Part 7

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As I walked out of the lunch room I couldn't help the huge grin that broke out on my face because my next class was Chemistry. Am I good at Chemistry? Not even close. But, it was the only class that Jeremy and I had together meaning I got to stare at the back of Jeremys head and day dream about our future life for 45 min. Therefore making Chemistry my favorite class. I probably should pay more attention in class but it's just so hard, plus if I did pay attention and learn during class then I wouldn't need Jeremys help outside of class. I'll stick with my in class day dreaming.

"Hey there short cake, how's your day?" Jeremy turned in his seat and asked me as I sat down in my seat behind him. As usual Jeremy is already in his seat with his book and notepad out ready for class. He eats his lunch in the library doing homework and then comes to class 10 min early so he's not late. His motto is 'If you're on time you're late.' Renee calls him a nerd every time he says that, I say he's just punctual.

"Oh not too bad, it's Friday so pretty easy day." Except for all the crazy things that happened this morning but I didn't need to fill him in on those details. "How is your day going so far?"

"Pretty good, I got an A on my Math test and then in history we got assigned to write a paper on whatever historic event from the 1900's that we want to!" He said completely excited. Jeremy was a book nerd like me, but unlike me who likes fiction Jeremy loves any book that teaches him something. I know he dreams of being on the packs research team someday.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you about earlier. I'm sorry Renee and I were going on about tomorrow like you weren't there. That wasn't fair to you, I'm sure you're nervous enough about the whole ordeal already. You don't need two of your best friends stressing you out about it either." Jeremy apologized. That was another thing about Jeremy that I loved, he was able to admit when he was wrong and made sure to apologize for it. I don't think enough people have that quality.

"It's okay, you're right though. I am pretty nervous. There's a lot of pressure, especially with my dad being who he is just adds to it even more."

"I know short cake, I know. Trust me, I've heard the stories from my mom. She still gets sad sometimes when she thinks about her family and not being able to see them. Especially around holidays or when there is exciting news." Jeremy knew better than anyone how difficult it was to be an Alphas daughter and the pressures that come with it. His mom was an Alpha's daughter in her old pack and she would always tell me and Jeremy stories of things she had to do, and what was expected of her. To say her father was strict was an understatement, he made my dad look like he was laid back. Even though his mom had an older brother that would take over as Alpha, it was expected of his mom to be prepared to be the Luna in the event that her brother did not have his mate or was killed in battle. Like me, she was expected to have a mate that would make a strong Alpha. She met Jeremy's dad one day in town and like all mates they fell in love instantly. When they went back to tell her father that she had found her mate she was told that she either had to choose him or the pack because Jeremys father was not a high enough rank in our pack. Obviously she chose to be with her mate and she was instantly kicked out of the pack by her father. No one was to ever speak to her again, she was considered a rogue and a traitor. She hadn't heard from any of her family members since. I was thankful that my father wasn't like that, he was bad sometimes but nowhere near as bad as Jeremy's grandfather.

"Anyways, if you don't find your mate right away you better save me a dance." Jeremy said interrupting my thoughts. I sat up a little higher in my seat, he wanted to dance with me? "It can be a way for me to repay you for being a jerk this morning, sound good kiddo?"

Thankfully Professor Addison chose that moment to start class so I didn't have to respond other than the weak smile I gave him. Kiddo? Is that seriously all he sees me as? I understand that I'm not drop dead gorgeous like Renee, or sweet like Scarlet, but I've got good qualities to! I'm a good reader, smart, easy going, a planner, and personally I think I'm quite funny. I just don't get it, why has he never saw me as more than a friend? It's so aggravating, being in love with someone who just see's you as one of his pals. I guess I should be happy he even sees me, it could be like one of those stories where the girl is in love with the guy who doesn't even know she exists. At least Jeremy knew who I was. Hopefully tomorrow would change all of that, change the way that he sees me. When he looks into my eyes for the first time and the world stops spinning, he will see me as his mate not his friend. He will sweep me into his arms and lean into my lips, getting closer, closer.

"MISS ROGERS!" I'm jerked out of my fantasy to see Professor Addison standing over my desk glaring at me. I can hear the rest of the class snickering at me.

"Uh, I'm sorry, what was the question?" I asked him wincing. He hated it when we didn't pay attention in class.

"I asked the class to raise their hands if they did the reading last night. Am I safe in guessing that if you can't even pay attention in the first two minutes of class that you also did NOT do the reading last night? I won't even ask if you did the questions." He now has his eyebrow raised which meant he was not happy.

"Umm, no sir." I answered him quietly. I did read last night, just not the Chemistry homework. For some reason I don't think Professor Addison would care if I had a new book that I couldn't put down. I was at one of the good parts and I just had to know what happened to Emily and Alex! Again, I don't think Professor Addison really cared about that.

"You know Miss Rogers, you probably wouldn't be failing this class if you actually did the homework and paid attention in class. I would like to see you after class." He told me as he turned and went back to the front of the classroom. Jeremy turned in his seat and gave me a sympathetic smile, yeah he should feel bad it was his fault I was day dreaming in the first place.

The rest of class went by without any more incidents, but I also made sure I paid attention. When class ended, Jeremy shot me a quick smile and then took off out the door. I approached Professor Addison's desk, expecting the worse. Professor Addison is a werewolf also, and is a lot harder on his werewolf students. He expects us to be smarter than the humans and to excel, especially me since I was the Alpha's daughter.

"Miss Rogers. I would expect more out of the Alpha's daughter." He said to me raising his eyebrow again. Not only is pressure put on me by my family but also from some of the pack members. Professor Addison being one of them. "But considering what tomorrow is I can understand how you may be a little distracted." I looked up at him with a confused look, was I really going to get out of this with just a slap on the hand?

"So I am giving you an extension on last night's homework, and I will expect a 100 word essay on atoms and their reactions to different compounds." He looked at me and smiled like he had just given me the easy way out. I would have rather served detention instead of the extra Chemistry homework,

"Thank you sir, I think that's fair." I told him politely.

"Yes, very fair. I probably should go a little harder on you but I know that you have a busy weekend ahead of you. Now off you go, you don't need a tardy to your next class. I look forward to your party tomorrow night Miss Rogers." He said dismissing me as his students for his next class began to come in the door. I gathered my books and headed out the door my brain trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything done. How am I going to get all my homework done, now extra homework, and deal with tomorrow? And what happens when I find my mate tomorrow and doing homework is the last thing on my mind? I wonder if Professor Addison will excuse me not getting my homework done when I will obviously be spending the weekend getting to know my mate better. Doubtful, he is still going to want that extra homework on his desk Monday morning. My brain must be already fried because I didn't see the body in front of me until I ran full force into them, dropping my books and knocking their books out of their hands. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said as I knelt to pick up the books that were now all over the floor.

"It's okay little fish, I think I can forgive you. Besides, I've been waiting for you."

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