Sixteen - PART TWO. ©

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Part Two.

Months later

“So when you due?”  Tamera asked while helping me decorate the part of my room that we had painted pink.

“Uhm, a month and a bit. Or is it two months? Same thing really” I shrugged as she laughed.

Tamera was the only friend that’s actually female that I made from school.

“You excited? Cos I am. I can’t wait to hold, little Janae. I still think you should name her Tamera or Tamara or something like that. It’s close enough.” I laughed. Ramel and Tamera had gone with me to my 3rd scan a month ago and found out that I was having a girl.

“I like the name Janae, don’t you?” I said while sitting down in front of my mirror and combing my hair down. I had dyed it.

“It’s a beautiful name. But what does the daddy think about the name?”  Tamera asked while jumping on my bed.

“Ooh…uhm he loves the name and stuff. He thinks it’s lovely.” I lied. I hadn’t even thought about Wesley in over 5 months.

“You sure? When am I going to meet this mystery guy?” She asked

“You aint. He lives back in Brooklyn.” I looked down.  I still don’t know even know if he’s alive or dead. “Speaking of Brooklyn, I’m gonna have to go back soon, have to see my pops and stuff.”

“And mystery guy.”

“Yeah and him.” I sighed.

“Have you spoken to Malakai?” Tamera asked with a grin on her face.

“Aint spoken to him in FOREVER you know…why?” I asked while looking at her.

“Well…you know I like him…I’ve liked him for like a year now. Before you join the school. But he just aint seemed to recognize me yet…and I don’t understand why.” Tamera said

“Wha...what? You like Malakai?” I don’t understand why but her saying that she liked him...hurt? I felt envy.

“Nah, I’m joking! I like Ramel…I really like Ramel. He’s sexy and his personality is great. You should have seen your face. I knew you liked Malakai.” I took a sigh of relief.

“You like Ramel?” I questioned.

“Yup! And you love you some Malakai.” Tamera said with a smirk on her face. I laughed.

“I aint even going to try deny it…I do like Malakai. And I thought I liked Hayden but I don’t think I do”

“Well Hayden’s a prick. A very sexy prick. He’s got a nice personality and everything…and an extremely nice face. But everyone knows that Hayden’s the type of person that hates not getting what he wants. I personally think that maybe he weren’t raised properly or something, but then again that’s just my opinion. He’s a road man though. Swear down apparently he has bi-polar. Once you actually get to know him though he’s very nice. But Malakai’s much better.” I just nodded.

“I know for a fact that he was raised properly cos his parents are amazing. But him personally…he’s got problems. Now Malakai, I’ve always known he was a keeper and I really do like him. He’s such a nice person, and he’s actually so SEXY! His eyes, his lips and his beautiful hair… argh. I really do wish he was my baby daddy. I really do like him…ooh” I said as Tamera laughed.

“Don’t we all.”

Just then the door opened.

“I like you too Rockelle…Tamera can I just talk to Rocky alone?” Malakai said as he stood by the door. My face dropped.

“Oh dang.” I said while laughing.

“Well if Ramel’s here. I’m more than happy to leave.” She got up and left.

“Can I sit down?” I nodded and he sat down beside me.

“So Miss Rocky likes Mr. Clarke yeah?” I laughed.

“Oh shut up. Maybe I do.” I laughed and looked down before fiddling with the charm bracelet he got me. “How much did you hear from that conversation?” 

“Enough...” He said while lying down.

“How much Mally?” I asked.

“He’s so SEXY! His eyes, his lips, his beautiful hair. Baby daddy Oooooh.” He mimicked me.

“I don’t sound like that you dick!” I slapped his head

“But you want to taste some.”  Malakai winked at me.

“Err, stop. So how you doing? Where’d you just come from?” I asked.

“Hospital, I was going to go Hayden’s but…we aint talking.” Malakai said while looking at my bump

“WHAT why? What happened?”

“Nothing…check up on my lungs. Long story…and I wanted to come check on you. How was the scan? Boy or girl?” He asked looking happy


“You’re having a girl?” He looked even more excited

“We’re having a girl.” I said while holding his hands.

“Well, what does this mean?”

“Well I really like you Malakai…your choice I guess.” I smiled at him.

“It is my choice aint it. Well Rockelle do you wanna float my boat?” 

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