Forty Four

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my mouth dropped and I turned to Tristan who was just laughing.

"You being serious breh?" Tristan said before crouching down in laughter

"Dead serious." I felt hot tears roll down my face.

"Why would you do this Malakai?" I asked while Nahla opened her arms up to me. I ignored her and she started crying. 

Tristan walked around me and picked her up and she immediately stopped. 

The door opened and Hayden walked in looking confused.

"Oh my bad; thought it was the toilet. You gotta real big house Rocky!" Hayden said while looking around. "So guys..what's up?" He asked looking at the awkward situation.

"How does it feel to have all your ex's in one room?" Malakai said with a smirk. Just then Wesley walked in and I groaned.

I opened up the box and took out the contents wearing a glove. I read it over, before turning to Wesley and Hayden.

"Could you please wait outside?" I said. They nodded and left. 

I looked at Tristan holding Nahla and smiled. 

"Stop stalling." I handed over the cotton buds to each of them.

"Ok well you gotta swab your mouths and put it into this tub." I handed them each a tub. "And then I have to..uhm do Nahla's twice and put one in each of yours with this." I said pointing to some bottle with a chemical init. "and whichever swab changes colour after an hour is the father." I said slowly. We sorted everything out and I placed it carefully in the fridge.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NAHLA & DAMIEN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" everyone sang. I held both of their hands on the knife and helped them cut the cake.

Everyone cheered. I turned to the dj and nodded. He started off the music and picked up the cake taking it to slice it up.

As I entered the kitchen I bumped into Malakai making the cake jump out of my hands. I caught it before kissing my teeth.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked

"Oh nothing, nothing. Just going to go call Tristan then" he said before rushing out 

I shrugged and placed the cake on the table before slicing it up.

The door reopened and in walked Tristan with Nahla, she loved him so much already.

"Mommy" I picked her up. "Tristan take it out please" I said referring to the test.

He did as I said and I read it.

I looked back and forth from Tristan and Malakai

"Well Nahla's father is.."

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