Part 24

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As I walk home I can't stop the smile that is on my face, I've found my mate. He's a merman, I'm not supposed to know about him, we don't know how we will be together, and he's technically trespassing on our land, but I've found him. I try to only focus on that last part so I don't break down into tears. I didn't want to focus too much on how Troy and I were going to make this work, there were so many obstacles in our way. I just wanted to be happy for these few moments that I now had my mate in my life and he felt the same way about me as I did him. I didn't want to think about how it was forbidden that Troy and I even be friends, let alone be mates. I did wondered why it was forbidden though. What happened all those years ago to make the werewolves cut off all contact and knowledge about the others different like us? There was a story, most likely a good one too, but I didn't know how to get the answers without raising suspicion. I could ask Scarlet to see if she could find out more, but I didn't want her to get in trouble either. Troy said he would talk to his parents once he got home and I'm hoping he will be able to get answers from his parents, they seemed a lot more open than mine. I wondered if they would like me better now that they knew Troy and I were mates, I hadn't even met them and I wanted them to love me. One thing at a time though. As I neared my house I started to get nervous, I was going to have to act like I had a normal day at school and nothing earth stopping happened. Troy and I both agreed to keep our relationship quiet until we can figure out some answers. I walked in the front door hoping I would be able to sneak to my room without seeing my parents. I made it to the bottom of the stairs before I heard my dad's voice from the kitchen.

"Annie. Please come to the kitchen." He demanded, curse werewolf hearing. He probably heard me when I opened the front door. I took a deep breath to calm myself and walked to the kitchen to see both of my parents sitting at the kitchen table. My dad motioned for me to take a seat and because I'm not stupid I sat down.

"Principle Jacobs called, would you care to explain where you were for the last few periods today?" My dad cut right to it. Crap, I hadn't thought about the Principle calling my parents. Probably payback for me dodging him this morning when I was late to school.

"Um, uh I was-" I stammered, I hadn't expected to have to explain why I wasn't in my afternoon classes.

"She was helping me out Uncle Alfy." Renee blurted out as she burst in the back door breathing hard like she had ran the whole way here. My parents looked from me to her looking for more of an explanation, I looked at Renee for the explanation also.

She took a deep breath, "Well you see, I had a big test in History, and we all know that it's not my best subject so I got really nervous which made me sick to my stomach and I ended up throwing up my lunch all over myself. It was just so embarrassing, so I asked Annie to get me a spare change of clothes."

"Why didn't she just get you spare clothes out of your gym locker?" My dad asked. Crap that was a good question, I looked to Renee again who looked calm.

"And walk around smelling like sweaty socks?! I already puked all over myself, I didn't want to add to the embarrassment. I had Annie run to the store quick and buy me some clothes and a toothbrush." Renee explained like it was obvious.

"Why couldn't she just go to your house and bring you a change of clothes?" My dad had missed his calling at being an FBI investigator.

"I didn't want my parents finding out, I want them to be proud of me. It's embarrassing knowing your daughter puked all over herself at school. Which if you could keep this between us I would really appreciate it." Renee put her head down like she was actually embarrassed and I had to applaud her at her acting skills. Even I believed her and I knew this story was false. "I'm sorry for asking Annie to leave school to get me clothes, but it shows what an amazing and caring Luna she will be. Putting her pack before herself." She looked at me and smiled.

"Just applause? This girl deserves a standing ovation after that performance." Nan said impressed.

"That was very thoughtful of you sweetie," My mom stoodI and put her arm around Renee, "But Renee, if this happens again I will have to go to your mom. She's my best friend and I don't like keeping secrets from her." She kissed Renee's temple and walked out of the kitchen. Renee and I looked at my dad,

"Annie, well done at putting your pack first, however your studies are very important. I expect you to get with your teachers tomorrow and get the school work that you missed, also see if there is extra credit you will need to do to make up for missing classes. Renee that goes for you as well." He said as he stood giving us a stern look.

"Yes sir." We said together. Satisfied with our answer my dad stood up and went to his office. Renee grabbed my arm and dragged me up to my room.

"Spill!" Renee said once we were in my room.

"You threw up on yourself? That was the first excuse that popped into your head?" I asked her.

"Hey. I covered for your rear end, you should be thanking me, not judging my excuses." Renee said.

"You're right, I'm sorry." I grabbed her in a hug, "I really don't know what I would do without you. Seriously, you should think about having an acting career, you're a natural!"

"Tell me something I don't know." Renee threw her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "Now, tell me everything!"

I debated on not telling Renee every detail that happened, Troy and I had agreed to keep this a secret but Renee already knew because I had about ripped her head off as school. And she was my best friend, I was going to need her in the future as we tried to figure out how Troy and I could be together. So I told Renee everything that had happened that afternoon, well I left out the kissing and mushy stuff. Some things needed to be private and honestly I felt embarrassed talking about that stuff. I understand it's part of life and mates, but that doesn't mean I have to discuss it with anyone. As I finished my story I look at Renee who was sitting there with her jaw on the floor.

"I know, trust me I know." I told her, it sounded crazy to me too and I had experienced it all first hand.

"So let me get this straight. He's a mermaid or merman or whatever, he's half fish. Merpeople have never been mated with anyone other than other mer's. He's not supposed to be on our land, making him a trespasser and your bond even more taboo. We don't know what will happen when you mark him, it could possibly kill him! Say you do mark him, will he turn into a fish/wolf? Will you turn into a fish? Or will it cancel out both of you and you both become human? We also have no idea what's going to happen when your dad finds out..... Oh man your dad! What will happen to Troy's family?! If they aren't supposed to be on our land will that cause a fight or war or something?" Renee finally took a breath. She looked over at me, "Annie what are you going to do?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I really have no idea. Since something like this has never happened before there is no way of knowing what will happen if/when I mark him."

"If? Annie, you know you have to mark him within a year or you will die. It's either you mark him or reject him." Renee gave me a sad look before crawling on the bed beside me. We just laid there in silence, she knew I didn't want to talk but I needed her there.

I didn't know what I was going to do, I couldn't mark him not knowing what it would do to him, what if it killed him? There was no way I could reject him either, now that I knew what it was like to have him in my life I couldn't see my life without him.

The Unexpected MateKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat