Part 18

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It took everything I had not to skip the rest of my classes and search every class room for my mate. Unfortunately, I had tests in all my morning classes so I wasn't able to. I didn't need my parents to be mad with me when I brought home an F. I'm sure they would have understood if I told them that my mate was at school and I just had to find him, but then I would also have to explain that he was a human. Or not a human, or whatever he is. Nan still wasn't sure what to make of his scent. As I made my way to the lunch room I couldn't help but get excited, maybe I would find him in there. Most students ate lunch in the cafeteria but it had been nice out lately so students have been eating outside on the lawn. I hoped he was inside. I walked thru the cafeteria doors and scanned the room quickly, looking at as many people as I could.

"Can you smell him?" I asked Nan as I caught another guy's eye realizing he wasn't my mate.

"No, he's not in here." Nan said dejectedly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I would recognize his scent anywhere and I don't smell it in here. Don't get discouraged Annie, he's here in the school, I know it!" I wasn't going to argue with her, she knew more than I did and I needed to start listening to her more. As I made my way over to our table I was surprised to see all the girls there. Usually I was the first one to arrive but it looked as if they had been there awhile, I could see books and papers spread out all over the table. I walked up to the table and they all looked at me with big smiles and it was then that I knew they were up to something.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at all of them suspiciously.

"Hold on to your seat because we have the BEST plan ever!" Lily should take her own advice because she was literally bouncing in her seat with excitement.

"Plan?" I asked giving them all a confused look.

"Yes well, I hope you don't mind but I told the girls about your plan to find your mate this summer. We all want to help, so no arguing! We've got it all planned too!" Renee shoved what looked like an itinerary in my face. "Scarlet, being the smarty pants she is, was able to get the locations of all the known packs all over the country. Ellie was able to map out the best route, and Lily has volunteered Eddie to be our driver! Eddie will also be helpful if we find your mate and needs to be trained, he will learn to fight better against a male than against us. It's all set, we will leave as soon as school is done!" Renee had been busy this morning. My heart felt like it was going to burst from the love I felt for my friend's right then. These girls had my back no matter what.

"You guys are amazing!" I felt a little bad that they did all this hard work for nothing. "I appreciate all your hard work on this, but it won't be necessary."

"What do you mean it won't be necessary? You better not be cutting us out of your mission to find your mate! We all love you and want to help you! You can't do this alone, we won't let you!" Lily pointed a finger at me.

"Calm down. It won't be necessary because my mate is here. At school." I looked at all of them waiting for what I just said to sink in. When it dawned on them what I had said, all my friends started talking at once.

"What? Where?"

"Who is he?"

"We have math together why didn't you tell me?"

"Is he handsome?"

"Of course she thinks he's handsome it's her mate!"

"Why aren't you with him now?"

"Whoa guys stop! I don't know who he is." They all stopped and looked at me. "My wolf can sense he's here but I haven't found him yet."

"Why are we sitting here then? Let's go search the school!" Ellie said as she started to pack up the books and papers in front of her.

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