Part 14

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I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as we walked to Eddies SUV, Sam was not my mate! It doesn't mean I won't be strongly encouraged to mate with him if I do not find mine or if mine isn't considered "suitable", but he's not our true mate. That was the best news I could have received, to know that I was not meant to be with Sam. As we all climbed into Eddie's vehicle I leaned over to whisper to Renee, "Sam isn't my mate, Nan said there was no bond when she reached out to his wolf."

Renee let out a squeal making everyone in the vehicle turn and look at us. "Sam isn't Annie's mate!" She squealed again after her announcement, her squeal was met with three other high pitched squeals that had Eddie covering his ears. I smiled because I was used to the noise.

"Annie that is just perfect! We are so happy for you!" Scarlet reached over the back seat to give my shoulder a squeeze.

"Step on it babe, let's get our future Luna to her mate." Lily said to Eddie who took her seriously and floored it.

I watched out the window as the trees and landscape went by, a sense of ease and happiness coming over me. Nothing was going to ruin this night. While the others chatted Renee leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I have a surprise for you."

I looked at her mischievous grin and gave her a questioning look.

"I told Jeremy you wanted to walk in with all of your friends and I've arranged for him to meet us outside the pavilion. Now Jeremy's eyes will be the first that you see and you can fall in love without everyone's eyes on you. Well, more in love with him than you are already. Sneaky sneaky right?" Renee sat back smiling, all proud of herself. I had to admit I was pretty proud of her to, she came thru for me tonight like she said she would.

I reached over and squeezed her hand in a silent thank you and counted down the minutes till we got there. It was about a ten minute drive from our house to the Pavilion. The Pavilion Hall was the meeting place for our pack, everything of importance was held here. Funerals, birthdays, parties, emergencies, anything you can think of, it's held here. We don't have a pack house like most packs do, so the Pavilion is the meeting place. It stands in the middle of our land and then all of our houses surround it close enough that we could shift and run here in case of emergencies.

It seemed like it took forever when we finally pulled up the Pavilion. I could feel my nervousness start to grow, because standing right outside the front door with his back to us is Jeremy. It was now or never, as nervous as I was I forced myself out of the vehicle and started up the sidewalk to him.

"Uh, Annie" Nan said to me hesitantly.

"Don't say anything Nan, I want it to be a surprise." I told her quickly, she was probably nervous about meeting our mate for the first time.

"But Annie there's something-" Nan was trying desperately to get my attention.

"Nan, not now!" I snapped and blocked her out, I had finally reached Jeremy. I reached out and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to me smiling. I stared at his smile for a second before I looked into his eyes. It took me a few seconds of smiling like an idiot to realize something, when I had looked into his eyes there had be nothing. Nothing! I didn't feel the spark, I didn't feel the bond. Everyone didn't disappear, there weren't fireworks. My world stopped but not for a good reason Jeremy wasn't my mate. My world came crashing down. After all these years pining over him, and praying to the goddess that he would be my mate but he would never see me as more than a friend. I would be nothing to him. Nothing. What happens when he does find his mate? I wouldn't even exist that's what! How? How is this possible? Why would the moon goddess do this to me? I thought it was a sign earlier tonight when I found out Sam wasn't my mate, I was so wrong.

"I tried to warn you..... I'm sorry Annie." Nan whimpered to me, upset because she could feel my sadness and probably because I hadn't listened to her.

"I should have listened to you." Nan knew I was devastated because she didn't even give a sarcastic response.

"Hey short cake! Wow, you look great! Are you ready to get this show on the road?" Jeremy gave me a friendly punch to the shoulder and I tried to reign in the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Uh, yeah. Can you just give me a minute? Then we can all go in." I gave him what I hoped was a real smile and not a sad one. I turned to look at Renee and shook my head slightly, she knew what it meant and didn't need any explanation.

"Annie lets go to the restroom real quick, I want to fix a piece of your hair quick. You all go in and tell everyone we will be there shortly," Renee dragged me into the Pavilion and to the bathroom before I burst into tears.

"Renee it's not Jeremy, how can it not be Jeremy?!" I blurted out as soon as we walked into the bathroom.

"Annie I need-" Nan tried to interrupt my blubbering.

"I don't know, I really don't. And I am so sorry, your heart must be breaking." Renee interrupted Nan this time, holding my tightly as I sobbed. She was right, I felt like my heart had been shattered. After years of just being a buddy to Jeremy I thought for sure tonight was the night that he would finally see me differently, see me as his mate. I couldn't have been more wrong.

"It's really important Annie, please liste-" Nan begged but was once again cut off by Renee.

"Your mate could still be out there waiting for you. We could walk in there and BAM! Instant love story! You won't even remember who Jeremy is!" Renee told me encouragingly. She's wasn't wrong, when we find out mates, all heart ache, all past lovers fade away in our minds. They become the only person that means anything in our lives. We don't forget our pasts but the pain of past heartache goes away. Not instantly of course, but pretty close.

Renee stood up and reached her hand out to me. "You already know your mate isn't Sam which is the best news so far today. Our pack is full of great guys that you haven't even met yet, one of them is your mate and they are perfect for you!"

She was right again, there were over 300 members to our pack. With my father being the Alpha I have met all of them, but I don't know them well enough to know them as a person. My mate was out there waiting for me and here I was crying over another guy. My mate was out there in the hall and he will be perfect. He will even be better than Jeremy because he would be mine.

"You're right. Help me fix my makeup, then let's get out there and meet my mate!" I said as I stood up.

"That's my girl." Renee grabbed me into a hug then pushed me away. "You seriously did a number on your mascara, it's a good thing I pay attention when my mom does peoples makeup or I wouldn't be able to fix this mess."

"Who do you think your mate is Renee?" I asked her as she fixed my makeup. Renee wasn't shy when it came to guys, but I can't remember a time when she ever talked about one boy in particular.

Renee's face scrunched up at my question. "I don't know honestly, I've talked to a lot of guys over the years but none of them kept my attention. I still have awhile before I can even find him so maybe that's why I haven't felt anything towards anyone. And no offense but you always thought your mate was Jeremy and you were wrong so why should I get my hopes up? We will just end up right back here except I'll be the one crying my eyes out." I didn't respond, I understood what she was saying. I had focused so much on Jeremy being my mate that I had ultimately broken my own heart.

"There, back to perfection." Renee said as she dabbed on one last layer of lipstick. I noticed it was a different brand than what her mom had put on me even though the shades were similar. Renee noticed me staring at the lipstick and shrugged, "This stuff will not come off, perfect for all the smooching you're going to be doing later." She said wiggling her eye brows. Leave it to Renee to think along those lines.

I laughed at my best friend and hugged her. "Thank you for everything. You are the best friend a girl could ask for." Renee waved me off and feigned embarrassment but I know she loves hearing me tell her that.

"Let's go find out who the lucky guy is to have you as his mate." Renee said as she linked arms with me and guided us out of the bathroom and to the hall. I had been so busy crying and then pep talking with Renee that I hadn't noticed Nan had gone quiet.

The Unexpected MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon