Part 38

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Saturday night Ellie, Scarlet and myself went to Renee's for a girls night. Lily had a date with Eddie so she would be coming later. We had decided to start with painting our nails so that Lily wouldn't miss watching the movies with us. As I painted my nails I thought about what my mom had told me last night. She had told me I would make an amazing Luna or Queen, meaning she knew there was a possibility of me leaving the pack to be with Troy. The fact that my mom wasn't demanding that I reject Troy and find another mate made me so happy. I knew my mom would support my decision no matter what, even if it meant that she would lose me as a daughter and pack member. That part didn't make me happy. I loved Troy and wanted to be with him, but the thought of losing my family and friends was heart wrenching. If I went rogue they wouldn't have a choice but to act like I didn't exist, I wouldn't even be allowed on their land meaning I would have to move. If I did have to move, would Troy want to move as well? Technically his parents' house wasn't on his land but the thought of living with his parents was no ideal. His mother I liked but his father on the other hand, he scared the crap out of me. I was putting the last layer of pink polish on my toes when I was hit in the face with a handful of cheese puffs.

"Hey." I said wiping the cheese dust from my cheek. "What was that for?"

"Ellie asked you if had made any progress on you and Troy, but you were off in la la land so we decided to use weapons to get your attention. No more zoning out, you've been warned." Renee crunched on a cheese puff as she narrowed her eyes at me making me laugh.

"Sorry, I guess I spaced out there for a minute." I swiped the polish brush across my pinky toe and then stretched my legs out so my toes could dry. "I had a talk with my mom last night and she gave me a little more information about the wolf and fairy mates."

"You told your mom about Troy?" Scarlet shrieked then whispered, "And that you knew about the wolf and fairy? You didn't tell her were you got that information did you?" I could tell she was concerned that she was going to get in trouble for breaking into her parents office.

"Mom guessed you were my source of information but she promised she wouldn't say anything." Scarlet breathed out a sigh of relief.

"But you told your mom about Troy? What did she say?" Renee questioned me.

"I only told her because she caught him trying to sneak into my window." It still made me laugh to think about my mom catching Troy and how scared of her he was.

"Awe, that's so romantic." Ellie clasped her hands together and held them to her chest. "He risked his life just to climb up to your window and see you."

"I hardly think climbing to a window is a life risking stunt." Scarlet scoffed.

"It would have been if her dad had caught him." She argued back and we all agreed with Ellie, if my dad had caught Troy it would have been a life defying situation.

"So what did your mom say?" Scarlet asked and I told them the story about Alpha Bryan. How their pack had been destroyed by hunters and that is why the treaty was signed between the werewolves and the others.

"A whole pack gone just like that, I can't even imagine." Scarlet said in disbelief.

"That explains why the Alpha's decided to keep the others secret. If we don't know about them and they aren't allowed on our land then the risk of us mating with one of them is never a problem. If we can't find out mates we are able to mate with another unmated werewolf, keeping the werewolf blood line strong. Makes sense." Ellie shrugged like it the decision the Alpha's had made was understandable. I however disagreed.

"But does it make sense to keep people from being with their true mates? You know how it affects us when we are bonded with our mates, we are stronger, not weaker." I argued. I felt stronger with Troy by my side, I knew no one else would make me feel that way.

"That's true, but in the case of mating with another being that's different like us the results have been different. The wolf may be stronger, but the mate becomes weaker. A lot weaker." Renee whispered the last part, I knew if I marked Troy he could possibly become human and lose his Mer capabilities. Not that humans were completely helpless, but compared to having supernatural powers, they were weak.

"He can't be an Alpha if he isn't a wolf. She needs a wolf mate to help her lead the pack. The pack won't answer to a human, we all know that!" Ellie threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Annie could go rouge, she would lose her entire family and friends but she would have Troy." Scarlet said.

"And leave all of us behind? No way! Annie would never do that." Argued Renee.

"It may be her only choice though. What are the other options? Reject him?" Ellie offered.

"She can't reject him! That would kill her and she would be so heartbroken! She needs to be with Troy." Scarlet countered back to Ellie.

"Enough." I said putting a hand up to stop them. "I am right here in case you guys forgot."

"Sorry." They all murmured.

"Annie, what are you going to do? You're going to be Luna, if you walk away and go rogue that leaves the leadership to David, and we all know that isn't good for him or the pack." Renee was right, I couldn't leave it all on David's shoulders. He wasn't capable of leading a pack, and he was only eight. The pack was my responsibility.

"There's more that you guys don't know also." I had only told Renee about Troy's family being Ocean royalty, I figured now was as good as time as any to fill the others in as well. "Troy's prince of the Pacific Ocean." I was met with silence which made me know that I had stunned them because my friends were never quiet.

"Crazy right?" Renee looked at the other two smirking at their confused faces.

"What's crazy?" Lily asked as she came into Ellie's room, she grabbed the bag of Twizzlers from Renee and plopped down on the floor.

"Annie just informed us that her mate is royalty." Ellie explained.

"Wait. Like British royalty? His mom's the Queen of England?" Lily asked confused.

"No, no, no. His parents are King and Queen of the Pacific Ocean." I told her

"Would you care to explain that a little bit more?" Scarlet held her hand up to stop more questions coming from Lily and motioned for me to continue explaining. I told them about King and Queen Alexander, I told them about Andrew and his death, and I told them how Troy is the only heir to the throne.

"Wow. So not only do you have to worry about our pack but now a whole Mer community. Because this situation wasn't complicated enough already." Lily whistled and sat back against Ellie's bed.

"If she marks him and he becomes human, he can't be Alpha or King. I hate to be the one to say this, but what other options do you have besides to reject him?" Ellie looked at me and then the rest of the girls who looked back at me.

"I really don't know." I whispered as I fought back tears. I had no idea how we were going to make this work.

Renee clapped her hands together to get our attention. "Enough talk about mates, and all that other crap. Nothing needs to be figured out tonight so...." She held her pop can in the air to propose a toast "Let's just be us for the night, have fun, and eat way too much junk food!" We all raised our cans and clinked them together. I reached over and squeezed Renee's hand silently thanking her for changing the subject. She gave me a wink and we all started to debate on what movie to watch. We had all the normal chick flicks but when it came down to it we all chose Thor because I mean, well do we really need a reason? You've seen what he looks like right?

As we settled in to watch the movie I looked at the girls surrounding me. My life was on shaky grounds in all other aspects except here. These girls were my rocks, I knew without a doubt whatever happened in my future they would always be right by my side supporting me.

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