Part 2

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David isn't completely wrong, most mornings I'm not looking to hot when I wake up. I look like death most days if we are being completely honest. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly, but I'm definitely not turning heads either. Lumpy where I should be flat, flat where I should be curvy is how I would describe my body, stringy brown hair and dull grey eyes are what finish the look off on my 5'6" frame. It's no wonder Jeremy only sees me as a friend I thought rolling my eyes. As I stare into my closet trying to find something to wear for the day, why is it that females can have a closet full of clothes yet have the hardest time finding something to wear? Things either don't look right, are old, or you wore it yesterday. Guys seriously have it so easy.

I jump as my bedroom door is once again slammed open this morning, "You're seriously not dressed yet?! COME ON!!! We are going to be late! And it's your last day as a single woman! Let's get up and moving! Honestly Annie, I can't believe you wouldn't get up early today and actually get a head start. What would you do without me in your life?" Renee started rambling as she walked into my room and all I could do was smile. Renee Lawrence was hands the best person you could ever have in your life, and I was lucky enough to have her as my best friend. We have been friends since day one, granted considering my mom and Renee's mom Dawn are best friends I don't think we would have had any choice in the matter even if we hated each other. We are exactly nine months apart, me being the oldest. We have been by each other's side since day one, we know everything there is to know about the other one, even things we don't realize about ourselves. She's my sister from another mister as she likes to say. We may act like sisters but we definitely do not look like sisters. Renee is a bombshell. She's taller than me by a few inches, has long wavy auburn hair, gorgeous green eyes, and curves for days. She doesn't know it but she's every werewolf and human guys wet fantasy. Renee isn't one of those girls that is gorgeous and knows it.

"Don't you ever knock?" I asked her.

"Nope. I'm not like you whose been scarred for life, so until then I shall fling open all doors." She told me and I shuddered at the memory. Renee and I have always walked in and out of each other's homes like they are our own, well we used to until one day I opened a door and found Renee's sister and her sisters mate doing things that virgin eyes should not have to see. I now always knock on doors, especially when I am over at Renee's.

"Hey at least I'm up!" Did I mention I hate mornings? "I don't understand why you're always in a hurry to get to school. You hate school!"

Renee has already taken control over my closet and is throwing clothes at me over her shoulder. "School is a necessary evil yes, but what else would we do all day? Chores? Train? No thank you. I will suffer thru a day at school with my friends than home cleaning or out running drills." Unlike me, Renee is a social butterfly and thrives on being around other people. I would much rather stay inside curled up with a book or out running any day.

"There, this is the perfect outfit for you to wear on your last day being single. You need to go out with a bang, show all those guys what they have been missing out on all this time." Renee says as she plops down at my vanity and starts rummaging thru my makeup. I look down at the clothes she has tossed at me, or should I say lack of!

"Renee I can't wear this! Especially not to school! I would get detention for sure, AND sent home to change." My loving, yet sometimes over the top bestie had thrown me cut off shorts that barely covered my rear end and a deep v-neck crop top that showed a good chunk of my stomach and would have showed cleavage for days if I had any. I only had the outfit because I had been Daisy Duke last year for Halloween, I also had worn flesh colored leggings and a tank top under the outfit so I would be covered. I'm not a nun but I don't have the body or confidence to pull this outfit off.

"Oh Annie, you're no fun. Come on, it's you last day to have fun as a single woman! Tomorrow you'll have a ball and chain tying you down. You won't want to hang out or do anything fun after tomorrow." Giving me her best puppy dog face. That's when it dawned on me, she's scared that once I find my mate I won't want anything to do with her. Since Renee is younger than me so she still have nine months before she will be able to find her mate. I think in her mind that after tomorrow she will have nine long lonely months without her best friend because I will be too involved with my new mate.

"Renee, I'm not going to replace you with my mate, you know that right?" I get up and sit beside her at the vanity. "A mate can't be what you are too me, I wouldn't want a mate that's my sister from another mister! And a mate can't tell me how I have no fashion sense, or tell me that we both need to go on diets yet shows up the next day with tacos. You're my taco supplier, I could never cut that off!" I nudged her as we both laughed. "Besides, we don't even know if I will find my mate tomorrow, who knows, I could end up being an old maid."

"Your already have a ball and chain waiting for you." She says with a smirk. "Sam has already proclaimed to anyone that will listen that you are his mate."

"Ugh do not remind me! My dad and him have this weird bromance thing going on, it's a good thing Mom is mated with dad otherwise Sam may give her a run for her money." I said as we both dissolved into laughter at the thought of my mom competing with Sam for my dad's heart.

"Annie I know you've been in love with Jeremy since like, ever. But would being mated to Sam be that awful? I mean I know he's arrogant and what not but maybe he wouldn't be so bad as a mate." I gave Renee a look. "Okay okay, not another word about it then."

Renee and I agree on ninety eight percent of things, the Jeremy and Sam thing is one place we disagree. Renee knows how I feel about Jeremy but she thinks Sam would be a better suited mate for me. Why you may ask? In her words, "Sam is H-O-T, hot! Jeremy isn't bad... I just feel like he's boring!" which usually earns her an eye roll. Looks aren't that important to me, okay that's a lie. I want to be attracted to someone physically but he doesn't need to be the hottest person in the room. I want someone that's into more than his looks, I want someone who is smart and funny too.

"Annie, what if your mate isn't either one of them? Have you thought about that?" Renee asked me.

I had thought about it and honestly the thought terrified me. What if my mate was a complete stranger or someone not from my pack or a human?

"I try not to think about it, I just keep telling myself is Jeremy." I whispered quietly. Renee nodded and gave me a quick hug officially dropping the subject.

"Now, what are we going to do about this hair of yours?"

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