Part 43

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I was standing at my locker Wednesday morning day dreaming about Troy and our date we had over the weekend. I seriously couldn't have asked for a better night or mate. He was absent from school today to attend his father's presentation day at the convention. I would be skipping school Friday to attend The Opening with him. I had told my mom that I would be attending a traditional mer event, I just didn't tell her why I would be attending. I didn't want to get her hopes up or make her sad if it did work out. She agreed to intercept the phone call from the school if they called to report my absence, which knowing how Principle Jacobs is, they would definitely be getting a call. I was scared out of my day dreaming to a fist being slammed against my locker.

"Hello, mate. I think you've been avoiding me, I can't imagine why though. Girls love me, probably because I'm such a generous lover." That arrogant voice could only belong to one person.

I turned to face Sam, "Apparently I haven't been doing a very good job of avoiding you because here you are. And I don't know how many times I need to tell you this but stop calling me mate. If so many girls love you then why aren't you bothering them instead? It must bruise your ego to get continually turned down by the same girl."

He got a cocky grin on his face "Who says I didn't bother one of them already this morning?" Leaning in closer to me he whispered, "I like it when a girl puts up a fight, makes it more rewarding when I finally have my way with her."

"You're an absolute pig." I said disgustingly "Goddess help whoever the poor soul that is your mate, if she's smart she will reject you on the spot."

Sam's cocky grin turned to an angry one, "You need to learn how to respect those that are above you mate. Once I'm Alpha there will be none of this disrespectful attitude, from you or anyone in the pack. There will be punishments if rules are not followed and respect is not given. Let me give you a little preview you disrespectful piece of dirt." He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it so hard I heard a bone snap. When he heard that snap he smiled. Did he seriously just break my wrist? I'm a wolf so it will heal quickly but how dare he do that to me, or to anyone for that matter.

"You will learn your place, we can do it the easy or the hard way." He squeezed my wrist tighter breaking another bone. He dropped it satisfied and walked away.

"Let me at him, I will show him what we can do and who he is messing with." I could feel Nan coming to the surface but we were in the middle of the hallway, I had to get control.

"Not this time Nan, but if we are ever alone with him you have my permission to rip out his throat." I growled.

"Annie are you okay? You look like you're ready to kill someone." Renee asked as she walked up to me. I shut my locker and turned to her. Her eyes widened when she saw my lip wrist, I healed quickly but not that quick.

"What happened to you?"

"Sam decided he needed to show me how he plans to punish the pack when they don't show him respect. I have a feeling it will be a lot worse than this though." I examined my broken wrist, I could feel the pain start to lessen.

"He did what?!" She yelled. "Are you okay? I swear to the goddess wait till I get my hands on him. Better yet wait till Trout gets his hands on him. Hopefully Sam can't swim and sinks like a rock."

"We can't tell Troy about this, not right away anyways. He has enough going on, besides I don't think murder will look good to a crowd of people you are trying to impress and get on your side." As much as I wanted to tell Troy, I couldn't. At the end of all this however, all bets were off.

By the time lunch rolled around all the girls knew what had went down with Sam this morning and they were all plotting his doom.

"I still say stringing him up by his toes in the middle of the woods naked is the best one so far." Lily said.

The Unexpected MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora