Part 28

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After school I walked out towards the parking lot to meet Troy, I had told him I needed to talk to my teacher in my last class and I didn't want him to have to wait on me. As I scanned the parking lot I realized I don't know what he drives, I should have thought to ask that question. I guess I'll just walk up and down the aisles till I find him, get a little exercise in. As I turned down the first aisle I was stopped by someone cutting off my path.

"Looking for me my little mate?" Sam asked getting right in my face.

I side stepped and walked around him, "Stop calling me that, and I'm definitely not looking for you." I was stopped in my tracks by Sam yanking a fist full of my hair.

"I suggest next time I stop to talk to you, you stop and listen. You need to learn how to show some respect. You got that?" Sam let go of my hair with a shove causing me to stumble right into Jeremy's arms.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jeremy growled at Sam. "How dare you treat her or any girl like that!"

"Oh please, she's fine. She needs to be toughened up a little bit if she's going to be my Luna, I can't have a weak mate." Sam cocked his head at Jeremy as if his excuse made total sense.

"I am not your mate!" I said but my voice fell on deaf ears, they were both too busy glaring at each other.

"She will be your Luna someday, but you won't be her Alpha. There is no way Annie will chose you, not if I have anything to do with it." Jeremy spat at Sam.

"You cannot be serious? You?" Sam put his hands on his knees as he laughed. "Yeah right! There is no way she will pick you to be her mate. Look at you! What could you possibly offer her and the pack?"

"I would be a smart Alpha, I could strategize and plan every detail of the pack. Create a program that would make each and every member of our pack stronger." Jeremy looked over at me. "And to Annie, I would be loving, supportive, and caring. I would lift her up every day and never tear her down or make her feel like she isn't my equal." I tried really hard not to roll my eyes, what he was saying was sweet and a week ago I would have loved to hear it. Now it was just annoying.

"Annie is a woman she will never be an equal to an Alpha which shows how incompetent you really are to be an Alpha. Not to mention you are one of the weakest members of the pack." Sam scoffed.

"You think so? I'll show you weak!" Jeremy shoved Sam into a nearby car and landed a punch square on Sam's nose. I was honestly shocked Jeremy had it in him.

"You're going to regret that." Sam growled as he grabbed Jeremy by the shirt and shifted their positions so that now Jeremy was the one shoved up against the car. I could Sam was angry and getting ready to shift and I didn't know how to stop it. Sam pulled back his fist ready to land a punch when the car they were using for their wrestling mat made a clunking noise. The noise made Sam pause but then he pulled his fist back again but before he could make contact with Jeremy's face the car once again made a clunking noise then started spewing hot steam. They stood there for a couple seconds before they realized the steam was burning them. They both took off running into the woods towards the creek to soothe their burned skin, forgetting all about me thankfully.

I turned around when I heard a truck pull up behind me, Troy leaned out the driver side window and smiled. "Going my way?"

I smiled and walked around to the passenger seat, as I crawled in I gestured to the car that had magically stopped spewing and then to the woods were they guys had taken off too. "Is it safe to assume that you had something to do with that?"

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