Part 41

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"We are?" I looked at him surprised.

"I hope you will forgive me and Renee, but I had her fib to you a little bit. I wanted to surprise you with this." He gave me a sheepish smile and I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"This is perfect, and you both are forgiven." I couldn't believe he had planned this for us. "Wait, whose boat is this?"

He looked at me with a playful grin, "Did you forget who my father is? The King of the Pacific has many boats and other water toys at his disposal." I laughed as we made our way to the back of the boat. As we came around the corner I saw that there was a table set up for two under the lights.

"May I escort you to your table sir, madam?" I jumped as a man stepped out of one of the doors of the boat.

"Thank you James, I'm not sure what is available but I would like the best table in the house if I may." Troy put his hand on my lower back as we followed James to the only table on the boat, I kept my giggle to myself at the silliness of it.

James pulled out my chair for me as I sat down, "May I get you both something to drink?"

"I'll have strawberry lemonade, Annie?" Troy nodded at me.

"Water, please." I smiled politely at James.

"Very good, I will have that for you shortly. Sir the Captain has informed me that we will be leaving the harbor shortly."

"Thank you James." Troy told him as he bowed and disappeared back into the boat.

"We aren't staying in the harbor?" I asked Troy.

"Nope." He replied as he unfolded his napkin into his lap.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I reached for my napkin to do the same.

"Nope." He gave me a mischievous grin. "I will tell you this though, we will be far enough away from land that no one from your pack and the humans that no one will see us. So we don't have to hide." He reached across the table to squeeze my hand. I was both excited and terrified. Excited to finally be alone with my mate and not have to worry about my father finding out; and terrified because I had a feeling we would be out in the middle of the ocean and I did not know how to swim well. I know Troy would never let me drown but my over imaginative brain still had a little field day with the thought.

"Here are your drinks, and I will have your dinners for you shortly. Sir, the captain would like to inform you that we are on course and should be there as scheduled." James set our drinks down and returned inside the boat. I looked around us and noticed that we were in fact moving, the yacht sailed so smoothly you could barely feel it moving thru the water.

"The captain is a Mer so he is very good at commanding a ship and making the trip smooth." Troy told me as he sipped on his lemonade.

"Being able to control the water probably helps with that." I retorted making him laugh.

"Yes it does indeed." He set his glass down. "So, since this is our first official date shall we start with the normal questions? What is your favorite color?"

I let out a small laugh, "I think we moved past the first date phase on day one, the mate bond tends to do that."

"Okay true," He chuckled. "Play along with me, I've never been on a date before and I would like to do this properly."

I then realized why my mom had been so teary eyed that I was going to my "first party", Renee must have clued her in on what was actually happening tonight. This was my first date too.

"Turquoise. And yours?" I replied.

"Well it used to be blue, but I've grown rather fond of the color grey recently." He winked at me as he raised his glass to take a drink. I felt a blush come to my cheeks, his new favorite color was grey like the color of my eyes. "But you are cheating, you can't ask the same question I did. You know the rules young lady."

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