Part 8

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Good morning lovely's! Hope everyone is having a fantabulous week so far, half way to the weekend!
Again, if you are loving the story please, please vote! I would really appreciate it😊 Also leave me comments, would love to hear your guys thoughts! Enjoy😘
I looked up from the floor to see Troy smiling down at me, I'm sure I had a confused look on my face. Troy never waits for anyone, or talks to anyone, or has friends. I know my hearing is excellent, part of being a werewolf and he had said he was waiting for me, I know I heard him correctly. Question is, how did he know what classroom I was in this period? Better question is why was he waiting for me?

"Well... uh. I was just worried about you after this morning so I thought I would walk with you to our English class." He explained as he knelt down to finish picking up the books I had scattered all over the floor. Apparently I had said the last part of my thoughts out loud. I didn't answer him as I grabbed my last book from the floor, I was still confused as to why he wanted to walk me to class.

"But if you don't want to that's fine. I just figured we could chat and catch up maybe." He offered as we stood up.

"Uh yeah, that would be...... nice." I gave him a smile hoping it didn't convey what I was thinking. He wanted to catch up? Catching is up is what you do with a friend that you haven't seen in a while, not a guy that you've never said more than two words too.

"Thank you again for sticking up for me this morning, here I repay you by nearly knocking you over." I said trying to smooth over any awkwardness.

"It would take more than a little thing like you to knock me over." I blushed at that, seriously call any girl with low self-esteem a little thing and you will make her day. Come on, we don't want to be late." He said motioning me with his head to follow.

As we made our way to English I couldn't help but notice all the looks we were getting. Troy never walked with anyone, shoot he never talked to anyone. He occasionally gave one of those manly head nods to a guy he passed but even those were rare. You especially never saw him speak to a girl, he would be a gentleman and hold doors or help a girl pick something up that she dropped but you never saw him talk to her. So to see him walking with someone, especially a girl, was a big deal. Not going to lie, aside from the complete weirdness of it all, it felt kind of nice to know that I was the first to pop his 'walking the halls with a girl' cherry. It's a thing I swear, just go with it. I couldn't help but smile a little and walk a little taller next to him.

"So....." I trailed off. I didn't know what to talk to him about. Some people didn't like to be asked a ton of questions, or didn't like chit chat. He did say that's why he wanted to walk with me though, so it wouldn't hurt to ask him something. "Do you like pizza?" I mentally cringed at my dumb question. I've hardly ever spoken to this guy and that's the first thing I ask.

"Yes, I like pizza." He said with an amused smile.

"Cool, cool." I said trailing off again, why must I be so awkward?

"Do you like pizza?" He asked me.

I couldn't help the little nervous laugh that escaped out of me, "Yes, I like pizza too."

"Good, I'm not sure we could be friends if you didn't like pizza." He said giving me a teasing look.

Friends? He wanted to be friends with me? He wasn't friends with anyone, he was a known loner. Also, if he wanted friends there were tons of better people to pick from in the school. He didn't know I was the Alpha's daughter since he was human, so that ruled out him being nice just because of that. So why would he want to be friends with me? I'm a socially awkward book nerd.

"So uh, what's tomorrow?" Troy asked me.

"What?" One of my downfalls is that I get lost in my thoughts and zone out, making me miss half the conversations around me. Hence my failing grade in Chemistry, but I'm still going to blame Jeremy for that one. Darn him and his cuteness.

"What's tomorrow? I overheard Professor Addison say he would see you tomorrow night." Troy asked me once again.

Crap. He had heard that? So far we werewolves have been able to keep it hidden that we all know Professor Addison. It would be weird to the humans and some of the teachers if a bunch of students knew Professor Addison on a more personal level.

"Oh that. It's um, kind of my birthday tomorrow. I'm having a party and Professor Addison is friends with my dad so he will be there." I lied. I mean that's not a complete lie. My dad does consult with Professor Addison when they come across a different plant or a poison they've never seen before. Okay so friends may be pushing it, more like a boss and employee relationship.

"Do your parents always invite their friends to your birthday party? Shouldn't it only be your friends that are there?" Troy asked me with a confused look. Well, he's not wrong, a normal girl's birthday party should be only her friends. But Troy didn't understand how a werewolf pack worked for celebrations. Everyone in a pack is your family, whether you're directly related or not and whether you like each other or not. So when there are birthdays, pregnancy announcements, or funerals, everyone is there to celebrate or to show their support. Tomorrow was my eighteenth birthday which was a huge deal, it's when their Alpha's daughter would find her mate and their future Alpha. Everyone would be there, no questions asked. Troy however is human and would not understand all of that.

"I don't mind, my parents like a good party and my friends are still going to be there. And hey, more presents right?" Crap that made me sound like I was only in it for the presents and like a spoiled brat. "That was a joke, the present part. I don't like presents! I mean I do like presents. Who doesn't like presents? I just don't expect presents. I mean that's just rude to expect them. I don't expect them at all! I mean everyone knows that cake is the best part about birthdays anyways, I mean come on its cake!" I stammered. Annie shut up, I told myself. He already thinks you're weird, let's not make it worse on ourselves shall we.

Troy looked at me with raised eye brows and a smirk, it was then I realized how insanely blue his eyes are. But wait, they just aren't blue, they turn a green and then gray right near the pupil. How have I never noticed those eyes before? They were so beautiful and unique, I felt like I could stare at them forever.

"What are you staring at little fish?" Troy asked me smiling.

I hadn't realized we were now standing outside our English class and I was obviously staring at him with my mouth open.

"Your eyes. I've never seen anything so....beautiful." I can't believe I just said that. I had been so lost in my thoughts that apparently I just blurt things out. I could feel my cheeks reddening and I put my head down in embarrassment.

His answering laugh was like nothing I had heard before, it was a mesmerizing sound. I realize this is the first time I have ever heard Troy laugh and the sound had me frozen in my spot. His laugh was like the sound of soft wind chimes blowing in the wind, and the way his eyes crinkled when he was laughing. Swoon.

"Little fish, you sure are a weird one." He says as he turns to walk into class, but then he turns back and leans in close to whisper to me. "But I like weird." He smiles at me and heads inside the classroom to his seat. The bell shook me out of my trance and I wondered what had just happened. I stepped into the classroom avoiding his gaze and sat down in my seat, with my cheeks burning. What has gotten into me?

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