha, you are looking for your soulmate. And he's out there waiting for you to look him in the eyes and make his world come crashing down. You are a spectacular and smart girl Annie Jean and you are going to do amazing things in this world. Any boy with a brain would be thrilled to be your mate." Oma said squeezing me into a hug. I sat there a little stunned before I returned her hug. In all of my eighteen years my Oma has never spoken so..... Vulnerable and nice. I couldn't help the tears that were starting to form in my eyes.

"Oh enough of those tears! You don't need your new mate see you all red and puffy." Oma said as she swatted my leg, the feisty Oma was back. "And Renee I know you've been listening at the door this whole time so just you get your little butt in here and help Annie finish getting ready."

Sure enough my best friend peaked her head in the door with a sheepish grin. "Sorry Oma....."

"Hmph, you should be! Sneaking around and eves dropping on personal conversations.... Honestly Renee where are your manners?" With a huff and a disappointed look to Renee, Oma went downstairs calling out to my mother last minute things that need done.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your Oma?" Renee looked at me and smiled. Everyone loved Oma, even when she was scolding you.

Renee closed the door and walked over to sit next to me. "I overheard your mom and dad talking, it sounds like Sam is still coming to escort you. I thought you had talked your parents out of that?"

I looked at Renee with a confused look. "I thought I did to, although at school yesterday Sam was set on picking me up. He knows how much it would mean to my dad so he won't disappoint him" I had started to tear up again. "I don't want the first single guy I see to be Sam! I want to see Jeremy, I need it to be Jeremy." Apparently turning eighteen has made me a big cry baby too!

"Oh Annie...." Renee rubbed my back trying to soothe me. "I'm so sorry I haven't been more supportive with all of this. I never realized how much pressure you were under or how much this was stressing you out. That's a bad best friend move on my part, I'm sure the girls feel bad too."

"You aren't a bad best friend Renee. It's just hard sometimes you know? Not only are my parents expecting greatness, so is the whole pack. It's just so much to handle." I didn't expect Renee to understand, I didn't expect anyone to understand. It's not something you even know how to explain, it's one of those 'take a walk in my shoes' things.

"You're right that I may not fully understand but I'm going to start being the bestiest best friend you could ever have! Don't you worry about Sam, I'll take care of him." Renee stood up quickly and had this evil smirk on her face as she was plotting her plan.

"Renee what are you-" She shoved her finger against my lips interrupting me.

"Ssshhhh little Annie, don't you worry your cute little head about it." Renee patted my head. "Now get ready before Oma comes up here again and lets you have it! I have a certain warrior's day to ruin, I'll see you later! Make sure you look hot!" Renee was out the door so quick I didn't even have time to question her farther.

"I love her." I'm glad Nan loved Renee as much as I did, but whatever plan Renee has up her sleeve..... goddess help whoever gets in her way.

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